How-To Info for Living in a Honda Fit (or any car!)

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Jul 20, 2016
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Hi All,

I posted a few months back when I was getting ready to live in a Honda Fit and received lots of helpful info (so thanks to all who answered those posts!!)

VanDwelling is definitely more the norm, but after a month and a half of solid hatchback living, I am in love with the lifestyle and want to encourage anyone out there considering it that it is totally doable, as well as a lot of fun! (Of course, if you're a big, 6'6" guy, it might not be your best option :rolleyes: )
Anyhow, I've been getting a lot of inquiries on social media since then about the how-to's of it, so have added a section on CarDwelling to my blog and wanted to post it here for anyone looking for ideas who might find it helpful.

Happy Wandering!
Gypsy said:
Hi Gypsy, I'm so glad that I stumbled across your post/thread. I have one week to complete my preparations before moving into my 2007 Honda Fit with my two small dogs in Florida. Being in a hot area with two dogs poses some challenges. I would appreciate any advice/tips you may have to offer. Where can I find the best checklists, etc? And can you offer any tips specific to Fit living?

Best regards,

Hi All,

I posted a few months back when I was getting ready to live in a Honda Fit and received lots of helpful info (so thanks to all who answered those posts!!)

VanDwelling is definitely more the norm, but after a month and a half of solid hatchback living, I am in love with the lifestyle and want to encourage anyone out there considering it that it is totally doable, as well as a lot of fun! (Of course, if you're a big, 6'6" guy, it might not be your best option :rolleyes: )
Anyhow, I've been getting a lot of inquiries on social media since then about the how-to's of it, so have added a section on CarDwelling to my blog and wanted to post it here for anyone looking for ideas who might find it helpful.

Happy Wandering!
Looks like you've learned to use a small Honda the same way I learned to use my first Ford Van. 

I've never blogged about my days on the road back then,  just made reference to them on message
boards from time to time.  My sites below represent a lot of condensed knowledge I gained in my
outfitting my rig for travel and use in my Corporate Career.
My wife Jamie lived out of her 1999 Geo Metro from 2012 to early 2017 and has loved it. She is quite tall being 5' 11" but said it was very comfortable and gave her all the room she needed.
I'm wondering how car dwellers keep their belongings safe when they're out hiking, etc.  I, too, have a Honda Fit that I'm considering taking on the road, but I don't want to have to worry excessively about whatever is in the car when I'm away.
Thank you for input!
So keep it covered and don't worry.

Insurance for very expensive stuff?
Spirit4earth said:
I'm wondering how car dwellers keep their belongings safe when they're out hiking, etc.

Time is a thief's worst enemy. The more time they spend around a vehicle they're thinking about breaking into, the more likely they are to get caught. More often than not, a would be thief is not going to waste a lot of time digging through your vehicle looking for something to steal. It's far more likely that they'll look in the window, see your cell phone sitting in the cup holder, smash the window and grab the phone, getting in and out as quickly as possible without even looking to see what's buried in the back.

Granted, it's certainly possible that a determined thief could go through your entire car and steal everything that might have some value, but it's highly unlikely. As John61CT mentioned, if you keep your valuables out of sight, you're far less likely to have a break in.
The further a trailhead is from a town, the less likely a break in.
Wonderful guide and site, thank you gypsy. I'm fixin to do the same in my Prius next fall and can't wait.

Gypsy was one of the persons with a Honda Fit I reviewed while I was thinking of converting my own vehicle for the purpose of living in it. I am 5'11" and have been working toward improving the living situation. I thought about a van and actually had a 1990 Ford Club wagon but gave it to a friend because I had to move and needed something more reliable. I continue to shift my thinking on how to layout the Fit but have settled on using the driver side for my bed. I wish I was a bit better at decorating but it's pretty basic in there.
Victor said:

Gypsy was one of the persons with a Honda Fit I reviewed while I was thinking of converting my own vehicle for the purpose of living in it. I am 5'11" and have been working toward improving the living situation. I thought about a van and actually had a 1990 Ford Club wagon but gave it to a friend because I had to move and needed something more reliable. I continue to shift my thinking on how to layout the Fit but have settled on using the driver side for my bed. I wish I was a bit better at decorating but it's pretty basic in there.

Hi!  Do you have any photos of your Fit?
Not really now but I could take a bunch. I just removed the front passenger seat today so it's not quite how I had it set up before. I should have taken some before pictures I'm just not much into that photographing stuff. I will take some pictures tonight and share a link where I upload them.
Victor said:
Not really now but I could take a bunch. I just removed the front passenger seat today so it's not quite how I had it set up before. I should have taken some before pictures I'm just not much into that photographing stuff. I will take some pictures tonight and share a link where I upload them.

No worries.  That's a real commitment, removing the front seat!  I can't do that because my dog rides up there.  Sometimes I think about trading my Fit for a van, because I need a secure place for my dog.  Of course $$$ is the obstacle!
I resized the pictures so they wouldn't take up to much space. Hope they are clear. 

1) This is me sitting lounged back in the driver seat which gives me just enough room to work on my computer. To the Upper left I keep a hat and gloves. There is an extra hat and gloves behind the driver seat.

2) To the right of the driver seat. I have a water bottle 3L.Garbage can. Bear Barrel (with food). You Can also see the blue lid to my clothing container. I took out the passenger side seat this morning.

3)This is me if I watch movies in the driver seat. I use a FM transmitter which is the orange light on the radio. This pipes the computers sound through the car speakers. I also use this FM Transmitter to play music over the speakers (Pandora - I don't like radio music around here.)

4) Here I am primarily highlighting the power that I use. That is my computer, phone and FM transmitter plugged into a 120 watt inverter which runs while the car is running off the 12 v on-board system.

5) This is me sitting in my rear right seat watching movies. This is also the seat I plan to turn into work station desk with stove sink and toilet (when the seat is in the upward position of course.) I still haven't finished measuring yet.

6) This shows the driver seat. You can see that it is all the way back and tilted. A very comfortable position to be in. 

7) This is the driver seat in the flat position which is iconic to the Fit.

8) I think this is a rear ward facing photo showing the sleeping bags piled against the back hatch. It can be nice for lounging.

9) This is a picture of me lounging on the bed. You can see how far down my feet go on the driver side chair. I'm in a semi-upright position there. My feet go to the end of the upper part of the chair when I'm lying flat. The end of the bo staff is 6 feet.

10) I'm pretty sure I added a shot from the front right dash getting most of the driver side and bed. You can see how the bed functions. I don't have to get out of the car. I typically remove my shoes in the driver side by the pedals. Hop onto the chair and pull the chair all the way forward. Then put the back down flat. You might notice it looks like the matress is higher than the chair - it is. It's a 4" memory foam and it sinks down to the chair. when I sleep. If I curl into a ball I can fit entirely on the mattress but normally I sleep on my back - something that I learned to do with this because it is uncomfortable on my knees to lay on my stomach (though I do sometimes anyway).


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Great pictures—-thank you! Does the inverter need to be hardwired, or does it just plug into something?