Hmmmmm, where to start...

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New member
Dec 22, 2011
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A few years ago when the recession was still considered a temporary downturn, and I was already struggling financially, it came to me that a person could live in a van and be out from under a lot of economic pressure.&nbsp; I didn't act on that realization.&nbsp; Instead, I went from my own place into a housemate(s) situation only to realize that I'd rather have a little that is all mine than to house share in order to maintain a certain level of...what...respectability? Comfort? Security? Now I'm back to considering a full-time mobile lifestyle. <br><br>Van living seems to be the best starting place for me. I was fine with the idea until this morning when saw the video about Tennessee law enforcement shaking down out-of-state travelers. I might need to reflect a bit more on the dimensions of personal security.<br><br>That's it for now.&nbsp; Greetings to all!<br><br><br><br>
Hi nofly, and welcome. I've been doing this for almost 10 years and I have had only very minor problems with police or anyone else. Everyone I've talked to and almost all my reading on the forums says that is true for nearly all of us. It is a much safer way of life than you would think. Don't let one negative news report sour you on the idea. Follow your dreams!! Bob<br>
I will add my 2 cents in here. From 2005 to 2010 I traveled through TN at least 8 times a year on a motorcycle and in different vehicles, but most of the trips were on my&nbsp;Harley, and I was not one who could not be noticed, I had a huge sign on my back that would attract attention anywhere, BUT never one time was I ever stopped followed or hassled by any TN police. I&nbsp;traveled&nbsp;Rt I 40 from one end to the other, I watched the so called "cocaine cowboys" (truckers name for the TN drug units) pull over vehicles, they were and still are out in force all along I 40, if you don't look or act like something is wrong you will be left alone, if you go flying down the road you might get stopped and ask for your pilots license, and if you have a real one I would keep in my pocket.
<font class="Apple-style-span" face="Arial"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">Hi Nofly. &nbsp;Welcome to our group. &nbsp;&nbsp;</span></font><div><font class="Apple-style-span" face="Arial"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">Katie</span></font></div>
Hi Nofly! Welcome! <BR><BR>I&nbsp;don't much care if I get pulled over. My paperwork is in order, I'm not doing anything illegal and I know how to be respectful. Not much they can do.<BR><BR>That said, I'd love a link to the video which&nbsp;you're referencing.<BR>
Hi Nofly, welcome.
I recently (7 mo ago) moved from upstate ny to NW Alabama, 20 minutes from Tn. I drive through Tn constantly, and many times I have to go north through Chattanooga to go south into Georgia . I have had no ( not one) issue whether I drove my bus, the blazer or my wife's Taurus, even when we still had ny plates on them. Tn is a BIG state, and covers a lot of territory Mabye we wouldn't be so lucky in Knoxville or Nashville, but here in the tri-state area, we are left alone. Of course, the vehicles are legit, and our insurance and liscense's are up to date, and we don't drive like maniacs.<img src="/images/boards/smilies/nono.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
Yes, the link that Big provided is to the video I saw about Tennessee, scary stuff!&nbsp; I'm an ordinary, nondescript, hum-drum, everyday sort of person, but it seems so were the people targeted in the video, that's what had me wondering. <br><br>I spent a lot of time yesterday reading older posts and following links to other sites and somewhere I came across BBC's "American Nomads". Part 1 (of 6) showed a shaken hitchhiker who had just escaped a couple of knife-weilding, gun-toting travelers.&nbsp; Maybe it's my choice of media that needs further consideration!&nbsp; <img src="" align="absmiddle" border="0"><br><br>Thank you for the welcomes.&nbsp; For anyone who wants to see "American Nomads", the first of the six can be found here:&nbsp; <br><br>
OK the whole TN drug unit thing could be a little scary to the normal person, I would imagine, there is a lot of intel involved in what these guys are doing, not just randomly stopping cars and finding lot of cash hidden where you would least expect it. They probably get tips from informants, or people who have been ripped off or just a normal person who saw something "different". I have seen them at work in the areas mentioned on the video. If you have a couple extra&nbsp;hundred&nbsp;thousand dollars in your car, I think you could easily explain where it came from and show some type of proof, well unless it was from some illegal doings. As far as sitting and watching the "money route" I think that is a good move.<div>Like I said if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to worry about.</div>
Nofly, I watched about 2 min of the BBC's "American Nomads" that was about all I could stomach, a show filmed in our country made to be shown in a country where gun ownership is basically outlawed and the whole population probably thinks we still ride horses and fight indians, because of stupid shows like this one...they also did one where they went to AZ and found some nomadic Americans living in motor homes worth more than all the houses I have ever owned combined...LOL the BBC &nbsp;but I used to like Benny Hill and "are you being served?" &nbsp;<div>Have fun on the road and do what you want to do, not what you think you should do....Big</div>