I grew up at the NJ shore. I was and am no criminal, but cops were my enemy. It seemed like they were not there to serve and protect, but to harass and fine and to ruin lives. The full blown harassment and the total arrogance of authority filled me with an incalculable rage at the whole system.<br><br>My one run with the court system had me watching the officer just out and out lie and fabricate and my skumbag lawyer just chewed him up and the judge threw out the case and a few years later this liar became chief of police. But still, it was an expensive and stressful event that served no purpose other than to enrich the lawyers and fill me with hatred at the whole corrupt system.<br><br>Soon after I left NJ for good and returned briefly once or twice as a Van dweller with out of state tags and managed to not get harassed too badly, but I was followed often, and was asked numerous times to let them search my Van, and denied permission several times, despite having nothing to hide. They searched me anyway, and I was in genuine fear they would plant something and so overwhelmingly angry.<br><br>My privacy was violated and I was made to feel like an absolute worthless piece of Shite, and every time I saw a black and white I was filled with dread and fear, and this is still my reaction ever since.<br><br>Out here in California, I've had no issues with the police, van dwelling or driving. One ticket for a right on Red by a douchebag of a motorcycle cop and out of state tags but nothing that instilled in me a deep dark hatred of authority figures which east coast cops did. I don't mind their presence as one of my biggest fears is having my Van stolen or items inside stolen.<br><br>I was so used to being stared hard at, and followed on the east coast, that I now am always slightly amused at my reactions now when I see a cop, and they ignore me completely. I haven't had to urban boondock much in the last several years, but when the knock has happened, nothing came of it, but a "don't make a habit of it."<br><br>Most recently my parking spot lord asked me to drive him to the emergency room late at night as he was in a lot of pain passing a kidney stone. There was some sort of ManHunt going on with a bunch of roadblocks set up and helicopters circling, and I was driving his car. A cop asked to search the trunk. Glad my parking spot lord was carrying nothing other than golf clubs, but I wonder what would have happened if I said no. My query as to what/who they were looking for and what happened was unanswered and I was never able to find out what all the massive police presence was all about.<br><br>Unfortunately, the vehicles which allow our lifestyle will always be suspect, and as these scumbags seeking to do us harm get more brazen, we are more likely to encounter suspicion and treated as undesirables despite the fact the 99.99% of us just want to sleep in peace and be left alone while the rest of society chases that dangled carrot known as the American Dream<br><br><br>