How did you end up on the road, and why are you still here?

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I sometimes think about that. Like what would happen if next year I contracted cancer. "Here lies Tango. He served was in the Army. He paid his debts. RIP." That's the road I've been on and will continue to be on if I don't change. Its just a little scary because it means letting go of everything normal and comfortable. But normal and comfortable I feel are stealing my life away.


I've done a lot of social work and I've worked with a lot of old people who slaved away their entire lives and had nothing to show for it, not even good experiences really. But they were comfortable. But that was about all they were. Just comfortable.

Guys like you and the people on this forum are not the lost ones I feel. The lost ones are going through the daily motions and just existing.

This! This is the reason I don't regret my past and why I'm ignoring what anyone who disagrees with my plans thinks about my future. Some people absolutely love that comfortable, settled life and I'm not hating on them. If they're happy, I'm happy for them. But that's not my truth. I need to take risks and make mistakes and be confused and overcome challenges and love deeply and cry with all my heart. I need to experience the extremes, to expand all my boundaries, to know all that the world has to offer and I can't do that working a 9-5 and taking a 2 to 4 week vacation every year. The world is too big, too grand, too overwhelming to even make a dent in all it has to offer in my one lifetime so I'm going to live my life to the fullest for as long as I can. Vanlife is a means to my goal, but it's not my goal. Settling down in a van is too much like settling down in my house. My goal is to experience life and once I've had my fill of vanlife, I'm going to move on to the next thing that allows me to live large.
This! This is the reason I don't regret my past and why I'm ignoring what anyone who disagrees with my plans thinks about my future. Some people absolutely love that comfortable, settled life and I'm not hating on them. If they're happy, I'm happy for them. But that's not my truth. I need to take risks and make mistakes and be confused and overcome challenges and love deeply and cry with all my heart. I need to experience the extremes, to expand all my boundaries, to know all that the world has to offer and I can't do that working a 9-5 and taking a 2 to 4 week vacation every year. The world is too big, too grand, too overwhelming to even make a dent in all it has to offer in my one lifetime so I'm going to live my life to the fullest for as long as I can. Vanlife is a means to my goal, but it's not my goal. Settling down in a van is too much like settling down in my house. My goal is to experience life and once I've had my fill of vanlife, I'm going to move on to the next thing that allows me to live large.
I get it, 100%

What made you come around to this way of thinking? What was your epiphany?
I get it, 100%

What made you come around to this way of thinking? What was your epiphany?
I've always been extreme. That's my personality. Having a crazy, unstable family life definitely wasn't conducive to me calming down though. What's funny is I found my dad a few years ago and we're so alike it's scary. Both travelers obsessed with books and learning with a constant need to do new stuff, seek new opportunities, visit new places.
I've always been extreme. That's my personality. Having a crazy, unstable family life definitely wasn't conducive to me calming down though. What's funny is I found my dad a few years ago and we're so alike it's scary. Both travelers obsessed with books and learning with a constant need to do new stuff, seek new opportunities, visit new places.
Any chance you have Scottish blood? :)

