How to Start Coding-Web Building

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Sep 23, 2017
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Any courses you would recommend that would be worthwhile?  Tons of stuff online so it gets confusing as to what to focus on.
Looking for a career change and i'm a little older than you so i'm motivated to get going. I've got hours a day to devote to this.... tried coding on a free sight years ago then lost interest but now i'm ready to get back into it. Played around with Htlm today from a utube vid.
Thanks for your insight
I did some visual basic many years ago.... was finally catching on and stopped doing it.... Im sure now coding is so much different... let us know what you find

Thanks for the info and links Van Tramp
That'll keep me busy
Much appreciated
As a retired software developer for IBM, I would not focus on things like HTML or other coding stuff if I wanted to become a web master.  I would instead focus on higher level tools which are often being used to develop web applications.  Once I had some success in those, then I would focus on coding stuff - maybe using Ruby or PHP or even Java.
Hi, thanks for that..... could you expand on "Higher level tools"? I really have no experience at any of this but i've tackled some pretty big obstacles in other career paths, so i figure what the hell. What would you recommend? Most bang for the buck, so to speak. I'm 53 so maybe i'm kidding myself with a new direction but figure i need to try something that will hopefully pay off in a short amount of time.
Escapewheel said:
Hi, thanks for that..... could you expand on "Higher level tools"?  I really have no experience at any of this but i've tackled some pretty big obstacles in other career paths, so i figure what the hell. What would you recommend? Most bang for the buck, so to speak. I'm 53 so maybe i'm kidding myself with a new direction but figure i need to try something that will hopefully pay off in a short amount of time.

As an example, I have a blog which is based on a tool called WordPress.  It enables me to do some pretty fancy web based posting.  While it is designed in the way that many object oriented systems are  designed, I would not say that it is coding.  Yet it encompasses much of the functionality that would otherwise require some rather sophisticated code would require.  I can post my blog entries in HTML, but I chose not to because I am interested in the blog results, not in the details of how those results are implemented.  

Another example - I develop YouTube stuff in my spare time - (you can search for “Gone Retired” to find my channel.  I use a tool on my iPad to develop the videos called “LumaFusion”.  I’m sure that deep down inside of it that it is using a lot of Java and/or C++/C#, but I’m not interested in the implementation of the app.  I’m only interested in how I can use the tool to create my videos. 

And because my blog tool (Word Press) is object oriented and is focused on web development/presentation - all of my videos can be embedded within my blog entries.  

So fundamentally by removing myself from the detail of how the implementation works (i.e. what the code is) I’m able to produce what I consider to be some rather impressive web based media.  

I guess what I’m driving at is instead of focusing on a coding language, focus on the end product.  Then focus on the tools that can make you the most productive.
Impressive Blog and i watched your Alaska Vid. You almost got taken out by that pickup.

Safe travels
Escapewheel said:
Impressive Blog and i watched your Alaska Vid. You almost got taken out by that pickup.

Safe travels

Thanks.  And to make my point about focusing on higher level tools rather than detail coding, it only took me four days to learn to use the tooling and develop the blog.  

Focus on what will make you the most productive, not on the detail nitty-gritty.   ;-)