Jogger stops cougar attack with bear spray

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well I really didn't see a cougar attacking. I saw a guy spraying a cougar. looks like a little sensationalism. highdesertranger
you run in the woods to get close to nature and when it shows up you mace it?
whats really wierd is that it was in canada,i thought lions only attack california suburbanites
I've stood face to face with a mountain lion and waited for it to decide if I lived or died. At that moment I would have given anything for bear spray so it would be my decision and not his.
If you check the whole video on YouTube the lion isn't in site by the side of the road. It definitely looks like it made a run towards him and he's darned lucky he had that spray. There were two of them and he wouldn't have had a chance
highdesertranger said:
well I really didn't see a cougar attacking.  I saw a guy spraying a cougar.  looks like a little sensationalism.  highdesertranger

If a cougar ever gets that close to me and stops to stare, I am going to spray it with bear spray and then beat it with my stick. Those things are supposed to be leery of people. If it's close enough to be sprayed, it's way too comfortable.
Poor pepper flavored kitty!   :p

An air horn would work.  (or would it?)
GotSmart said:
Poor pepper flavored kitty!   :p

An air horn would work.  (or would it?)

Works for bears, UNLESS they have decided to attack.  I would think it would work on cougars as it is (painfully) loud, angry sounding; a sound they probably haven't heard before.  A boat horn is my first line of defense when hiking.

-- Spiff
when I was in Tofino on Vancouver Island a couple of summers ago there were signs warning people of a cougar that was stalking people.