I trusted a doctor once and it didn't go well for me.
I can't leave Cali now, until I figure out who my friends are and stop trusting people who aren't.
Ken, I am seriously young enough to be your kid and crazy enough to flirt with you, I just ain't got no munny.
Just hit 200,500 miles on a Dodge Grand Caravan that was given to me by some kid who had his name literally changed to (colour deleted) Reaper, as opposed to his evil twin, Grim.
They already tried that in Europe and it didn't go so well for them. Or else I am just misunderstanding politics again and about to be banned yet again.
Anyway, I have to figure out how to get to AZ to meet you in person. I kinda like flirting with you. Linda knows I don't steal people's husbands.
I just want to walk with you for awhile because we're on the same

Coffetime is over. This town isn't as scary as the last town, but I need to go before the stores open because there are people here.
There--- I just filled my water tank. Now have plenty to make coffee.
You should see all the stuff I've got. 4 packages of cookies, No make that 5, just found a bag of potatoes, now have two and some small pies, More frozen stuff that I was going to burn up, and more onions, cheese, I could feed an army. Found two more lists that I lost.
Bed needs to be made, what the heck, I'm just going to mess it up again, why bother.
In my head I had a list but lost that too.
I have a budget, Didn't use last months up but I'm gaining on it. Put on my shoes, but forgot my sox, Now have to start over. I really mean start over,.
I need a better chair with an attached table so there's a place for my coffee cup when outside.
Someone mentioned "work" Now there's an idea. A bad one!
Got a call from some trucking outfit that needs drivers. I told the guy that I was old and he replied that they did not "discriminate", I told him they should.
Speaking of chairs with a table, If I happen to run into you, I don't mean run into you literally, Just close, I'll need two chairs. And I'd have to burn food for two. That would be the end of us both.
My pickup has very near 300k on the meter so I may have to have a new motor installed unless I can find a tree with a branch, then I'd put one in myself. That will slow me down some. Also I don't speak a foreign language. All that metric stuff will slow me down even more. OH LAY. or is that OH LAH.
OH- also, Been thinkin' again, all these germs flying around. I'm supposed to get a shot I think but the news says that you get germs anyway, so far so good, If I got one, I'm too mean and just killed them all. I think that means I'm sterile. That's a doctor term.
Ya know what I think? It's all that dirt I played in when I was young, Got it on me and ate some and drank from a garden hose, fell off monkey bars, skinned my knees on pavement, got it kissed to make it all better and then did it all over again. That's why I'm Sterile, Bring it on. Iodine stings and it's red.
My brain cells are getting bruised up from bumping together, both of them. I need a nap or another cup of coffee. flirt away, Linda's sleeping, she's good at that, well so am I. Looking at her is fun and other stuff like waking her up. Do you sleep?