Just Want To Thank Bob For This Movement

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Well-known member
May 15, 2017
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...because that's really what it is.
He's not about virtue signaling.  I abhor virtue-signalers.  He really reached out his mentoring hand to those who either longed for extrication from modern slavery, or who were literally homeless.  I watched my dad drag his sad behind to work while in high school I remember him aging so rapidly.  Then his company hit financial stress and he was offered early retirement at age 55.  He passed away at age 65.  The intervening years were the happiest of his life I would say, though we certainly did not have money, we remember experiences, not things.  I go look at a thrift store filled with all the items I coveted and envied back then (what was I thinking?)  It's all junk today.  We hiked, camped, climbed Mt. Rainier even.  Imagine if he'd not taken early retirement.  Imagine all of those low dollar cost but high value experiences that would've been missed by us all.

Some of us have money to afford and pay off a home, but most live month to month with the screeching terror that all could be lost over an error or difference at work.   Our salaries seem calculated to fit a bare minimum existence.  Other people are unfairly given advantages of wealth by heredity or the state welfare systems whereby they often have far FAR more spending capital than the working class.  But life aint fair.

I fear the state will likewise eventually seek to castrate the move away from paying odious property taxes on properties we do not own in actually.  We are indentured servants made to pay with our labors and wits for land and homes that could be tax auctioned away for pennies on the dollar, with the slightest health or other mishap.  People are realizing the consumerist dream was a nightmare.  Rents are also exorbitant, and again, one mishap the next landlord's credit check will deprive the prospective tenant of housing too.  To the state I say there are plenty of people who seek regular housing, and to please leave those who seek or who must leave that sticks and bricks paradigm...leave them be. 

If a family living in an RV in  Walmart parking lots seems so bad, wait until the state gets the bill for broken families, foster care and a lifetime of ensuing strife.  If a divorced older woman sleeps in her car, don't tap on her window, she could be your sister or mother.  Clearly there are mobile methlab and gang abusers, but leave the rest alone. 

The US has some of the most fantastic natural wonders and road systems to get there and vacant land ready for the camper.