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Well-known member
Oct 17, 2012
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I THREW THE PORTA POTTY IN THE DUMPSTER....There should be a warning label that say.......'JUiCE WILL SPLASH ON YOU EVERY TIME YOU EMPTY'...EVERY FREEKING TIME!!!!!.....STAND UP TO WIPE OR SUFFER A KNUCKLE FULL OF SH*T!...........I cannot deal with 2 1/2 gallons of human waste!!!!!
Welcome to the bucket brigade. I started out with one of those in my first van. I think it ended up in a similar place. Been so long I can't remember.
I will chime in again since we all know my poo don't stink. If you can eat a lot less meat altering your diet the smell can be controlled separate solids from liquids. I pee in a wide mouth bottle add water so on so forth. compost becomes a reality.
I can deal with one plastic bag at a time......At first I thought it was cool....24 flushes...perfect for a 14 day camp.....FREEKING NIGHTMARE! I am not composting....I am not dealing in great detail with human waste. I don't care if it is my own.......Hahaha!
Do you see any woods where you are B&US? Just get your dog some of those doggie bags to carry around and train them to pick up after you.
Hey, dog picking up after a human...what a concept.
Now, if they could teach their humans to use a leash on them we might have something going here.
Truthfully, I've seen some camps with some very sad sanitation issues. Not a healthy sight (or site, either).
hey there is an idea!!!! my little border terrier used to love cat shit and many lifetimes ago I lived on a beach in southern Mexico and every morning after I was finished the local pig would come down to dig up breakfast. I bet you could train your dog to take care of stuff or maybe drag one of those adorable little porky pigs around in your van, I hear they make great pets. .....
Sameer said:
I THREW THE PORTA POTTY IN THE DUMPSTER....There should be a warning label that say.......'JUiCE WILL SPLASH ON YOU EVERY TIME YOU EMPTY'...EVERY FREEKING TIME!!!!!.....STAND UP TO WIPE OR SUFFER A KNUCKLE FULL OF SH*T!...........I cannot deal with 2 1/2 gallons of human waste!!!!!

I hear you bro. I am consider myself to be a fairly considerate environmentalist, but when it comes to poop... um I just cant do it.

Consider using biodegradable 'eco' bags and have at 'er.
owl said:
Just get your dog some of those doggie bags to carry around and train them to pick up after you.

Might be difficult to do, since most dogs look at you like you are the dumbest creature on earth for picking up THEIR poop in a plastic bag :D
I have a decent Thetford flushing portapotty that I got from Camping World over a year ago. Even though it's a flushing model, I don't ever fill it with water for flushing cuz I too REFUSE to have to dump the waste and clean the potty. I simply won't do it. Forget it, don't even try to make me change my mind, haha. Instead, I use tall kitchen garbage bags lined over the entire toilet bowl and dispose of it appropriately when done.
Mr. Pico....the van dog.........says "I am not touching that!"
caseyc said:
I have a decent Thetford flushing portapotty that I got from Camping World over a year ago. Even though it's a flushing model, I don't ever fill it with water for flushing cuz I too REFUSE to have to dump the waste and clean the potty. I simply won't do it. Forget it, don't even try to make me change my mind, haha. Instead, I use tall kitchen garbage bags lined over the entire toilet bowl and dispose of it appropriately when done.

Uhhhhh.....I'm confused now as to why you bought this really nice portapotty, but then you're just crappin' in a bag anyway???
Seems like the 5 gallon bucket idea whouldda been alot more to your likeing. (and whaddaya do about the smell if you're not flushing it???)
Here is the deal! I have only been vandwelling for 10 months......when I started out I thought it would be cool to have something that resembled a real toilet.....Then I realized that is was a FREEKING NIGHTMARE. I am now using tall kitchen garbage bags over a bucket......I will try to find a seat when I go to Yuma....I am in Quartzite now.......About the smell? I was dumb enough to think it wouldn't smell......! Hahahaha what a joke that was!!! My poop tent smelled like a public toilet so what did my van smell like when I was hauling it around......Hahaha!
burry it at least 12 inches deep,, I use those biodegradable bags. made for composting kitchen waste. It is not always possible to dig a hole so I have a designated compartment on my rear bumper that fits a folding shovel and can fit a couple of biobags tied in a knot, they keep for a few days without smelling. When I get a chance, I discreetly dispose of them.
Yeah, the bio-degradable bags are the way ta go...(so to say) :D

I always carry a shovel when I travel...there are all kindza uses for it on the road.

as for the smell??? A scoop of kitty litter or cedar shavings (my fav) will knock the 'punch' outta it.
NO Kitty Litter! NO Cedar shavings! I am not hauling 'it' around unless I am on my way to a dumpster in town.....I like the idea of bio-bags and burying it.....then I don't have to even haul 'it' to town....! That is a good idea! I have a folding shovel...lots of uses..!
I'm with the 5-gal bucket brigade on this one. That's what I used back in the 80's when I was camping and living outa' my car & tent. They work great and most home-improvement stores have them with easily-removed lids so you can keep your dung covered until you decide to dispose of it. I kept mine outside the vehicle or tent when not in use. Just something creepy about a keeping a can of poo in the bedroom, ya know....