How do I keep my laptop cool in my car?

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Oct 5, 2018
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I work two jobs. My day job I work from morning to late noon. Sometimes I go in from 11am to 5pm. Regardless, I have to leave my laptop in my car. I keep it in its case. However, I noticed by the time I get off work my laptop is pretty hot/warm. What should I do to keep it cool? I usually keep it in the back seat floor. Should I consider the truck? How do all you laptop owners do it?
I keep mine in a Pelican Case, but when I am in a really hot place(Colorado River Valley in summer) I don't keep it in the car. you can't take it into work with you? highdesertranger
I don't feel safe leaving it at work. Might get stolen.
I always carry mine in my backpack.

But on occasions when I had to leave it in the van, I put it in a cooler to insulate it.
no I mean take it into work while you are there, I didn't mean leave it there. highdesertranger
yeah I know...but like I don't trust leaving it in break room. I work at a supermarket during day and movie theater at night. (I dont mind leaving in my car @ night.
well my Pelican Case does help some what, but how much I have know idea. highdesertranger
Maybe put in a Plastic or cardboard box and install a little 12 volt Fan? Just a thought!
Good Luck!
I have had luck wrapping electronics in a sleeping bag and keeping it out of the sun during the day.  It will get warm but not as hot as the inside of the van if you wrap it while everything is still cool in the AM.

A cooler is another good idea.  If you can get a little bit of dry ice (frozen food often comes packed with dry ice on the pallet, ask the night stocking crew), wrap it in a couple of towels, add some more clothing on top of that and put your laptop on top in the cooler.
Toss a light color towel over it, in the shade.

Turned off of course.

Find ways to keep the car cooler is the next level, small venting fans stuck in the window gap, other side small intake vent
Coolers, towels, blankets are all good ideas. If you have access to a fridge or freezer in your rig or other home, you can extend your 'cool' time by pre-chilling one of those blue reusable mini ice packs, and wrapping that up in the towel, etc. with your computer. To protect the computer from possible condensation from the ice pack, wrap the computer inside a plastic bag.
Okay- so this is what worked! I got a sun visor for front window. Also, back side windows are have tinted padding and I put a screen to block out back window light. It's very shady in the backseats! So I have my laptop in its backpack I bought from Dell/Alienware. Then I wrapped that in a heavy duty sleeping bag and put a towel on top. Came back to my laptop today...and not even warm! Very cool. I parked in a shady spot too.
Shade is the answer. When ever the question is too hot. The answer is ventilation and shade.

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