Blanch, I spend a great deal of time watching YT videos, and have seen comment streams unmoderated, moderated, and disabled
I have the greatest respect for those with unmoderated comment streams, because most of them handle comments, good and bad, like adults, they respond appropriately to the ones worth responding to, ignore those not worth responding to, and let all of them battle between them re their beliefs
The ones who moderate, sometimes do so to make their comment threads more 'friendly' aka more of an ideological echo chamber
the ones who disable comments often seem, to me, to have the worst ideas and argumentation, and the least ability to provide citations for any thing they say, and are often spouting thinly disguised hate themselves
Obviously I'm talking about political discussions here, not van dwelling sites, though I have also seen some of the trolling on Bob's channel, too
Bob, so far as I can tell, doesn't disable or moderate his YT channel, despite the trolls
IMO that's because he has good ideas, good intentions, and deals with criticism like an adult
Anyone calling you 'fat cow' hasn't the intellectual currency for you to bother about his thoughts, and anyone who has questions that seems open to debate, might be a good person to respond to
I do suggest creating an account that can't be easily traced back to your actual identity, so as to avoid being doxxed, although as a nomad, your vulnerability to doxxing is limited, especially if you are on disability and aren't employed, in which case you can say about anything you want
I also doubt, based on your posts here, that you will be saying anything all that controversial, so doxxing will be very unlikely anyway
I wouldn't count on YT adsesnse income at this time, as the YT adsense revenue is pretty screwy right now due to a hit piece and advertisers not understanding how adsense works, but I'm sure the ad revenue will come back eventually, and if you weren't planning on monetizing your channel anyway, that will cause you zero perspiration
if you can handle it, do it, but if you get your feelings hurt easily, maybe not
If you move forward on this,try to internalize this idea
Offense can never be given, it can only be taken
people can call me mean things all day, it doesn't matter a bit unless I let those mean names get to me