living on the cheap

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Aug 25, 2011
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Hi all,<br><br>I'm from Central California, I have a lightweight 14' fiberglass trailer (make: Burro), travel solo... and it eats my lunch to have to pay the same for an RV space as some 40' palace on wheels. I never use any of the amenities that I have paid for (excepting showers or laudramats which are usually a few dollars more anyway) . So I am looking for places and ways to dry camp, boondock, disperse.. etc. <br><br>I have no problem&nbsp;pulling up wherever I see truckers (and no, I won't take their spots if I can help it!) but at other places, it's nice to be able to unhook so I can use my vehicle. Yet I can't afford to pay $30 on up for these places.<br><br>So I am&nbsp;here&nbsp;to get some ideas <br><br><br>
<font size="3"><font face="Courier">Welcome! Very cool rig<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br><br>-Tuckerbag<br><br></font></font>
<P>My wife and I are from Fresno area. Spent time up beyond Shaver Lake and met with Bob (site founder) several times a few weeks ago. &nbsp;Lots of places to boondock up in that area and further up near Edison Lake (see A guy, a dog, a rig, a dream). All the fairly remote places I took our van, could have pulled a rig like yours. Must come back to the Valley for decent prices for resupply, though.&nbsp;We are now in Portland, OR area, so if you head this way&nbsp; we can offer a few suggestions for I-5 and around this area. </P>
Welcome and I love the rig!<div><br></div><div>Is that bar thing in the first pic the awning?&nbsp;</div>
thanks all for the welcome... and the links, and ideas for stealth camping... the less money I can shell out to RV parks means better grub I can shell into my mouth lol (which is worth a lot more to me!)<br><br>yes that (was) the awning... I lost most of it on the highway, so I took the rest of&nbsp;it off. Am planning to figure out some other concept, I've seen some good awnings made by ARB... <br><br>I have never taken my rig up to Edison Lake, but I have backpacked up there many times over the years.. Edison, Florence Lake area... I need to get back up there this time with my Burro... <br><br>hmmm a guy, a dog, a rig a dream... will check it out... <br>... sounds just like my pattern of thought...<br>

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