Heard any good music lately ;?D

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Well-known member
Jul 13, 2014
Reaction score
Riverside, IA
So just listening to my latest music favorites and I was curious if anyone else has found something new that they really love. I'm sure like a lot of people my age, it's easy to get into a rut and just listen to oldies (cuz most "top 40" music these days does suck, lol). But once in a while I'll stumble across something random on Youtube that really is good, or even great! So thought I'd share a few that I really like, enjoy ;?D

This first one is Desert Babbler by Iron and Wine, great voice and very 70's retro sound and cool lyrics.

ANYTHING by Camera Obscura is fantastic imho. Honestly I haven't found a group, since like the Beatles, whose albums are filled with such good music, hardly a stinker in the bunch. Now not comparing them to the Boys, just saying that these guys (and the lead singer/songwriter Tracyanne Campbell) are so talented they don't need "filler" songs on their albums. And while their sound has been described as retro (hmmm I think I see a pattern, lol) but I think it goes beyond mimicry, it's as if their music actually CAME from back then, like they've been transported into the future and brought the music with them ;?D.

Here's another by CO, great classic 60's country sound, and the video is a series of mock clips from 60's TV shows, hard to believe they're a Scottish group out of Edinburgh and this song came out in 2007 ;?D

Okay, ONE more by OC, just because they're so good! I LOVE the sound of horns and trumpets, and this song is filled with them. I just don't know why you don't hear them anymore in popular music, young people are missing out on a whole range of good music and great musicians imo ;?D

So what are you listening to?
Soooo, everyone just dedicated to the Oldies....

...feel like the Lone Ranger <sigh>

...nobody likes my music <SIGH>

...I'll just go over here and play by myself then.... I don't need anybody else<sniff>

...just me and my music... and this chair... and the remote control... that's all I need.

Fearnoevil, many of us have to watch our data usage. Due to limited data videos are out.

Also, streaming music is out. The only time I hear new music is when I am driving. I don't hear much that makes me want to listen to more. Also, I try to drive as little as possible.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/RLzmqOff-lM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Some of us actually make money with music. I am known as The Free DJ. I play in small taverns for no cost to the owner.

To get the audience to “participate” I have a sign below my tip jar that reads:

For a dollar donation I will give you $5 back if I cannot play your request.

I have never paid out once using a Verizon 4g jetpack to connect to the internet.
Cindi, I keep forgetting that I'm still one of the landed gentry, lol, and I take for granted a lot of stuff which will not be so easily accessible to me once I become a human tumbleweed ;?D
So note to self: "Before launch be sure to download all the music on the internet. All of it.:angel:"

Hey Loo, that's a cool gig man, sound like a great way to have a lot of fun and still pay some bills.:cool: I was a disco DJ back in the late 70's and early '80's, and all the drugs and craziness aside, it was the most fun I ever got paid to do!:p

Ever heard of Guthrie Govan? That guy can really shred a guitar, and makes it look easy, lol, pure genius ;D
Guthrie Govan - "Fives"

And another, SMOKIN!!! I think Joe and Steve are going to have to move over :?o
Guthrie Govan - "Funky Blues"

But I will personally always have a soft spot for Satch, he was a trail-blazer and could write some beautiful melodies, like this, one of my all time favorites ;?D
Satriani - "Always with you, always with me"

Oops, make that "Always with me, Always with you", lol
The music that tickles the inside as my skull is always changing.
Delbert McClinton......... Shotgun Rider
Nicki Bluhm and The Gramblers....Jetplane
Paul Simon...... Diamonds on the soles of her Shoes, various live versions

And from the BBC sessions.
Jimi Hendrix.... Can you please crawl out your Window?
The last 45 seconds of this song get me dangerously amped.
My stereo simply cannot play this song loud enough. No stereo could.
It deserves a link
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/V611wjcecJI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
SternWake, ohhh yeah, love Jimi and that's a great Dylan cover, yet he always had a way of making a song his own. :cool:

That Nicki Bluhm's got a sweet voice, good choice ;?D
So I was listening to their live version, the one recorded at Joshua Tree, and I was thinking how her voice reminded me of Emmylou Harris when suddenly that reminded me of Gram Parsons of The Byrds and The Flying Burrito Brothers, who had partnered with Emmylou back in the early 70's and recorded/toured together (after he'd left the FBB). Now the strange part is that Parsons coincidentally died there, in Joshua Tree, about 40 years ago, of a drug overdose which led to one of the more bizarre stories in the history of rock and roll lore, yeah weird association, lol.