Read the description of the book if you arent familiar with it.
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It seems like you went from vagabonding on a bike, to travelling in a truck. You got bit early if I'm understanding right, but I also wonder what kept you doing it and why do it at all in the first place? What was your thinking back then and now as you've progressed through the years. What are your regrets, and what are your victories?
You make me think. Been so long ago. Beginning at some point I just needed money, all kids need money. 25 cents was enough for a movie date. Then grander things and more dates. copping more feels of the fairer sex.
Got a job at a lumber mill In a near by town (Grants Pass, Oregon) I did well there, muscle work. Forman Liked me. After a few months I had more money but less time for going on dates..
Anyway, One day he told me that a friend of his in the next town (Medford) needed some one to drive his truck, was I interested? Yes I was. Big, noisy smelly truck would make me more handsome to the girls. And truck drivers were rich.
He drove me over there. (Harry and David orchards) I got hired. No drivers license required back then.
Anyway I was asked if I would take a load of pears to Pittsburg, Pa. Never heard of it but I said yes anyway. Got a map at the local gas station and away I went the very next day.
The deal was that I'd take the pears to a market in Pittsburg, Pa, then go to Oil City, Pa and pick up a load of box ends and slats for return to Harry and David Orchards.
By the time I had gotten well underway and with the help of other drivers The round trip was made. I was paid $300 dollars, took me 21 days.
Well-- I was rich, I mean really rich. I bought a car! An A Model ford for $25 dollars.
I had girls all over the place.
Well that sealed the deal, I are now an official truck driver. With all that money and all them girls and a car - shoot, I could have anything. Got a job hauling gasoline and diesel around Sothern Oregon and into Northern California, Over the mountains and expanded from there.
Hired on and quit many jobs, Ended up on long haul work from West to East coast and back, More big money but less and less time to do what I really wanted to do, get the girls.
Enlisted in the Navy while still under age. I lied. Had to make up the time so ended up in the Navy for over 6 years.
when I got out, I went back to driving, still, getting the girls was my aim. Wasn't working out so well till one trip I ended up in a town called Bad Axe, Michigan.
Back then, drivers waited by a Phone booth for a call from dispatch for next load.
A young guy walked by. I asked him where I could be something to eat. He told me there was a Dairy Bar down the street where his sister worked. I could get a hamburger and shake there. I followed him. Turns out His sister was darn good looking and did not have a boy friend. I told her that I was a truck driver and that I could get a load back there the next week and asked her on a date to the local skating rink the following week end. She said sure.
Turns out she was one of 9 sisters and 6 brothers. JACK POT. I dated them all over the next several months. Some times one at a time, at other times in bunches, always had to take a brother along, that put a cramp in my style.
Anyhow, I quit the long haul thing and took a more local driving job. Long story short, I was frustrated as all get out. At last I asked a middle one to marry me, well she was frustrated too so it was she who asked me to marry her..
I didn't care who asked who - We got Married. No more brother. What a relief.
By that time I had spent all of my saved money and then some. You know, big spender, flashy. Slow climb back up from the hole I was in. We didn't care, it was summer and living was easy.
I gotta tell ya, she was the best thing that ever happened to me.
I was hooked. just like a story book only real. She got herself pregnant. It was all her fault.
I asked her how many babies she wanted, considering the number of kids her dad and mom had. She said she wanted a lot of babies. I told her that I was willing and able.
Anyhow , I told her to pick out a house she wanted, which she did. Six bed room old farm house, I told her we could put on an addition if and when needed.
We made two babies when her baby making stuff went to hell, mean time I went back over the road long haul for the extra money.
We lived here until she died and that's where I am right now.
Or first born, our son is 55 now and like me is getting older, Our daughter Drowned in a pond at age 6 almost 7 while fishing for Polly wogs with a fruit jar.
Of course The thrilling things happened along the way, We never lost the excitement of going riding. When young, before babies we toured all over the place on various Motor cycles, I still have them all tucked away, all still working. But those things take a very far back seat to the excitement that Linda and I had each day just living and planning and doing crazy stuff.
So now, I'm getting things together for our last big plan. Going off like we did when we were young. This time I'll be just showing her stuff, writing it down for her to read about later. I'll say hey honey look at that and I'll hear her delighted gasp and comment, "take a picture" "did you get it"? She'll say "take me over there", She always did know how to make me feel macho. She'll say, "taste this" and then look at me to see if I approve of her concoction. I always did. I really miss her.
Ken, you are one of the most poetic and deepest thinkers in these forums I think. Strikes me that you're very honest with yourself and others. That's a great way to be.
Ken, you are one of the most poetic and deepest thinkers in these forums I think. Strikes me that you're very honest with yourself and others. That's a great way to be.
Being too honest can be hurtful. I've discovered that here on this forum, being honest is one thing, being truthful is not the same thing.
I am beginning to "see the light".
Here, I read many little stories and comments and questions about various things that leave the person hidden.
I live in a very rural place in Michigan. I came from a very rural place in Oregon long ago. I use the word neighbor often. That alone is a way or living. I know personal things about every one of them, They know very personal stuff about me. I am not ashamed, and neither are they.
For example, Ernie and Sally down the road know I like Oat meal raisin cookies. Linda, (my wife) made them for me, different every time of course. Now Ernie and Sally bake them for me and bring then to me when I run low. How did they know? Were neighbors, that's how. I use a straight raiser. She borrows it every few days, Ernie Shaves Sally's legs with it. That's their deal. That's a personal and private thing. How do it know? Were neighbors that how.
So, the thing that I bring here is that same concept, Not vulgar, just honest. Even though we are far apart in distance, we're still neighbors. Everyone here is a real person, complete. Fast cars, and the interstate highway system didn't change that. So
In todays world complete people are not allowed. Every person must wear make up of some kind, like hiding scars or blemishes, We all have them and everyone knows we all have them even though they are hidden. So life becomes a lie by omission.
In my era, Some people were crippled. Today those same people are handicapped. In my era some people were blind, today they are visually impaired, No they are still blind and crippled.
My point is: If we are going to truly become neighbors, You must know the complete me, not the vulgar stuff, The whole me. I choose to be honest and open, so you will not fear me or duck and hide when you see me coming. You will know my strengths and weaknesses, I will know yours. We can then compliment each other like neighbors.
Even though two of us can compliment each other, It might not be enough, and that is where a community of honest people is required. An old saying is: It takes a community to raise a child.
As a community of honest people, we can set a true course. Some one must lead.
I also have a spot for traveling nomads/vanners/etc to stop for a day or three along the southern route across the USA headed east or west.

