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New member
Aug 8, 2021
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Hi !  

I am starting out in my second stage of life and working out plans to be a nomad (mostly) I have been researching a fair bit about camping full time, etc. Currently, it will be just me and my dog, I will be visiting my aging parents in Northern VA and my college-age kids in MN and WI, as well as hoping to try some snowbird routes in the Winter, and spending some time in the Summer taking over fixing some much-neglected 70-year-old family log cabins built by my great grandfather that are in remote MN (remote as in no road to the cabin property).  I work remotely (with wifi) full time.  The first hurdle is finding the right vehicle - I currently have an SUV - (Sienna) I considered converting to a campervan, but it has almost 300,000 miles on it and is really on its last legs, so any vehicle suggestion under $10K for total setup to boondock that would not be a lemon would be appreciated. Plans are to strike out from the cabin in October this year (2021) either right before or right after ice in.
Thanks for reading.
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We look forward to hearing more from you.
Look for a pre 1992 Suburban or Chevy/GMC truck and build a topper.
MsBearRiver - Welcome to the forum, it sounds like you have some excitement in your life coming up. I’m not very mechanical but I can give the only advice I have For buying a vehicle. have someone who is A reliable mechanic look it over and give you an idea of what the true condition is. if a seller isn’t willing to let you do that runaway. Again welcome to the forum.
MsBearRiver said:
I currently have an SUV - (Sienna) I considered converting to a campervan, but it has almost 300,000 miles on it and is really on its last legs, so any vehicle suggestion under $10K for total setup to boondock that would not be a lemon would be appreciated. 

I bought my 20-yo econoline cargo van for $4700 and have about another $1500 in it for my no-build build and my refrigerator/generator/solar panels.

Of course I bought my van before the current spike in demand for travelling vehicles.

As with any older vehicle, get the advice of a mechanic.
Buy your vehicle somewhere south of the rust belt zone where they salt roads in winter. If you are going to be up north in snow country in a rural area a high clearance 4 wheeldrive truck with tires, chains, self rescue stuff. If you are parked along a road and a snow plow piles up the edge you will need to dig your way out to reach the road.
Thank you all for the ideas - I will look into the Suburban / GMC and a good mechanic check is indeed important - I know a mechanic, but not someone who checks out RVs - is there a reliable source for RV inspections too?

thanks again for the warm welcome!