Interesting Articles Relating to EVs

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I agree but what happens when fuel prices go out of sight and taxes and medical costs go up to deal with the problems vehicle emissions have caused. Small nuclear weapons are soon going to be everywhere why not design safe nuclear power for vehicles since they are already so unsafe!. Odds of an accident can’t be much higher! lol!!!
Scotty (?) = from Gr8ful's post has said many things over the years I have questioned. On several different subjects, I think he was quite biased. But, perhaps I have been too supportive of EVs? So, I searched for "Are EV more dangerous than IC cars?" Try it. Maybe you will get different results. But for me, the top of my result list was > Which is a legal / injury lawyer site - and says, "One concern is related to the high-voltage battery in EVs we covered earlier. In rare and severe accidents, damage to the battery could potentially lead to a fire. While this risk is minimal, and manufacturers have safety measures in place, it’s an aspect that some may point to when discussing the potential dangers of EVs in crashes."

Another site said: "Hertz recently announced it was selling 20,000 electric cars out of its fleet, and replacing them with gasoline vehicles. One reason the company gave was that drivers kept crashing the cars...Hertz CEO Stephen Scherr noted that the costs of repairs of an electric vehicle are also much higher." This made me think that perhaps Tesla car renters were letting the cars do too much of the driving. It also occurs to me that Hertz might actually be more concerned about repair costs than safety. But maybe that is just my suspicious mind. :)

I also would point out that in the movies gasoline cars are always shown bursting into flames after crashes. I don't know how accurate that may be. But... I suspect accidents can be dangerous in any car. If I ever buy an EV, I'll just make sure to drive more carefully. I certainly won't avoid them because of this issue. I'd be willing to bet that just driving a bit slower would make up the difference. Or, maybe by then the tech will have improved enough that it really will be safer to let the car drive itself.
Tesla model 3 batteries weigh 1,060 lbs. That's a sensible sized car with good range. The Cybertruck's battery is 1,680 lbs. The Hummer battery weighs 2,800 lbs.

A tiny urban car (a heavy duty velomobile, ~500 lbs) could easily go 50 miles with a 50 lb battery.
Tesla model 3 batteries weigh 1,060 lbs. That's a sensible sized car with good range. The Cybertruck's battery is 1,680 lbs. The Hummer battery weighs 2,800 lbs.

A tiny urban car (a heavy duty velomobile, ~500 lbs) could easily go 50 miles with a 50 lb battery.
I was in New Zealand earlier this year and was amazed at how many Teslas I saw on the road.

On a side note, EV charging stations were installed on the Alaska Highway this past year and I know of a gentleman that took his Tesla up to the Arctic (Tuktoyaktuk, NWT).
Tesla model 3 batteries weigh 1,060 lbs. That's a sensible sized car with good range. The Cybertruck's battery is 1,680 lbs. The Hummer battery weighs 2,800 lbs.

A tiny urban car (a heavy duty velomobile, ~500 lbs) could easily go 50 miles with a 50 lb battery.
rruff,My battery bike with no pedals will do 50 miles! :bluetruck:
Ron,TV & movie cars blowing up are stunts & Batman & Robin aren't real either, sorry to burst your beliefs.😧
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rruff,My battery bike with no pedals will do 50 miles! :bluetruck:
Ron,TV & movie cars blowing up are stunts & Batman & Robin aren't either, sorry to burst your beliefs.😧
Yah, I kind of knew that. But please don't tell me anything about Santa Claus. I'm really hoping for good gifts next Xmas.

