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Jeremiah Diminovich

Well-known member
Nov 24, 2017
Reaction score
Was wondering where everyone goes after the RTR is over.

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I can relate to the people that was forced into this life. in my 45 plus years I have always tried to help others and after studying a lot of different religions I noticed the all basically said the same thing.   "treat others better than you would treat yourself." Which leads me to my point. What has Humanity turned into. I have a car two service dogs and no income. So I was forced to ask others for food. never asked for money and still I was spit at, stuff thrown at me, even had one tell me to eat one of my dogs. nice Christmas spirit huh.
  Don't get me wrong out of every 50 or so heartless people there is always the one angel in the group.
    why do people take pleasure in causing others pain.

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Looking for people to chat with. To learn how they adapted to this lifestyle. Or just to kill time and swap stories.

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Jeremiah Diminovich said:
So I was forced to ask others for food. never asked for money and still I was spit at, stuff thrown at me, even had one tell me to eat one of my dogs. nice Christmas spirit huh.

I'm sorry you experienced this, Jeremiah. Sometimes it is difficult to believe our fellow human beings can be so uncompassionate.

I'm just in the research phase of my emancipation. Haven't hit the road yet but I'm plotting and scheming and doing lots of research. This is a great place to hang out and get information and maybe make a few friends. For me there are so many reasons for wanting to do this - from saving money, to itchy feet, to the need to have tons of alone time. Good luck in your journey!
Now that I'm here I'm trying to find people to chat with Aunt at talk I have a social anxiety that makes it hard to meet to just go up and meet people baby steps I guess. I have service dogs for that in my PTSD but unfortunately they have not figured out how to talk to people and introduce me at lol.

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I also want to think Mike for helping me try to figure out the tap talk I know I can be trying on people's patience but ever since my electric using sometimes it's hard for me to grass things but Mike stuck it out and it still trying to help me so thank you my friend. My hats off to you.

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I hope to see you at RTR. come by my camp with your 4 legged buddies I sure my dog would like to meet them. see you there. highdesertranger
Another beautiful sunrise here in Arizona out in ehrenberg it's crazy how ear ringing quiet it can be when you're so used to the noise pollution. I have always had to keep my dogs from barking living in town it's funny to see them not know what to do when I don't stop them from letting loose.

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Thank you that might be helpful in the future hopefully I can make it till the first of the month we'll see

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Ok. Been talking to someone that's tell me that are taking to all kinds of people out here and she still on the east coast. Are my post not get to people? I keep getting told my post are getting moved around. Starting to feel like a one man community

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Hi Jeremiah!

I love to see the pictures of your dogs enjoying their new life with you. Thanks for posting them.
As for making friends, your dogs may not talk, but they can sure break the ice, especially around other "dog people". 
I am def a dog/cat/animal person and would shout out to you if I were out there. I am on the east coast, still working and only get to camp for a couple weeks at a time.

Hang in there and keep smiling. A smile also works wonders :)
Glad you like the dogs I take a lot of pride in my pets.. its just funny that everyone I meet is on the east Coast and not in Arizona. If the electrocuted I suffered had not fried all my fibers nerves to where I could deal with the moisture the east Coast might be where I would be right now

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Jeremiah Diminovich said:
Glad you like the dogs I take a lot of pride in my pets.. its just funny that everyone I meet is on the east Coast and not in Arizona. If the electrocuted I suffered had not fried all my fibers nerves to where I could deal with the moisture the east Coast might be where I would be right now

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Can only speak for myself, but I can't wait until the day I can retire and head west to the desert. Hopefully this life style will still be viable and affordable then, I've got a couple years to wait out.
The northeast is beautiful in the summer, but cooooold now...snow falling as I type!
I get the snow I lived in Ohio Colorado New Mexico Alabama Tennessee every place that snows so I can relate the weather here says its about 48 degrees but its not cold. I was kind of forced into this because I'm disabled and can't afford to live off my SSI in an apartment like a normal human being so the Nomad life was the only choice I had left. Just having a hard time finding others to talk to on social media I don't use Facebook so it doesn't make it any easier. That and I keep having my post moved around on tap talk because I guess I keep put them in the wrong spots

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Jeremiah Diminovich said:
Another beautiful sunrise here in Arizona out in ehrenberg it's crazy how ear ringing  quiet it can be when you're so used to the noise pollution.

Our family used to have a cabin in the mountains of Montana and I remember being startled by the roar of quiet sometimes. It's incredible.
Lol a lot of people don't believe me when I tell them you had to shovel your car out of the driveway to go to the store and then shovel your car back in the driveway when you got home.

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Another beautiful morning and Arizona sorry for all the people stuck in there cubicles and there jobs or in there apartments and missing such a beautiful wonderful planet

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I was given a great idea of doing a YouTube video to show people that I'm really who I really am but unfortunately I guess my phone needs wifi to upload it so this is the best I can do for now welcome to my camp.

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