This is really not new...VMT as it's called, (vehicle miles traveled) has been a 'talking point' for many years in the various state legislatures.
The problem for the politicians is always: how do we do this without getting our ***** voted out of office?
And the author of the article is apparently not aware that interstate commercial trucks already pay fuel and state road taxes by the mile. The system is called IFTA and nearly every commercial truck that crosses state lines is subject to it. And it is typically much more than any private car, van or RV would pay.
In my opinion, electric vehicles need to pay their fare share of road taxes. The problem do we implement this without violating the owners privacy? OK: Why not apply a federal excise tax to the vehicle battery? A certain amount of money per given amount of KWH capacity. Assed when the battery is sold to the car-maker, and then the fee is passed along to the buyer.
Then, if and when, the battery is replaced, charge the tax again on that new battery, or charge a fee to dispose of the old one, or both. This tax or fee can then be parceled out to the various states depending on the number of EVs registered in each state.
Seems fair to me.
I'm sure there will be someone, somewhere, who wont like this idea at all...maybe an EV buyer?