My place is about an hour south of Amarillo. I have plenty of room, electrical hookups, water, and now, high speed internet.

Ken, you'd especially enjoy it...complete ham station here. Work the world on my dime!

Others are certainly welcome also.
You make me think. Been so long ago. Beginning at some point I just needed money, all kids need money. 25 cents was enough for a movie date. Then grander things and more dates. copping more feels of the fairer sex.
Got a job at a lumber mill In a near by town (Grants Pass, Oregon) I did well there, muscle work. Forman Liked me. After a few months I had more money but less time for going on dates..
Anyway, One day he told me that a friend of his in the next town (Medford) needed some one to drive his truck, was I interested? Yes I was. Big, noisy smelly truck would make me more handsome to the girls. And truck drivers were rich.
He drove me over there. (Harry and David orchards) I got hired. No drivers license required back then.
Anyway I was asked if I would take a load of pears to Pittsburg, Pa. Never heard of it but I said yes anyway. Got a map at the local gas station and away I went the very next day.
The deal was that I'd take the pears to a market in Pittsburg, Pa, then go to Oil City, Pa and pick up a load of box ends and slats for return to Harry and David Orchards.
By the time I had gotten well underway and with the help of other drivers The round trip was made. I was paid $300 dollars, took me 21 days.
Well-- I was rich, I mean really rich. I bought a car! An A Model ford for $25 dollars.
I had girls all over the place.
Well that sealed the deal, I are now an official truck driver. With all that money and all them girls and a car - shoot, I could have anything. Got a job hauling gasoline and diesel around Sothern Oregon and into Northern California, Over the mountains and expanded from there.
Hired on and quit many jobs, Ended up on long haul work from West to East coast and back, More big money but less and less time to do what I really wanted to do, get the girls.
Enlisted in the Navy while still under age. I lied. Had to make up the time so ended up in the Navy for over 6 years.
when I got out, I went back to driving, still, getting the girls was my aim. Wasn't working out so well till one trip I ended up in a town called Bad Axe, Michigan.
Back then, drivers waited by a Phone booth for a call from dispatch for next load.
A young guy walked by. I asked him where I could be something to eat. He told me there was a Dairy Bar down the street where his sister worked. I could get a hamburger and shake there. I followed him. Turns out His sister was darn good looking and did not have a boy friend. I told her that I was a truck driver and that I could get a load back there the next week and asked her on a date to the local skating rink the following week end. She said sure.
Turns out she was one of 9 sisters and 6 brothers. JACK POT. I dated them all over the next several months. Some times one at a time, at other times in bunches, always had to take a brother along, that put a cramp in my style.
Anyhow, I quit the long haul thing and took a more local driving job. Long story short, I was frustrated as all get out. At last I asked a middle one to marry me, well she was frustrated too so it was she who asked me to marry her..
I didn't care who asked who - We got Married. No more brother. What a relief.
By that time I had spent all of my saved money and then some. You know, big spender, flashy. Slow climb back up from the hole I was in. We didn't care, it was summer and living was easy.
I gotta tell ya, she was the best thing that ever happened to me.
I was hooked. just like a story book only real. She got herself pregnant. It was all her fault.
I asked her how many babies she wanted, considering the number of kids her dad and mom had. She said she wanted a lot of babies. I told her that I was willing and able.
Anyhow , I told her to pick out a house she wanted, which she did. Six bed room old farm house, I told her we could put on an addition if and when needed.
We made two babies when her baby making stuff went to hell, mean time I went back over the road long haul for the extra money.
We lived here until she died and that's where I am right now.
Or first born, our son is 55 now and like me is getting older, Our daughter Drowned in a pond at age 6 almost 7 while fishing for Polly wogs with a fruit jar.
Of course The thrilling things happened along the way, We never lost the excitement of going riding. When young, before babies we toured all over the place on various Motor cycles, I still have them all tucked away, all still working. But those things take a very far back seat to the excitement that Linda and I had each day just living and planning and doing crazy stuff.
So now, I'm getting things together for our last big plan. Going off like we did when we were young. This time I'll be just showing her stuff, writing it down for her to read about later. I'll say hey honey look at that and I'll hear her delighted gasp and comment, "take a picture" "did you get it"? She'll say "take me over there", She always did know how to make me feel macho. She'll say, "taste this" and then look at me to see if I approve of her concoction. I always did. I really miss her.