Anyway, not sure if you've heard of him, I'm a fan of his music, but it was an old girlfriend who turned me on to him bout 25 years ago - she was a REAL fanatic, knew every detail of his career and drug overdose death there, and apparently Parsons has something of a cult following who still go up there and mark the anniversary of his untimely passing. Johnny Knoxville made a film about the events surrounding his death, called Grand Theft Parsons, unfortunately a bad movie only loosely rooted in facts but I digress, lol.

Here's a couple of links, first to a duet he made with Emmylou of the classic "Love Hurts".
Love Hurts

And this is one of my favorite Flying Burrito Brothers songs:
Hot Burrito #1

One more by Parsons and FBB is his version of Wild Wild Horses, and while the Stones claim it as their own, it's also true that Gram and Keith were close for a bit and jammed together, and when you listen to the style of this song it's got Gram's fingerprints all over it (seriously NOT your typical Stones, so I kinda think it's true ;?) ;?D
Wild Wild Horses

One reason Gram Parsons is much more than a footnote in the annuls of rock and roll is that he's credited by many as being the "father" of country rock.
"With the International Submarine Band, the Byrds, and the Flying Burrito Brothers, the songwriter pioneered the concept of a rock band playing country music, and as a solo artist he moved even further into the country realm, blending the two genres to the point that they became indistinguishable from each other. While he was alive, Parsons was a cult figure that never sold many records but influenced countless fellow musicians, from the Rolling Stones to the Byrds."

Christine's Tune
These guys are really good, the lead singer kinda sounds like a cross between Bob Dylan and Tom Petty :cool:. They're called Delta Spirit an indie rock band from San Diego, good stuff ;?D

Lol, yeah that's an understatement ;) Zappa was nothing if not outspoken, intelligent, unique and just plain weird!
Gotta go listen to some Dinah-Moe Humm, heheh ;?D
I'm usually in a retro mood, lately it's just 70's playing on Pandora. :)
Theadyn, the 70's had the best music ever, still my favorite oldies. I know for me, a part of it has something to do with my having graduated from high school then, being at that certain age where impressions are so strongly tied to coming of age, young love and all that. But beyond that I firmly believe that the late 60's through the early 80's just saw some of the best rock music every created, no doubt about it.
But try to tell kids that these days...
Rock Plaza Central-Are We Not Horses 2006-one of the best albums Ive heard end to end in a long time.
Had to add this one because it's in line with my handle.
The Who
Nice one, haven't that Who tune in a long time.
Guy, that is some smooth guitar playing, love his take on that and something I look for in a cover is someone really putting their own mark on a song, Jimi would hardly even recognize it I'd bet.

So caught this listening to NPR on the drive home tonight, a new Spoon tune,
Inside Out

Also heard just a snatch of this while I was in the store yesterday, and I haven't heard this song in years, one of my very favorites from the 70's by a band called Malo...

Then for some reason, maybe the Summer music feel, that reminded me of my favorite War album, Why Can't We Be Friends, which brought back a flood of old memories, cruizing the blvd with friends, the top down, passing a doob while we took turns whistling or hooting at the hot chicks, lol, yeah those were the days... man it sucks to get old:dodgy:
You probably have to be a big War fan to remember this one, but here you go...
Smile Happy
Crazy music night, so I was on another forum reading a message from someone there, and she mentioned liking The Trans-Siberian Orchestra, which blew my mind because I also love them, great rock operas and some of my favorite Christmas tunes. And for some reason that reminded me of a group I haven't thought of for several years (yeah my mind makes some strange connections sometimes, lol). They're a German rock group from the 70's called Triumvirat, and I still don't remember where I first heard of them, probably from a fellow fan of Yes shared an album, but I think they are great, so here's a link to some of their stuff....

A Cold Old Worried Lady
I like AAF, good music and looks like they put on a rocking show ;?D And yep I'm a Yes fan from their first album, I (barely) remember tripping to their music quite a few times, lol.

Okay here's an interesting Before and After comparison of a group that had a hit with a really lite pop-hit called Barbie Girl,(yes that one, lol, but I still love the video cuz it's just so kitschy), but now their music has evolved and and the lead singer, Lene actually can sing
Barbie Girl
Playmate To Jesus

And then there's Lene going solo, mmmmmmm she is sooo hot ;?D
It's Your Duty (To Shake That Booty)