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Sep 28, 2020
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Omaha, NE
My name is Curtis, but I go by Countryboy on a different forum, so I'll be Countryboy here as well. I hail from NE Nebraska, at least for another month or so. Then I'm heading to the great American south west. I've five acres of desert tucked down in the south east corner of AZ, and I'm going off grid in my tank of class a.

I've a lot to learn, but I've lived in a camper twice before, so I'm not a complete newbie.

I look forward to learning about and from everyone here.

Welcome to the forum country boy. So you have your own property down there and you’ve got a big class A. Sounds like you’re all set. Keep us Up to date with your adventures your changeS to the rig to live off grid etc.. We like details on rigs including pictures. Is your class a outfitted with solar or does your property have electricity on it what about water and such are you going to have to take it to town to dump the tanks? Just curious. This forum has a lot of wise people on it I’m not one of them. I hope you enjoy our company and share often. God bless the nomads as we all move To warmer climes.
I don't have solar yet, I'm going to wait and get it at the local Wallyworld. I'm going with WindyNation 200 watt, wired into two 110 ah lead acid dual purpose batteries. Just to start. I'm going to install two more identical systems, time and money permitting. One will be dedicated for the fridge, one for ac and one for general purposes. Til then, I've got plenty of generator power, including a dual fuel. I can get water delivered from in town, reasonably priced. I don't know if I can justify the cost of a deep well, my needs are very modest. I will have to put in a county approved septic to occupy my land for more than six months, but I can do that myself for a reasonable cost. And with the RU-4 zoning, a septic system is my only zoning requirement, as long as I'm not doing anything that generates rental income.

I plan on being there by November 15. I'm both nervous as heck and super excited at the same time. Best of all, no more snow!
Welcome to the CRVL forums CountryBoy! Sounds like a good plan!

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.
Depending on what your elevation is will determine how cold it gets. I got caught in the snow in Demming New Mexico and the wind blows cold around there. I would bring some extra blankets if I were you. It seems the closer you get to the border the colder it gets.
I'm at 4,200'. Snow is a possibility, but very unlikely.

And coming from Omaha, an average low of 35f will be nice and toasty.
Highdesertranger, thanks so much for pointing me to Santan. I buy used whenever possible, and this looks like it could be a real money saver. 20 cents a watt instead of a dollar, that is a huge difference, and will allow me to get everything in one fell swoop. And I'd much rather do business with a local company than a huge megacorp.

Welcome to the forums, it sounds like a great adventure on your land in Az. Will you be spending more than 6 months on this property ?, otherwise, you could avoid the septic costs.
welcome to the group. I am a newbie but a goody. i love learning about people and this new life I am working toward.
you are welcome. it usually pays to ask before a purchase we have a lot of knowledgeable people here on this forum who have done it before.

I'm gonna be a full timer in AZ. I've had enough of the screwy Nebraska weather and screwier policies and politics. It is very much a nanny state, and I'm a big boy who can think for himself, unlike the sheeple that need their gsd to protect them from themselves.
Welcome to the forum... It's great to have you here with us.

Sure wish I had some land there too.
Welcome... I hear ya about the snow. I planned to leave right after deer season here  and go west to kids for holidays then south. (I’m in northern MN) I guess about two months ago my neighbor gal was killed in a car accident. She was like a daughter to me. Her kids like grandkids... The town decided to continue a Christmas tree lighting party she’d put together and I’m unable to be not involved. So my departure date is mid December... heavy on the brrrr. After Christmas I plan to leave my kids out west and venture south. I hope to run across ya out there. Yes 35 for lows sound pretty warm. But I’m planning on even beating that. The class A sounds like a mansion... haha. I look forward to your input and updates on your life in the class A. Sounds like you have the best of both worlds. Good luck and I hope you’ll make it to the western side of the state when people do some gathering again. A friend lived in your neck of the woods. He always wore his red hat with the big N on it. He said the N was for knowledge. (He too got out but moved to Florida).
Enjoy the ride!
Countryboy -- I can really love that excitement I can hear in your message about your new adventure. yes that anticipation ("nervous as heck") can be rattling but it's all part of the fun, huh? It's that drive to see what's around the next corner that we all seem to share. Good luck. I'll be looking forward to hearing how things are going for you.

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