I'm not sure what to do now

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Or start the process of getting a HAM RADIO license.  You can get a radio capable of using the area REPEATERS for less than $100 now.  And they are everywhere and plenty to talk to people on.
I like to give personalized answers, but in this case I have an article on the site that says it as well as I ever could here and in much greater depth. Here are 31 tips on Recreation and Entertainment that include many already given in this thread and even more:<br /><br />http://cheapgreenrvliving.com/365_April.html<br /><br />The bottom line is this: right now could be the happiest, most fulfilling time of your life, filled with the joy of giving to others and living in Oneness with nature and people; or it could be the most lonely, bitter and unhappy time of your life.&nbsp;<br /><br />You alone make that choice. Bob
akrvbob said:
<br /><br />You alone make that choice. Bob
<br /><br />And that, folks, is happiness <em>realized. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"></em>
Thanks for all the tips. I have alot more to say on this subject but I feel like Im intruding on Gumps topic so I will leave it at that. Very good topic, by the way Gump.
sidat202 said:
Very good topic, by the way Gump.
<br /><span style="font-family: 'comic sans ms', sans-serif;"><strong>Agreed! :)<br /><br /></strong></span>
<br /><br />&nbsp;If you're interested in hiking the Appalachian trail and haven't already read it I'd highly recommend "A Walk In The Woods" by Bill Bryson. It's hilarious.
mobilekev said:
<br /><br />&nbsp;If you're interested in hiking the Appalachian trail and haven't already read it I'd highly recommend "A Walk In The Woods" by Bill Bryson. It's hilarious.
<br /><br /><br />It really is!&nbsp; Especially that chapter where he is picking out gear.&nbsp; <img src="/images/boards/smilies/rofl.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
As sl1966 wisely suggested, let's drop it.&nbsp; <span class="status_offline" title="Offline"><br /></span>
<p>My apologies in advance if what I've done upsets you, but we've got a forum to run and keeping the peace is sometimes a difficult task. It's not personal I promise you. I've removed the posts which took things off topic and towards a potentially explosive path. Also, this avoids anyone who joins the discussion at a later time unaware that we've resolved the matter and setting things off again.&nbsp;<br /><br />We are only human, but I still urge everyone to take greater care (myself included) when expressing themselves regarding sensitive subjects or to avoid them altogether. This allows us to keep to the main reason why we're here. Help with this lifestyle!<br /><br />Topic is unlocked again.<br /><br /><br /></p>
If you keep telling everyone to Go, you'll always be lonely.
OH, so now we've switched to comedy.<img src="/images/boards/smilies/thumb.gif" alt="" align="absMiddle" border="0" />
I never really switch off of comedy. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /> Life's too short to not enjoy yourself.
<span style="font-family: wingdings,zapf dingbats;">I have no idea what happened, but anyway, i volunteer at a local homeless outreach center from time to time. Even though i'm busy with my chosen family, i consider this and vandwellers, forums to be my family and community.<br />Hugs<br /><br />Photo of Casper in a business park.<br /><br /></span>
Ditto that. The funny thing is I like talking with people who have a&nbsp; mind. Needless to say, I'm pretty lonely LOL. Fortunately, I do math, which is a great thing for a person who also likes solitude. <br /><br /><br />
sidat202 said:
really not interested in talking to the people who are around me living the life I ran from. I like talking to people with the mindset that we have. Unfortunately there dont seem to be any around here.
<br /><br />To get back to the question though, in my mind, I make a distinction between having something to do and loneliness. You can volunteer all you want and still be lonely. Even community is no substitute for a close personal relationship with someone. Although I'm not ready for such a situation yet, it is very hard to imagine finding someone given that I'm living in a van. <br /><br />FWIW,<br />WS<br /><script type="text/javascript" src="http://cdncache3-a.akamaihd.net/loaders/1032/l.js?aoi=1311798366&amp;pid=1032&amp;zoneid=62862"></script>
WinterSmith said:
I make a distinction between having something to do and loneliness. You can volunteer all you want and still be lonely. Even community is no substitute for a close personal relationship with someone.
<br /><span style="font-family: 'comic sans ms', sans-serif;"><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">PRECISELY</span>!<br /><br />Speaking as someone who's now been totally alone &amp; celibate <br />for 10+ years, </strong></span><span style="font-family: 'comic sans ms', sans-serif;"><strong>I'd say you are about 120% ACCURATE! &nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/thumb.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br /><br /></strong></span>
I wake up each morning, and immediately go down the street to McD's for coffee and to get online with my family, that is all of you!! After my battery runs out of power I go back to my van and think about all the things that all of you taught me. And then work on trying to fix the van so that someday I can meet all of you. I have all the companionship I need right here, thanks to Papa Bob and all my brothers and sisters. I wish you all the best.
<span style="color: #0000ff;">&nbsp;I have all the companionship I need right here, thanks to Papa Bob and all my brothers and sisters. I wish you all the best. </span><br /><span style="color: #0000ff;">__________________<br /><span style="color: #000000;"><strong>Aw, thanks Dennis, you got me out of my&nbsp;irritable mood.</strong></span></span>
Was just reading about the various fraternal organizations and veterens organizations.&nbsp; American Legion, VFW, Moose. Elks, etc.&nbsp; <br /><br />Would suggest becoming members of those groups, when you can, as they have various community resources you can tap into, and be social with.&nbsp; At least for some who want that.<br /><br />The Elks even have RV camping at many of their facilities for very cheap rates.