Leaky roof
Well-known member
Remember my build brief?
My platform is my shelter and my transport. Everything else must happen outside, unless mother- nature is throwing her toys at me.... Then I need to make a plan... So that includes personal hygiene and going to the toilet.
Two weekends past, I did a shakedown of my plan as a shelter, in reasonably cold weather, (-4 Deg c) but in an established campground,
So that was shelter / cooking / bicycling for the most part sorted, but toileting & showering was not part of those trials.
But I was not too concerned, as I’ve been solo camping for many years, and much of my gear / ideas / concepts where tried and tested with my previous 4x4 a Defender, (A pre- test if you will) so I kinda had to just make sure it all blended together, and with a bit of adjustment, using the same ideas........... It all works
So this weekend that’s exactly what I did..... I made sure that personal hygiene & toileting are fine.
I have two systems. The submersible 12v pump & hand held shower head which I mostly use when I’m static camping, and the solar bag when I’m out for a trip / short stay.
Fact is, both work very well.
However, I’ve been left dry once before, because the pump rusted up inside, because I did not clear the water out when I stowed it, so I hauled out the bag..... (I'm more than happy to post about my 12v system, if anybody wants, just ask)
I prefer the solar bag, from my 65L roof top water tank, I tap +- 6L (1 ½ kettle) cold water in, then 4L boiled water & that gives me a nice hot shower.
But BOB, quite correctly points out, that lifting 10+ Kg up onto a hook above your head.... well, can you do that? So here is my trick.
I use the mechanical advantage of a pulley, which (for all intense and purposes) halves the weight.
Also by hooking the anchor hook at different places the bag hangs low or high. When low I get to the fiddly bits,and when high I do my head.
Shaving and brushing teeth is done in a cheap smallish round basin, saves water.
The pulley is attached to a gantry that I welded up out of a couple of pieces of scrap square bar, and that slots into a bracket that’s made from slightly bigger square bar, fastened to the side of my roof rack. A pull-out frame completes the shower by throwing 3 pieces of 100 % shade-net over the top
Then it’s no problem at all.... I think Pictures will best show what I’m doing....
Stowage on the roof rack, in that funny shaped bag, and yes that's a vice up there as well, which fits into my reciever... I'll go into that sometime.

The gantry with the pully attached

Gantry assembled into bracket bolted to the side of the roof-rack

Bag hooked onto rope on the ground, (don't have elevate a heavy bag)

Bag at half height for fiddly bits - see pull out churtain rail

Bag high to wash my top stuff
Something to stand on.. (I also put on a pair of cheap flip-flops)

The whole set up (no curtain to show pictures)

My shower in the field (This gantries previous version)

My 12v submersable punp system, where I use a collapsing bucket

Remember my build brief?
My platform is my shelter and my transport. Everything else must happen outside, unless mother- nature is throwing her toys at me.... Then I need to make a plan... So that includes personal hygiene and going to the toilet.
Two weekends past, I did a shakedown of my plan as a shelter, in reasonably cold weather, (-4 Deg c) but in an established campground,
So that was shelter / cooking / bicycling for the most part sorted, but toileting & showering was not part of those trials.
But I was not too concerned, as I’ve been solo camping for many years, and much of my gear / ideas / concepts where tried and tested with my previous 4x4 a Defender, (A pre- test if you will) so I kinda had to just make sure it all blended together, and with a bit of adjustment, using the same ideas........... It all works
So this weekend that’s exactly what I did..... I made sure that personal hygiene & toileting are fine.
I have two systems. The submersible 12v pump & hand held shower head which I mostly use when I’m static camping, and the solar bag when I’m out for a trip / short stay.
Fact is, both work very well.
However, I’ve been left dry once before, because the pump rusted up inside, because I did not clear the water out when I stowed it, so I hauled out the bag..... (I'm more than happy to post about my 12v system, if anybody wants, just ask)
I prefer the solar bag, from my 65L roof top water tank, I tap +- 6L (1 ½ kettle) cold water in, then 4L boiled water & that gives me a nice hot shower.
But BOB, quite correctly points out, that lifting 10+ Kg up onto a hook above your head.... well, can you do that? So here is my trick.
I use the mechanical advantage of a pulley, which (for all intense and purposes) halves the weight.
Also by hooking the anchor hook at different places the bag hangs low or high. When low I get to the fiddly bits,and when high I do my head.
Shaving and brushing teeth is done in a cheap smallish round basin, saves water.
The pulley is attached to a gantry that I welded up out of a couple of pieces of scrap square bar, and that slots into a bracket that’s made from slightly bigger square bar, fastened to the side of my roof rack. A pull-out frame completes the shower by throwing 3 pieces of 100 % shade-net over the top
Then it’s no problem at all.... I think Pictures will best show what I’m doing....
Stowage on the roof rack, in that funny shaped bag, and yes that's a vice up there as well, which fits into my reciever... I'll go into that sometime.

The gantry with the pully attached

Gantry assembled into bracket bolted to the side of the roof-rack

Bag hooked onto rope on the ground, (don't have elevate a heavy bag)

Bag at half height for fiddly bits - see pull out churtain rail

Bag high to wash my top stuff

Something to stand on.. (I also put on a pair of cheap flip-flops)

The whole set up (no curtain to show pictures)

My shower in the field (This gantries previous version)

My 12v submersable punp system, where I use a collapsing bucket

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