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New member
May 28, 2013
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Hello all,
My name is Teena. My husband and I are wanting to leave the rat race next year buy a camper and be free to roam. We made this goal a few months ago. After both of us finally got the guts to do this we are excited and can not wait! I am happy to find this forum and hope to learn a ton before we embark on our new journey through life. Thanks for having me <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
Welcome, a lot of us are retired and wish we had started this years ago.&nbsp; Good luck. Ed<img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif">
Thanks! I turn 40 next year. We had to wait till the last child graduated from high school and that is next year. Other wise I tell you we would be leaving today lol. It is amazing how once you decide the itch kicks in. Glad to meet you and happy travels <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
Welcome! Myself, I am in the planning stage. I know that itch well.
We're glad you're here. I am living in a Class C motorhome this summer, but will not be free to travel until my youngest graduates from college (he thinks that is in two years, but I think three years is more realistic!) So far I am super happy to be out of the sticks-n-bricks and am cozy in 26' of RV. Are you looking for your home on wheels yet?
funny. - tina got three responses. while a separate likely male first poster got zero tesponses. posted the same time. just find that funny
Lol off road maybe they felt sorry for me because I have no van or rv yet <img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
<EM><STRONG><SPAN style="COLOR: #888888">G'day&nbsp;Teena and your guy from Geoff in Australia. Living and working on the road.</SPAN></STRONG></EM>
Welcome Teena.<BR>quote from offroad&nbsp;<SPAN style="COLOR: #0000ff" id=post_message_1278196455> funny. - tina got three responses. while a separate likely male first poster got zero tesponses. posted the same time. just find that funny </SPAN><BR><BR>Offroad, I will look more carefully, I'm glad you pointed this out. This caring is what makes this a wonderful community.
<span style="font-size: x-small;"><strong>welcome from s.w. florida .... blkjak</strong> </span>
It's not really anything more than what should be expected. A lot of males humans never grow up without a female to keep them lined out. Always sniffing around any new females like looking for a b$$ch in heat. It is animal nature and we are all animals when it comes down to it.
My 'female' kept me lined out alright...takes the lining out of my pockets!<br><br>She decided, while I was in a vocational program, to 'purposely forget to taker her birth control'...even though I told her and honestly meant, that if she wanted a children, I wanted to wait until we had our money and jobs settled.<br><br>She totally just did her own thing and used me.<br><br>Her family hated me from the start.<br><br>I cannot look at women the same anymore.<br><br>I am pretty much broken.<br><br>Even though I have given her thousands upon thousands without child support, she decided to put me on it just to get more money for health insurance.<br><br>I have never been allowed to raise my gorgeous daughter and it makes me want to cry.<br><br>I hate life sometimes.

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