Lets share RTR

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La Tortuga

Well-known member
Jul 11, 2017
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Let's share some of our experences at the RTR with some of those who can't be here.  It doesn't need to be long and involved, but I was taught it's good to share.  Here is my small contribution.

"The first night of RTR:

I walk through the darkness of the desert night with several hrs to spare before the moon would bring back the light. I walk, two hrs late, to the group bonfire. When I arrive the crowds are gone and I bask in the radince of the remaining coals and old souls aglow in the firelight."
Most of us (or I guess I should just speak for myself) are not so eloquent in our speech like you are.  What you wrote is beautiful, but what I would write would be more like:
I got to the bonfire late...missed everyone...:(.  Now it's just me and a dying fire.  Hope I can find my way back!  lol
Thanks Tresa33!  Thats the great thing about the RTR.  We all see things differently.  Thank you for sharing your perspecive.  Descriptions of the event from many perspetives will help paint a much more rich picture of the event for our tribe members who were not able to attend!

PS:  When I arrived the crown had gone but there remained about 30 people (Old Souls) still lingering (Glowing) around the coals.  We had some great conversations!  Thanks to all that were there!
Yah! SHARESHARESHARE! I SO wanted to go this year, but circumstances didn't allow. So I am loving living vicariously through everyone's posts ... U2OOB vids and the like. "Please sir, may I have some more" :)
Hello everyone! 

My wife and I arrived yesterday and found a nice place to hide out :p

We're a little disoriented as we can't figure out where to meet anyone or do anything? This morning started great with a failed thermocouple in our oven, a quick fix, and pizza! 

So we'd love to hangout with anyone. We're the white F-150 dragging a 35' Premier trailer. 

Happy camping!
It's 11:38 pm and I hear native drums off in the distance.
The natives are still restless.
The problem is the native has only learned one drum pattern.
If you want to meet people, just come to the message area, main campfire,  or free pile. Or just walk around! The people are awesome and so is the weather.
I am in the main camp not the music camp tonight. I hear very loud music with a live singer who is a screaming bad singer. The RTR has turned into a really bad music festival. Last year all we heard was some acoustic music around the campfire. This has got way to big. Anyone else agree with me. I just hope the loud music stops after 10:00pm.
Tomcor said:
I am in the main camp not the music camp tonight. I hear very loud music with a live singer who is a screaming bad singer. The RTR has turned into a really bad music festival. Last year all we heard was some acoustic music around the campfire. This has got way to big. Anyone else agree with me. I just hope the loud music stops after 10:00pm.

Last year: Some dude strummed on an acoustic guitar, people complained, called for a divided music camp.

This year: We set up a music camp, and people play music!
RTR-beautiful group of people,friendly,and wave at you with a smile.This is one adventure I never forget.Living very simply, no stress,quiet, sky full of stars at night,warm ,sunny weather during the day,I feel very safe.Leaving tomorrow to Alberta as I still work as Emergency RN.My work is exciting but stressful,so being here is such a bonus and ,such an honor meeting a group of wonderful people.The meeting is full of information/ideas.Well organized. Thank you all and thank you Bob for being such a good leader.
TMG51 said:
Last year: Some dude strummed on an acoustic guitar, people complained, called for a divided music camp.

This year: We set up a music camp, and people play music!

I get it!  The loud and obnoxious can always find a way to anoy those who come to the desert to enjoy some peace an quiet.  I admire your persistence.
La tortuga, you can park very far away and drive in during the day. I'm ten miles out and it's working fine for me. There is also much to see out in the desert and I've taken some trips to see some old mines, Petroglyphs, and driven into the canyons. There is a lot to see around Quartzsite and I hope some of you get a chance to get out and explore while you are here.

Pics I took yesterday



Thank you Cammalu.  I spend a lot of time in the area and enjoy seeing the sights then.  For the 10 days of the RTR I want to take the opportunity to meet other nomads.  Some more than others.  I guess, like in all things, you have to take the good with the bad, but overall the event has been great!
Found the perfect spot for an introvert; just a gentle 20 min walk to the seminar area.
This is my view from the Mindful Camp looking North into a wash.


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