Yours are the best posts I've read in a very long time. I'm glad I found you.

Don't worry about the others. No one wins them all.

But there's really just one thing I wanted to say. I don't know how old the universe is, but it's still growing. Yes, the universe is still expanding. Might be something there for the rest of us...
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Yours are the best posts I've read in a very long time. I'm glad I found you.

Don't worry about the others. No one wins them all.

But there's really just one thing I wanted to say. I don't know how old the universe is, but it's still growing. Yes, the universe is still expanding. Might be something there for the rest of us...
These things I write down are like what's inside of me.
The tid bits of my life can not tell anyone how it really was from my earliest memories. Like world war two life as a kid but with memories like snap shots here and there and trying to tell how sad everyone was when some one came home all shot up or the death notices for the kids fathers who I played with, and on and on.
Then I grew to know what promises were and meant to playmates and neighbors and family.
When I met by wife to be, we were friends first, and then we became family. And then I just loved her with everything I was. Odd thing was that I could just FEEL she was going to the same place with me.
We were young and excited and didn't know that we were so totally dumb about anything. All I knew was that
Of course I wanted to have her close to me all the time. Not to mention that I was in lust but so was she. I felt it! She felt it too.
Anyway, I made a promise to her that I was hers if she wanted me, lock stock and barrel. That was my promise.
We got married of course and made the usual promise that marriage meant, but it was a forever promise, Same for her. We kept those promises.
There were several parts to that promise that I made, all them just as cast in stone as any other.
The part that was just part of the promise was the "Till death do us part"
At no time did I ever think that would ever happen. Never gave it a moments thought until she died.
Even now It's not real to me. I'm still stuck to my promise. Like she was still here.
So, Since I can't seem to move on to anything other than belonging to her, I'm not going to give it any further thought.
Ok, This is not a fairy tale that I'm living, I am going to do something with my days just as I have over the past years and I am going to make her proud of me. I'm going to do my best to do each day as I have for the past many years with her as my anchor, On ward to more life as if she were still here, only thing I am going to show her that I'm still the strong man I have always been each day. Men don't cry.
That means that I will not be blind to new friendships. Part of that means to share with others what I'm really like while at the same time keeping my inside self just for her, my promise.
I will still be honest with others. I'll give what is left over but never give anyone our place together.
I'm not going to win a lottery and It's pretty certain running across another female That is in the same place I am, willing to be friends as life goes on is not going to happen.......Well maybe............
fridge parts arrived late today, Tomorrow will be fix day-- I hope.
I also have a spot for traveling nomads/vanners/etc to stop for a day or three along the southern route across the USA headed east or west.

My place is about an hour south of Amarillo. I have plenty of room, electrical hookups, water, and now, high speed internet.

Ken, you'd especially enjoy it...complete ham station here. Work the world on my dime!

