EVs can be charged off peak at home. Nearly all of them also have a lot of excess capacity... ie the battery has a 250 mile range, but the owner is only driving 20 miles/day. So they can sell their capacity to the power company during the day to even out demand, and charge them back up at night.
Yup, I violently agree with you here. You just described part of the smart power network with distributed storage we need. Of course network would have to be much smarter than the one we have now: run the counter bacward when "selling" electricity back - and for what price? How much I want to charge utilities for discharging my EV battery, which decreases its life, and puts me at the risk that when I jump into my car, my battery is not full?
Another problem is, this could work for owners of detached homes with a garage or at least a private driveway, but significant population lives in condos and/or parks on the street. I did noticed an extension cord going out of the window and taped to the concrete sidewalk, powering up EV parked in front of a house. Quite strange view. And 110V is slow charging, adding about few miles per hour.
Of course these are all solvable challenges not requiring any scientific breakthrough - "just" using existing technology at scale, supported by regulations. Political will.
Very few politicians care about solving a problem, if the benefits of such solution are more than 2-4 years away - because all they care about is being re-elected in the next round. Why should I (a politician) spend effort if benefits of them will be harvested by someone who replaced me? And voters also do not care much, because very few bother to be informed. And then few "informed" voters form a Green Party and vote against greener candidate in 2000 and 2016, or decomission perfectly good nuclear power plants in Germany and switch back to coal for power. Or the repeted debacles of Texas winter power failure. And likely I am missing quite a lot in all problems above - I am not expert, just curious reader with some tech backround, little harder to fool than many others. Famous know unknowns and unknown unknowns.
Thinking is hard, and every complicated problem has simple pseudo-solution, which is also wrong and politically expedient. What else is new?
I like that we can have a civil debate about such complicated issue, looking forward to camp and talk to some of you in person.