Hmmm... Blazing?

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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2014
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So I have decided to call the new wheels Bebe, for Brown Beast.  Or Big Bebe, haha, Big Brown Beast.   Although I may have to reconsider according to what happened to me yesterday.

Running to town on the back roads, the temperature was great outside, the winds have died down, windows rolled down as I haven't yet charged the A/C in her...    and damn does she run good!!

So I'm cruising without cruise control and the beast is happy, I'm happy, rolling over hills picking up speed....   and then we see it.  *gulp*  A blackie sitting on the side of the road about a quarter mile up.  Shit.  :(  So I look down, going about 57ish in a 45.   Oops.  So I say screw it, kept speed steady, I'm caught.   Mind you, I have not had title transferred yet as I am waiting on insurance cards to come in, and didn't have my seat belt on (which I did quickly when I saw him, haha.  Yeah, Yeah, I know.  I rarely drive or ride without one, I was living dangerously.  felt like a kid in a toy store). 

Yep, I got pulled over.  He was nice enough about it, I explained I just bought her, she has no cruise, and I was she was running damn good down the road.  He did ask if I slowed down any when I saw him, I said no, that I looked down to see what I was running, and asked him what he clocked me at, because I haven't paced her yet and didn't think the speedometer was accurate.  He confirmed he had me at 62 mph, so she's off on that.  I thanked him for that, and said she was just running really good for her age, showed him the odometer that just rolled over 72k, and told him what I paid for her, he was impressed.

Well, all said and done, I did have the bill of sale and drivers license on me, told him who my insurance was with but that I didn't have it yet, but it was transferred over so it was insured.  Luckily I had an old card I remembered to put in my purse from the car showing my insurance account number, which he didn't even bother to look at, honestly, and took my word for it.  Just gave me a warning.  :cool:

Am rethinking her name now, though.  She might need to be named Blazing Bebe.  I hope this isn't going to be a regular thing for her, haha.
You must be one lucky individual! In my younger days I got somewhere over 10 tickets, only one time did I get a warning, one time!
Woah, sounds like you handled that superbly! I might have to borrow the line about the speedo calibration...
I always fess up when I get pulled over. I'm about 6 for 6, all warnings. I figure why insult their intelligence and they seem to appreciate the honesty. After all I know what i'm not supposed to be doing when i'm doing it. If I happen to get called out on it, i'm not denying it.
hahahaha, I got nailed good one time in an old Plymouth Fury Police Interceptor, the pre 70s ones with the speedo calibrated up to 160 MPH and the toggle switch with the warning 'turn off AC compressor over 100 MPH' on the dash
I topped a rise doing more than 2x the posted limit, and there was a Kojac with a Kodac, looking sort of amazed
he looked more amazed when I was actually on the brakes before he got his car started
"you know how fast you were going?"
"More or less"
"You Know this damn Ford will only hit 110?"
"About what I thought"
"So why'd you stop?"
he wrote me for 15 over, told me slow down and have a nice day
Every Road Leads Home said:
I always fess up when I get pulled over.  I'm about 6 for 6, all warnings.  I figure why insult their intelligence and they seem to appreciate the honesty.  After all I know what i'm not supposed to be doing when i'm doing it.  If I happen to get called out on it, i'm not denying it.

To be fair, I did get the majority of my tickets after I stopped being a cop, I had a strong dislike for the profession after I left and so whenever I got pulled over I'd sit with the widow up and read the paper or somethings and make them knock.  Then I'd only open it about an inch and push my DL and insurance card through while saying "I'm not required to talk to you" and then rolling amy window back up.  So that might have had something to do with my total ticket quota.  :p
Ive got lucky. I regularly speed 75-80 in 65. But I know where the staties hide.

Been pulled over once for broken muffler. He never knew I had a blunt in my pocket. But that was in 2008
Lucky Theadyn! I've had more warnings. Can't think of a speeding ticket ever. Been quite lucky. My last warning was about 5 years ago...I missed a left turn (didn't know the area well)...the development abruptly ended -- wide open mountainous land, turned around going 57 in a 45, moto cop on sidewalk facing me... I had my directions written on an envelop, handed it too him asking if he knew where this was... I apologized. He asked if I'd been drinking (Cinco de Mayo holiday)...replied I don't drink... He gave me a warning.
the last time i was pulled over it was the local cop wanting to bum a smoke
Speaking of tickets.



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Sounds like the van was feeling spry, and strutting her stuff! ;-)

I have gotten two tickets in fortyfive years of driving.
First, at sixteen riding my first motorcycle. Got off easy, one dollar fine and traffic school.
Second, in the early 80s driving my Firebird from Eastcoast homeport to my tech school in California. Was late night, cruising through Baton Rouge, La. It was a valid stop, I was doing 80+MPH in a 55MPH zone. Cop liked that I was a Navy electronic tech, and we chatted while he showed me his new toy, the instant on radar - soon as my Fuzzbuster squalked, he already had me clocked. Thought if I get chummy with him, he'd give me a warning. No such luck. Got the ticket.
Can't win them all, and I was guilty as homemade sin.