You can approach it the way I had to for fitting a fridge into an area with space restrictions. Measure the space and then shop for a fridge that fits into that space.
I ended up with only two options. I had a tight height restriction because I wanted my fridge on a pull out rack under the counter but over the wheel well. One of the choices was an Engel 17, the other the Alpicool. Fortunately I came across a used Engel hiding behind the brand name Norcold and it only cost $100.00 more than the Chinese Alpicool. So of course I went for the lightly used Engel as it is one of the better makes of portable fridges and uses very little in the way of electricity.
Having a good defined set of criteria such as the size limitations, weight limitations, and electrical consumption narrows down the choices. It is good to have at least two options but when there are lots of choices use a decision tree format or spread sheet columns to narrow down it to the one best choice.
So you have two restriction criteria, one is size and the other is power consumption. Perhaps you also have a budge criteria. I don't need to know your budget. I am just saying those are important questions in your decision tree that need to be answered with a yes it works, or a no that unit is no longer on the list of candidates.