I'm sailing away

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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2014
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I grew up around water and love songs about it. I have said many times what I wanted to do, what I was planning for and how I was getting ready. That said until I got a check I felt like Lucy was going to pull the football away again so I held off some of the changes until I was sure including starting a Captains log. It's hard to spend money you are not sure is coming or make changes that can't be reversed until you know the direction you are taking is set. The check came yesterday and I have 21 days to pack it up and git outta here.

Today was burn up the credit card as I ordered 5 new off road tires for the Expedition. I also set it up for a complete flush and fill of it's fluids next Tuesday. I found a few front seats to look at as mine is worn out.

I got lucky walking into the UPS minutes after a medium P.O. box opened up. They give a street address and handle mail forwarding, it will be my residence for the next year.

The Blue Sea fuses and blocks came in so tomorrow I'll bring the trailer home one last time to add those in and fire up the systems. It's not finished yet but close enough that the rest can be done if I have time or on the road. It's time to pull the tools and start packing.

Wednesday the trailer goes back down for the jack and awning

After that it gets cold so I'll be able to pack, pick out a bank, change addresses, get things online etc and not be wishing I could be working on the rig.

The 4Gcommunity hotspot comes Monday, I need to order a directional antenna for it. I'll pick up two wall cabinets and bins from home depot to put the stuff in.

Pics tomorrow, 21 days to smoother sailing.
Prepare shuttlecraft for launch Scotty !
What you want to leave the below zero temps lol! You headed to the RTR and beyond?
Yodavan said:
What you want to leave the below zero temps lol! You headed to the RTR and beyond?

Other than taking pictures of the snow flakes I'll never miss it. I'll be pulling out no later than the first for a comfortable drive down to the RTR. Once I get far enough south I'll dewinterize and give the rig a bath. I was thinking of stopping in NM for a 435w panel for the truck, just depends on the weather.
Good for you leave the negative energy behind and follow your heart lets have a cup of tea or a bottle of beer, see you soon
I'm so excited for you, Jim!
Have a safe trip, Jim. Sounds like relief!
Good deal Jim, happy for you. All the best :)
Thank you all. I never imagined when I came here years ago to talk boondocking and solar that I'd have the chance to join a tribe. I look forward to seeing the faces and shaking the hands of those I have come to admire and respect.

Through Bobs search bar I found the directional antenna and N male to SME male cable needed for the Wilson Sleek. I am hoping between the OTA antenna and internet that I don't have to fire up the satellite right off.
Put in 6 hours today and ran out of gas. I have everything wired up except the panel leads into the controller and the voltage sense line. I am also waiting for a 200a fuse for the inverter. It felt wonderful pulling the battery off the tongue for the last time. Say what you will about marine batteries but it has served me well since 2011. As promised some pics.


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jimindenver said:
I grew up around water and love songs about it. I have said many times what I wanted to do, what I was planning for and how I was getting ready. That said until I got a check I felt like Lucy was going to pull the football away again so I held off some of the changes until I was sure including starting a Captains log. It's hard to spend money you are not sure is coming or make changes that can't be reversed until you know the direction you are taking is set. The check came yesterday and I have 21 days to pack it up and git outta here.



I feel better now. I thought I was the only one running around trying to do everything at the same time. ;-)

Good luck with your final preparations and on the road. Hope to meet you soon.


P.S. - With a sleepy mind, I had to read it twice, but I love your reference to Lucy. Perfect.
wagoneer said:
Are you saying you are on the road? Finally done, moving on, wow thats big.

I have to be here till the first for business, tax and medical reasons so 20 days max. Getting the check was the mental bottle across the bow and I shoved it out of dry dock last night. I'm glad to because I was getting up and checking the weather to see if I could work up top, underneath of inside. Sometimes the inside was waiting for the up top and underneath but I can't do it in the snow and mud.

Vaga, there have been a number of Lucy moments, that is why I had to have the check to believe it was really happening.

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