I do know all passenger vehicles, including EVs, sold in the U.S. must meet Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards and must undergo an extensive, long-established testing process. EV battery packs must go through additional testing. So, whatever safety concerns there might be have been addressed sufficiently for me. Much more so than the health and environmental damage that pouring smog and pollutants into the atmosphere does. So, I'll go on hoping EVs succeed in replacing IC vehicles.
Ron just keep on hoping for EVs & Santa. Keep the faith!
My last 1 ton 4WD Cummins/Dodge diesel pickup got 24mpg. I hauled 22,000+ pounds from Dayton & still beat 20mpg. No reason to carry 3000 to 4000# of dead battery weight everywhere you go loaded or not. The fuel weighed under 300# with well over 600 mile range fully loaded.
^^^My last commercial trucking run I drove a Freightliner with about the same load and got 5 or 6 MPG. No wonder they started using DEF to reduce emissions on diesels! Maybe they just wanted something to cost them more money? Lol!!!
Ron just keep on hoping for EVs & Santa. Keep the faith!
Thanks! But do you think my concerns about global warming/climate change, poor health from dirty air, and other such issues are totally fake news? Or that transportation, agriculture, etc.. contributions are without impact? Putting aside whether or not EVs can help at all.
Ron, I think your heart's in the right place & you really care which I admire but don't think we have the world's energy solution yet. I remember when in the U.S. cities such as Gary In, LA, Pittsburgh, etc, etc were so polluted but America has cleaned up it's act but when they started buying from China & now India we're making more pollution as the evolving countries are polluting way worse than we ever did & the container ships are the very worst polluters of all as they burn the dregs of diesel & put out massive pollution to get crap to Walmart & other stores so we can save a nickle. Then they haul coal across the U.S. to haul back to China so if anyone truly wants to save the earth they need to stop buying Chinese crap as I've read that 19 container ships pollute more than all the cars in the U.S. but they may have improved some. EVs may win in the end but they have a long way to go, mainly better & different batteries & I think it's going to be 10-15 years before we have a solid winner. I don't want all my eggs in the same basket aka electric as they want to ban LP, Nat gas, wood,etc. My wife's family had the 1st all electric house in Tn. It was written up in several magazines but now you couldn't afford to heat it. Back then the recommended insulation was R-11 in the ceiling & nothing in the walls. Solar & wind aren't going to be cost efficient either. They're cutting down wind turbines after only 10 years. I think modern smaller safe Nuke plants like Thorium may be the answer.
Ron, It's fine that we don't agree as long as we respect each other which we do.
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Ron, I think your heart's in the right place & you really care which I admire but don't think we have the world's energy solution yet. I remember when in the U.S. cities such as Gary In, LA, Pittsburgh, etc, etc were so polluted but America has cleaned up it's act but when they started buying from China & now India we're making more pollution as the evolving countries are polluting way worse than we ever did & the container ships are the very worst polluters of all as they burn the dregs of diesel & put out massive pollution to get crap to Walmart & other stores so we can save a nickle. Then they haul coal across the U.S. to haul back to China so if anyone truly wants to save the earth they need to stop buying Chinese crap as I've read that 19 container ships pollute more than all the cars in the U.S. but they may have improved some. EVs may win in the end but they have a long way to go, mainly better & different batteries & I think it's going to be 10-15 years before we have a solid winner. I don't want all my eggs in the same basket aka electric as they want to ban LP, Nat gas, wood,etc. My wife's family had the 1st all electric house in Tn. It was written up in several magazines but now you couldn't afford to heat it. Back then the recommended insulation was R-11 in the ceiling & nothing in the walls. Solar & wind aren't going to be cost efficient either. They're cutting down wind turbines after only 10 years. I think modern smaller safe Nuke plants like Thorium may be the answer.
Ron, It's fine that we don't agree as long as we respect each other which we do.
Gr8ful, Thanks for the thoughtful reply. As you say, it's not expected that we would always agree. I just wanted to be sure of what exactly we were disagreeing on.

As to your thoughts about global commerce... I totally agree! But making EVs in China isn't that different than making IC cars in Japan and Korea and shipping them here. And we seem to be doing more of that all the time. I do give them a small thumbs up for making them smaller than the typical US cars we keep being offered. Every extra or unnecessary ton of metal we push up and down the road is a total waste of energy. Maybe if we used less gas it would do less harm? And less shipping of produce and stuff to sit on our shelves would help too. I'd much rather pay a few cents more to local workers and produce less pollution in the process. But the Walmarts of the world might not agree.

Solar and wind are still new technologies and I think they will improve as time goes on. I would like to see more small municipal/local power generation facilities. There is no reason wind and solar power cannot be produced closer to where it is needed. Maybe owned by a local utility company instead of a global conglomerate. Nuclear still has a waste disposal problem. Coal and NatGas have serious issues as well.

But none of that should dissuade us from EV support. Your opinions may of course be different.
The Las Vegas Tech Show is slated for Oct 28-30 this year 2024. It will be interesting to see what they have come up with regarding advancements in EV's. Specifically the future of batteries.

Since I last posted in this thread a year ago + Carla mentioned e-motorway in Sweden. Which points to the story I posted about "Smart Tires" on page one. e-motorway

Since so many of our tires are "Steel Belted" I would imagine that steel belted roads could transfer electrical power from the road into the tires of a vehicle. Known as "Inductance" or Inductive Power Transfer this process could make the need of batteries that carry the workload of an EV much smaller in time. There would still be need for batteries but perhaps smaller ones as e-motorways become more common. In the case of owning a vehicle for over the road travel the Hybrid would be the best choice. For the inner city and high pollution zones, the EV would be the best choice and the e-motorway would would be best built beginning in those areas. I'm sure the "inductance" feature could be built into newer hybrids as well using "smart tires/wheels".

But having a demo road in the USA, may take until 2030 or later. I would also see these e-motorways having to have special road side signals to alert the EV driver to any issues with the road ahead of them. (should a segment of the road have lost power....much like the flags used at the racetracks for the racecar drivers) Even being built of more durable materials than blacktop in order to get the return on the investment in them.

Just a bit of Trivia, In 1893 civil engineer George Bartholomew built the first paved street in the USA in Bellefountaine, Ohio. He developed a concrete durable enough for paving a public street or road and wanted to create a demo with it. Today it is easy to take paved roads for granted. This is a photo of that very road in bellefountaine.

1 st Paved Rpoad USA.jpg
How about a new $10k gas or diesel pickup?
He lost me at "globalist hidden plan..."
Me too! LOL

It did make me visualize a large family living in a single-room building and each of them trying to "just" deal with the environment in their little part of the room. Maybe loudly criticizing each other about their bad habits and body odor? Anyway, we all live on the same globe, and as humanity increases our numbers and impact on that globe, maybe some kind of "globalist plan" is exactly what we need.
It's been done before, 150 years ago with the pioneers & is being done now in parts of the world including the U.S.
I agree but what happens when fuel prices go out of sight and taxes and medical costs go up to deal with the problems vehicle emissions have caused. Small nuclear weapons are soon going to be everywhere why not design safe nuclear power for vehicles since they are already so unsafe!. Odds of an accident can’t be much higher! lol!!!
You do know they are using depleted uranium to make bullets & lifetime batteries. Musk is working on making EV batteries with it. Google Depleted Uranium Battery


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