Handgun Permits n Mail

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Oct 5, 2012
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I will be starting my full time RV living in 3 weeks ( off the grid). I have a question about handgun permits. My Michigan permit expires 2014. Should i renew it using Jb Mailroom or drive back to Michigan??? I will still have a Michigan address ( moms house). I want to use a NV address for cheaper truck insurance
In WA, they have to be renewed <em>in person</em> every five years.&nbsp; Or were you just asking whether or not to renew in person in NV or Michigan?
Ya. I wondering about the in person.
That why i figuring, if i use a NV address, just renew it there.
<p>The CCW permit laws vary from state to state. Although it does make sense that the majority of the states require that you renew a CCW permit in person. The only two I know of where you don't need to apply in person are Utah &amp; Florida. But both those states require that you fill in that's states permit paperwork with a copy of your original state CCW permit plus the fee.<br /><br />Another option is to get a Nevada CCW permit and apply for a Utah or Florida permit. That will give you approximately 35 states coverage. Nevada even has non-resident CCW permits available as well.<br /><br />Just a thought!<br /><br />UPDATE: I just checked Michigan's CCW permit coverage. DO renew your permit in MI! That state covers the majority of the USA with the exception of maybe less than a dozen states. That MI permit is worth keeping current!</p>
Ok. Will do.

But im getting a NV address for Dodge Ram insurance. Michigan is a no fault state. ($$$$$)
Just a quick note. In Az concealed carry is permitted without a license!
Wow. I didnt know that about Az. They must not have too much crime. The thugs ( wann a be's) would have a hard time.
I would be very, very careful about this.

Michigan might very well take the postion that you ceased being a Michigan resident when you traded your Michigan drivers license for a Nevada one, your claim that your mother's address is also yours notwithstanding. The Nevada drivers license being proof that you are actually a Nevada resident. They could claim that your renewal of your Michigan RESIDENT CCW Permit was made under false circumstances, and permit is actually null and void.

Of course, this would only happen at the worst possible time - like when you need the permit to stay out of jail!

I would talk to a Michigan lawyer who was knowledgable about Michigan CCW issues before I renewed it.

not understanding. you want it only for when you are in that state? &nbsp;and you will keep it in locked storage location until you get back to that state. correct? &nbsp; assume you can not go across state lines with it, and there are limited reciprical state privaleges?&nbsp;
This&nbsp;can be&nbsp;a real grey area. CCW are issued to residents of the state. If you are not a resident, that is taxpaying, address etc. you are not entitled. If you hold a license you are considered to be a resident of that state.
Im contacting my attorney now that located in MI. i worked with him before concerning my business before leaving MI. Im writing him now about these issus and he'll just bill me ,usally about $100 for the time n research .
Please post the gist of your lawyer's response once you get it. I would be very interested in hearing what he says.

On a somewhat related note, I hope you are aware that, under Federal law, you can ONLY buy handguns in your state of residence, and nowhere else. If you were to buy a handgun in NV using your NV Drivers License as ID, and then buy another handgun in MI using your MI ccw as ID, you would be setting yourself up for some serious time in Club Fed.

This whole issue of multiple state residency comes up fairly frequently in the mainstream RV forums. Lots of fulltimers would like to claim to be residents of state A to register and insure their Mega Motohome, but also want to claim to be residents of state B for tax purposes,etc

It's almost impossible to do without breaking a bunch of laws.

Or so I'm told . . .

In AZ you can carry a gun openly on your hip without a permit(unless they've changed the law since I was there). I've never checked the crime stats for AZ but I'd be willing to bet they're low.?