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Dec 6, 2012
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Hi,<br /><br />My name is Corey and I'm new to the forums.&nbsp; I currently reside in the Greater New Orleans area but an putting serious consideration into purchasing an RV and hitting the road for a while.&nbsp; My current plan is to wait a few months and find an older RV in decent shape, something in the $5000.00 to $7500.00 range.&nbsp; Not really concerned about looks, just as long as its in decent shape.&nbsp; My current plan for employment is to work with my Dad on his Shrimp Boat during trawl season, so a couple, three times a year I will be headed back to the great state of Louisiana.&nbsp; I am 28 years old and have no idea what I really want to do with my life, so I've thought about this for a while and at least for the immediate moment, I've decided this is what I want to do with my life. If you would like any more info, please feel free to ask.&nbsp; Also any tips regarding this plan is greatly appreciated.&nbsp; <br /><br /><br />Thanks in advance,<br />Corey
Howdy Corey! Welcome to the tribe!<img src="/images/boards/smilies/wave.gif" />
welcome Corey <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
Yay! Good choice...and welcome...you'll fit in with this bunch of misfits and drifters...LOL<br />Bri
Hi Corey:&nbsp; Cool, the shrimp boat thing.&nbsp; I always wanted to try that, never got around to it.&nbsp; Welcome to the RV whatchallit Group.
Thanks for all the welcomes <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">.<br /><br />@ josephusminimus: Its really not a bad job if you don't get seasick and don't mind working hard without sleep if you are catching good.
Corey, I trust you all do better than my youngest son did with his shrimping efforts in Alaska...he worked his a-- off all season and came home with a new backpack and new boots. Dunno how that all worked though..it was his first effort as a young lad on a highschool friend's Dad's boat...I think the skipper was new to it too....<br /><br />My boy went on to a raft of other at-sea efforts and ended up his sea life after the boat he was on went down off Seldovia. There were 4 clients, a few halibuts and the skipper....it was a mechanical fluke, a nice day and the Coasties came and got them all but the boat was a complete loss with two brand new diesel engines. Weirdly enough the water came aboard so fast that they lost all electronics, etc. almost immediately.<br /><br />They were able to use a client's cell phone to reach Seldovia 911 to get the CG out. Another client filmed the entire thing and the next thing we knew, my brother in Vermont called me in Idaho to tell me he saw Jed on a tv show. "Most deadly rescues" or some such reality show of the day...LOL Funny although Jed did one more season on the guy's new boat and called it good...<br /><br />He has earned his right to wear a gold ring earring....combat or shipwreck was the old rule, once upon a manly-man day! <br />Bri
Thanks Bri,<br /><br />Glad your son is OK, I've known quite a few people who have gotten killed working on boats.&nbsp; I think I will be OK considering we won't be to far offshore out in the gulf of Mexico and my dad's boat is brand new.&nbsp; Still has about a month left of work on it, before we get it in the water and after that we will be ready for the May season to start.&nbsp; I eventually may work my way up to Alaska to get on one of the crab boats for a while, not sure yet.
@ paddling_man:&nbsp; I'm looking on Ebay right now just to see what's available in that price range.&nbsp; I will go with a class B if need be, but I'm looking at some Class C's.&nbsp; Not really concerned about age, just as long as she runs good and most everything is in working order.&nbsp; Cosmetically I'm not really worried about how she looks, b/c I do have a couple of carpenters in the family that can help me update it as I can afford to.<br /><br /><br />Hahaha, I use to live in Ocean Springs.&nbsp; What a small world <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">.
Did you check out the second link? Fiberglass and aluminum. They are pretty cool. There was a blog on here about someone who completely renovated one and it was awesome... until someone in Mexico totaled it for them.
Yes, I did check out the second link.&nbsp; That is the one located in Ocean Springs where I use to live.&nbsp; I've always did like those old GMC coaches.&nbsp; Have always thought they were way ahead of their time <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">.&nbsp;