Heavy handed moderation

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Well-known member
Dec 25, 2017
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This forum is too hostile. From “rules” being enforced that aren’t actually rules, to closing perfectly reasonable threads because the moderator didn’t like the topic (but obviously the participants did) the forum is not being moderated in the spirit of Bobs post about the kind of forum he wants.

I’m fine with not having politics. I have a problem with the idea that moderators are not required to abide by the rules and can act with impunity (and especially if they can’t be questioned— so if you close or delete this thread for that reason I’ll consider it proof you have no respect for the forum or it’s rules.)

To have a healthy forum the rules need to be objective, clear, fairly applied— and ALL moderator actions need to be backed up with a chapter and verse citation of the rule being broken.

In this forum there are no rules against talking about things that have been talked about before.

Finally, this forum needs a moderator of the moderators. Either an appeal mechanism or person who is not a moderator who has some power to police the moderators.

Maybe that’s Bob, but he doesn’t seem in here much.

You may think everything is fine, but the sickness that kills forums is they end up being echo chambers for only one point of view, driving off contributors.... and the membership ends up declining over time, sometimes rapidly as people find other venues.

In the age of Facebook,old school Internet forums like this are at risk to begin with.

Bobs rules have the right spirit. We need to stick to them if you want this forum to thrive.

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That article puts it very well. I’ve observed patterns over the past several decades on Internet forums, and those patterns are what I was trying to warn about, though likely not eloquently.

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Other forums have spawned off of this one for that very reason. I'm sure more will be created in the future. The fact that you posted your concern will probably get you a few private invites. Personally I don't care for political rants or drug talk and no matter were I visit I do try and avoid those. Other posts or threads that get deleted sometimes leave me scratching my head but oh well, I'm not in charge and if it becomes a real issue I'll just wander away. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in this feeling.
I don't know what incident(s) you are referring to but I agree with your point of view.
I have been on forums where any topic can turn into political fertilizer or name calling or other unproductive posts despite the rules. Usually by the same few people. Over and over. And the mods do nothing. So I leave.
I have also been on forums where it goes the other way. As you say it does here. I prefer this. Doesn't make it right.
I have already had a private conversation with one of the mods here about a member who's only contributions are a superior attitude and belittling commentary. He's still here. So I guess it goes both ways depending on the situation and the moderator.
Being a mod can't be easy. They are human. I don't know what the process is for deciding if a person is qualified or how long one remains in the capacity. Should mods be elected? Should they be replaced after a length of time? I don't know. What I do know is this forum is full of great, caring, helpful people. And a few turds. It's certainly the best forum I've come across.
I believe the moderators are doing their best at keeping us on track; that is "cheap RV living".

I don't like it when a thread is going, someone makes a post and at the end of a good post has to throw a little political jab in there too. It does nothing other than making the poster feel righteous. There are other forums for that kind of stuff. It does not belong here.

We are supposed to be welcoming and non-judgmental.

My two copper pieces.
I have zero complaints about keeping political stuff off the forum, or maybe a complaint that is impossible for the mods to deal with because people keep trying to post borderline political or outright political comments and get away with it. (Call it bait.)

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Keep in mind you may think it's heavy handed, but "heavy handed" is an opinion. If the powers that be don't share that opinion, then your or my opinion is kinda mute.

Use PMs, trade emails, visit others forums(you can belong to more than one), use snail mail if you want. If I had a forum, it's my rules. Don't like the rules or how they are applied, tough luck. I think friends are made here, but I don't think this forum was meant to be a free for all playground to make friends. I think the first intent is to educate\help van dwellers. The fun we have here is secondary(my opinion). If your interested in other forums that are a bit more laid back, they're out there. Just be aware that without a teacher around, the rough housing might be a Lil hard for some to be around. If that makes any sense.
ratfink56 said:
I have already had a private conversation with one of the mods here about a member who's only contributions are a superior attitude and belittling commentary.

Ohhh I wanna know who got snitched on!!! Lol. How did you come up with your username? :cool:
Wabbit said:
Use PMs, trade emails, visit others forums(you can belong to more than one), use snail mail if you want. If I had a forum, it's my rules. Don't like the rules or how they are applied, tough luck.

I think the first intent is to educate\help van dwellers. The fun we have here is secondary(my opinion).

The consequences of your first point undermine the mission of the second point. People have apparently already left and started new forums, I didn’t know that, but it is a signal that confirms my experience.

Consider this thread a warning. You can say it’s just my opinion, but obviously it’s not.

I have no investment in this forum and no attachment and really no dog in it... I have just seen the story before and am lending my expertise— and attempting to educate as to what happens.

And in fact I proposed a concrete solution to solve the problem.

Obviously if a moderator thought they were themselves doing a bad job they would change.

My goal here is to propose the solution and hopefully get endorsements from others who see the problem.
My opinion is that if one has an issue that it be addressed first with the moderator and then if not satisfied, pm Bob, and if you don't like Bob's answer, either choke it down or move on.
I have seen several similar threads and comments during my relatively brief time here. It's a balancing act and there is no one-size-fits-all-forums approach.

This forum has more censorship and moderation than other forums I am on. I believe this results in a forum that is more welcoming and friendly to newcomers. However, it doesn't seem to create the same community of old-timers that less restrictive forums have. This might not be bad; a lot of people come to CRVL in a time of uncertainty and need. They should not be driven off.

On the other side, there is something about this forum that discourages me from wanting to create a build thread or trip log. I feel the responses would all be very sanitized and generic. I was very excited when I found this forum and that excitement was quickly tempered by the community I found. Now I just stick to replying to threads where I have relevant advice to offer. I don't think I will be putting much of myself out here.
Technomad said:
Consider this thread a warning. You can say it’s just my opinion, but obviously it’s not.

A warning? A warning for what? Sounds ominous. You know how many times I've seen a post about moderation here? Me neither, but it's more than a few over the years. Forums still here, getting bigger, not smaller. I try to mind my p&q's here and then in other forums I'm on i can let it all hang out, so to speak.

Starting up a forum isn't that hard or expensive, that is also a solution for some.
Wabbit my user name is a reference to Ed Roth. As to the other, the o.p. of a thread jumped the member about his constant critical posts. I made a comment. Then the o.p. made a comment. Then the o.p. and I got sent to the principal's office. The end.
Wabbit said:
A warning? A warning for what? Sounds ominous.

Geez, I guess I needed to be explicit and put the word “friendly” before warning. Your response seems kinda combative.

Love it or leave it presumes there’s no possibility of improvement. Maybe you’re right.

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Technomad said:
Geez, I guess I needed to be explicit and put the word “friendly” before warning. Your response seems kinda combative.

Love it or leave it presumes there’s no possibility of improvement. Maybe you’re right.

I'm not trying to be combative, and I never said that one had to love it or leave it. Saying that, I agree with you last sentence... :cool:

I don't love it, but I also don't hate it. For me it's just the way it is and I have decided to respect the owners decision even if I disagree with it. That and I have other forums to go to if I'm looking to get something else.
Wabbit said:
Starting up a forum isn't that hard or expensive, that is also a solution for some.

Might wanna learn a little PHP if you do decide to start a forum.  I had to invest a little time in the books when I started mine.
Motrukdriver said:
... you do decide to start a forum.  I had to invest a little time in the books when I started mine...

I am not a glutton for punishment, so no forum for me lol. Great advice on the PhP though!
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