I am living in my van because I am my own worst enemy,

I am happy alone and at this point, by choice.
Decided to chase my dreams, so sold about everything including 20 acres next to Columbia River with a 2 story log house I built and bought 5 acres and small vineyard on an island in the Adriatic Sea off coast of Croatia

A true unspoiled paradise.
Sadly for me EU admission means all countries must have the same residence laws for Americans and things changed and I stayed and fought to stay until I didn't have much left to fight with.
Add to that Serbian GF stealing from me, lol ain't love great. I owned 5 more acres inside Olympia National Forest which I stupidly sold 7 years ago to neighbor heading back to Europe to be with her. Then I figure out her game but luckily I can live on the land still as part of the agreement of my selling him the land.
Then along comes COVID and he loses a 150k a year job and must sell the property... I now don't have cash to but it back because prices in 7 years here skyrocketed...
So... I did this to myself chasing dreams and bad girls.. It was fun while it lasted lol.
The ex NFL QB Bobby Lane said you should die and run out of money at the same time.. Good plan if you can make it happen.
If I didn't have the dogs, one 15, one 10. I would be off seeing the world or living in Eastern Europe where my SSA check makes me a king, not living at poverty level.
Once the male Pit Bull has passed on, hopefully I will still be able to carry a pack and travel...
I have been in the van since last April... I am luckily in an area the law says hello are you OK and that's it. I don't move around on Govt land, same spot from April to December and nobody bothers me. Helps there are few others doing the same here so they don't seem interested in me. Actually still in same community I lived in. We have made it through the winter, really no issues and warm.
As for relationships... Good luck.