Jeremiah's Log

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Jeremiah Diminovich said:
I was given a great idea of doing a YouTube video to show people that I'm really who I really am but unfortunately I guess my phone needs wifi to upload it so this is the best I can do for now welcome to my camp.

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Here is your video of your camp.

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Hi Jeremiah.
Those are some beautiful dogs you have there. the car must be very full when you travel! All your stuff and two dogs. Kinda reminds me of the mid to late '90s. I used to be active in the high powered rocketry hobby back then and I used to take camping gear, rockets and as many as 4 of my children out to the dry lake beds to organized rocket launches in a packed mini van.

It was sure fun out there. My kids still hold the memories dear to them, it seems. The kids are all in their 30s now and quite busy with their families and lives, not much time for the old man any more. So we gotta go and do for ourselves now and make some memories that are dear to ourselves, right?

I can sure relate to living on minimal social security money. I thought I would be okay living on 1550 a month. Then the state of calif started taking out 100 for back taxes that I wasn't expecting. the feds are taking out 210 for back taxes that I was expecting. And now the treasury department has started deducting 225 a month because I got behind on VA medical co-pays while I was waiting for my SS to start. I guess I'm lucky to have the 1000 that is left, but it doesn't go far living in this sticks and bricks place.

So I'm building out my van. It's costing more than I was expecting, mostly for the small stuff like screws and odds and ends. today my jig saw crapped out. I'll have to get a new one, I hope they are on sale somewhere around here.

Anyway Jeremiah, feel free to send me a private message or correspond in this thread, whatever works for you.

I hope you and the dogs are eating ok.

Thank you be nice to have somebody to talk to and yes my dogs are doing okay I always make sure they eat before I do

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I have a Great Dane named Spottie and a red Macaw parrot named Rock. Spottie eats ALOT (poops alot too, LOL). Rock doesn't eat so much, but his food is expensive. I will only be able to bring Spottie to the RTR. I will have to find someone to feed Rock while I'm gone.
I originally wanted to get a cargo trailer to pull with my van so I could put a bird cage in it and bring both animals, but I couldn't afford it. maybe some day.

You got electrocuted pretty bad? I been electrocuted a few times myself, but obviously not as bad as you. My worst one was working at Ralf's grocery headquarters north of LA, in the early '80s. I was told to move a lighting switch that was hanging there, 1/2 inch flex down to a box with a switch in it. The electrician foreman I was working under would not let me deactivate the power. he said because there was a secretary lady working at her desk nearby. LOL the secretary got to watch me doing the 277volt dance for a bit there! freaked her out, actually. I got a few days off at the time, but the damage really didn't become evident until many years later. the electricity went through one arm, my upper back then the other arm. I think it damaged the connective tissue in my elbows, shoulders and upper spine because I have plenty of pain in those places now. Diagnosed with severe degenerative disk decease in my upper spine 10 years ago. it hurts alot right this minute!
Oh, that foreman? a month later, we were working in the basement of Security National Bank credit card center. He was on a six foot wooden ladder drilling a 5/8" hole in a floor standing switch gear with a 1/2" drill motor. The bit caught the metal at the end of the bore and went in and hit a live bus bar. I watched as it blew him across the room.
he was ok, but shook up. I kinda figured it was Karma. I determined at the time that it was better to lose a job than to do something dangerous under stupid order.
My electric you soon was in between hurricanes about 20 years ago there was not supposed to be any power going through the high voltage power lines when we try to take the tree off and elderly ladies roof the tree touch the power lines it melted my hair cut my teeth I had purple hand and feet for 6 months and a lot of internal damage they said they do not understand why did not kill me instantly

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I think it's why I camp near the high voltage power lines kind of like an arachnophobia person picking up a spider I have to get my brain used to listening to the crackel and and stuff of the electricity again but yeah I am lucky to be alive they don't know why it didn't kill me because it literally melted the transformer that the wires were attached to they said it should have literally melted me into a pile of Goo

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Wow, it is a miracle that you still live, Jeremiah. It was Jeremiah vs transformer, and transformer lost! There must be a reason? At least you are not camped underneath the power lines. Yikes for sure!

beautiful sunrise in Ehrinburgh today?
It was absolutely beautiful and peaceful I did a YouTube video of it but I'm having a hard time getting it to load up on tap talk for people to see I did one yesterday of my cam but I wanted everybody that stuck in their cars in the mornings to see what they're missing this morning

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I'm not either I think that's why I don't get to many responses because my stuff gets it putting the wrong places

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Jeremiah, you must be way in the back somewhere as I never saw your vehicle when we were out there. Try going to the main road and backtracking to where the barrel is. You need to turn left at the barrel. That's where most of the rtr waiters are

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I had to go get water today and I was way back here by the power lines but I made a new camp spot when you turn left at the barrel just before you get to that really does two really nice campers with the four wheelers and stuff on the left you can see me on the left I'm in this car right now I'm sitting by my campfire

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I have a YouTube page under Jeremiah diminovich of its that you're welcome to go look at there's over video on their of my new camp spot should give you an idea of where I'm at

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Jeremiah we moved on from Ehrenberg. Too many people driving too fast next to camper and throwing dust everywhere. My asthma couldn't stand it. We are in Quartzsite now

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I understand that's why I try to drive like 2 miles an hour to keep the dust down but I thought courtside only had like a 14 day or something like that limit were you can stay there are you going to have to move again or you going to stay there till the RT are

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We are on the LTVA

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I've heard of that but I'm not sure where its at is there a lot of people there like here

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