How sensitive are solar panel to heat

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Not That Bob

Well-known member
Aug 25, 2016
Reaction score
I am considering having a cover made with a clear window over a roof mounted solar panel.

I understand that even the clearest material will effect output, so will heat but that is not an issue.

Solar fields seem like they would be rather "warm",but biggest concern is it will  get too hot under a cover and damage a solar panel.

Why do you feel you need to cover a panel?
They are made with tempered glass and are pretty rugged.
Are you going to use 1/4" Lexan?
Heat will reduce output.
heat will cut output so will any added covering. solar out put will be highest in cold weather. highdesertranger
I have an Roof Top Tent (Overland) that needs a cover when traveling and not in use.

The rig may sit for a couple weeks at a time so a little trickle charge to maintain the battery is all that will be needed.

Again may concern is damage, not output.
I don't understand what you are trying to protect it against. solar panels are meant to be out in the weather. they can withstand all but the most severe hail storms. anything that can damage you panel is going to damage your vehicle. highdesertranger
Not trying to protect the panel.
The roof top tent has a heavy vinyl cover that needs to be on it when it is closed.
The panel will be under that cover.
I could just put the cover on and the panel will do nothing or I can have some convertible window material (clear) sewn over where the panel is covered getting some output.
Does that clear it up?
Have you checked the strength of the support whatevers in the roof top camper.

I would imagine that they are built to withstand the weight of the tent itself and not do so well if you're adding the weight of solar panel(s) on top.

The other thing I would have to consider in this plan is the brute strength it may take to raise and lower the tent roof with the weight of the solar panels. It's not like you are lifting something straight up, it's being done from an angle from beside the vehicle which is a different weight stress on the body than a straight lift.

And yes, the solar panels put off a great deal of heat. I know that at midday the portable panel I have is extremely hot to the touch. Trapping that heat under clear vinyl may not be practical - the vinyl will only withstand so much heat before melting.
To answer your question aside from adding a cover etc, they aren't.
They are built to be under the sun all day long anywhere.
I think it will get too hot under there, you may not damage the panel itself, your output will likely be less which doesn't seem to worry you but what is the panel sitting on and what else is under there, could that get overheated, damaging the canvas or nylon or fiberglass, or plastic, from all the heat building up could you start a fire, melt the wires the connections boxes, etc..... will the heat be transferred inside you vehicle,a picture would help clarify what you are doing this on.