Others are certainly welcome also.
Too much to fill my days this week. My son's call is KA8POG. He is on his boat right now alone as I am. Got some more fixing to do yet. Waiting for Amazon to show up with needed stuff. lots to learn about this nomad thing. With fuel prices going so high it's going to take longer to get anywhere.
I like CW although once in and while I do do plain old SSB. I more like Antennas and building open wire feed line and just stuff.
Thanks for the invite.
This! This is the reason I don't regret my past and why I'm ignoring what anyone who disagrees with my plans thinks about my future. Some people absolutely love that comfortable, settled life and I'm not hating on them. If they're happy, I'm happy for them. But that's not my truth. I need to take risks and make mistakes and be confused and overcome challenges and love deeply and cry with all my heart. I need to experience the extremes, to expand all my boundaries, to know all that the world has to offer and I can't do that working a 9-5 and taking a 2 to 4 week vacation every year. The world is too big, too grand, too overwhelming to even make a dent in all it has to offer in my one lifetime so I'm going to live my life to the fullest for as long as I can. Vanlife is a means to my goal, but it's not my goal. Settling down in a van is too much like settling down in my house. My goal is to experience life and once I've had my fill of vanlife, I'm going to move on to the next thing that allows me to live large.
Well and richly said. I am happy for you as one who lived in a step van years ago and until recent was a snowbird. I ''get it'' some of us are true nomads and some of us are not or somewhere in the vast in between. But I believe you have to strive to know yourself and make your choices as suits you. I thought I'd get back out on the road by now but it is just not feasible as far as my personal values and goals. However it does seem from the ideological standpoint we here share similarities. I just like that I have a place to be free of hassles in nature without having to move and where I can garden and grow a lot of my food. So while I fought it, I was once told sometimes you have to grow where your planted and many years later have done so. But I thank- covid,climate changes and effects as well as increased urban sprawl and increased smog and congestion that like wildlife I crave getting away from civilization so that makes traveling less appealing to me now as well. Just prefer less moving around now in general which I believe I am more hobbit hermit than nomad, LOL. but I loath conventionality and for me which has only become less and less economically feasible. And my parents workaholic successful business folks yes ended up as aged loosing much of their gains to health care and ?? costs. I seriously feel they missed the boat entirely. If you make money and acquisition your priority all your life with no other regard for experiencing anything else and then end up having to maneuver as they did to keep anything, well forget it not for me. I best remain off the plantation a free slave. My nieces in laws same story too, wow ~.
Well here I am again.
Crawling around on the ground outside under my trailer looking for a broken wire.
Of course I do this squirming along slowly, got knots on my head and seem to be leaking a little from scratches. (hat fell off)
The power board from my fridge was not the problem, so now I have two of those. Even ordered a new gas valve but that was not it either.
Last thing that I can change is the control board on the front of the fridge which it seems is no longer available. SO
After looking around on the interweb, I find that an exact replacement is too expensive, almost cost as much the trailer cost me in the first place.
What I've decided is to replace the total cooling stuff with a 12 volt compressor deal.
Keeping the box, freezer and all.
Since I want to get moving sooner rather than later, I'll drive down to Indiana and do the change on the fly. found a U tube video of some one who has done it showing the steps and cautions.
I'm tired and pooped. Oh- I picked up 90 days of my meds today so I'm good till fall or longer if forget to take them.
Another thing, While out and about, I found another senior center, so I stopped in. Some of the ladies there were learning dance steps, Others were playing bingo, still others were knitting with their heads down. There were no old men around. I had a cup of coffee, No one said hello so after a while I left, Might go back, probably not. If I had a bank statement and a resumé I'd get at least a hello. I did have my brand new walmart shirt on and my high top boots laced up. What more can an old man do? I did take a shower just the other week, that was a waste of water. (and soap)
Something else I wanted to tell everyone. My trailer has a "full" bathroom inside with shower and so on but also on the outside it also has a shower. (hot and cold water on the end of a hand held sprinkler shower head. What's that all about?
It’s a hint! Lol!!! Those little knots add up so be careful!
Ken, if you do the moon-walk in front of those dancing ladies next time, I bet you'll get their attention... 😜 Especially if you fall down in the attempt... 🙃

Outdoor showering is the best! Never used one?
Ken, if you do the moon-walk in front of those dancing ladies next time, I bet you'll get their attention... 😜 Especially if you fall down in the attempt... 🙃

Outdoor showering is the best! Never used one?
Ya know, that's an idea. Once I saw a bird, Not sure what kind, Put his wings down to the ground, puffed all up and stomped his feet made dust in the driveway, Mom said that was his way of attracting other birds. Of course now I know it was girl birds he was trying to attract.
Your right of course, If I did do that, which I used to could, I'd fall on my butt and break something important (or not).
I can't say for sure that those ladies at the senior center were dancing. They had feet pasted to the floor and were side be side sorta just walking along. I would be too tall to do that besides, my feet are too big.
I was thinkin' last night, or maybe it was just dreaming, If I did my hair all blue like them ladies had, I'd be cute. Nah, I don't have any hair so my head would look like a blue bowling ball, ------seriously.
There must be something major wrong out there, Here I am 83 years old, That's pretty old ya know, Yesterday afternoon I got a call from a trucking company trying to get me to come to work for them. I told the guy my age, he said they don't discriminate, since my license showed valid and with the right endorsements and no violations, I would be flown to Denver round trip for the "orientation" and interview. I told him I'd think about it. I did think about it, Now my head hurts. Thinkin' is hard work. besides, I don't fly.
Another thing -- since thinking takes place right now, and when it's over with, do you say you thunk about it? -----Hummmm
The more time that passes the more I think I need a woman around to keep me alert and my mind working. Each time I start to go out side, I wait for the question---Linda would always ask me "where ya going ?" That made me think I'd done something wrong or forgotten something that I had told her I'd do. So I'd always ask her. She would say "oh never mind" and go back to what she had been doing. So I'd ask again, what is it? She would say "It's not important" "never mind!"
It always took me a long time getting outside, I liked looking at her anyway, she was just so beautiful. I miss her.

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