Grown Up Talk About Van Sex

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Bitty said:
I spent a solid chunk of my childhood in Cameroon amongst villagers who lived in one two-room mud brick house per family, where having 10 children was considered few and some men also had multiple wives under one roof all raising their kids. I think we tend to forget that many cultures and much of human history has happily subsisted on far less privacy than modern housing has to offer.

Quite so!

I was thinking about the Native Americans who raised their kids in a 1 room tepee...and was only a tent flap away from the neighbors!

Talk about your Stealth!!! :p
nobodyG17 said:
Sign me up for your newsletter.

Now we need more van dwelling titles.
50 shades of white vans.
If this vans a rockin she's been a bad girl.

LOL.. now don't forget the companion bumper sticker that is made for the "bad boys."
nobodyG17 said:
Now we need more van dwelling titles.
50 shades of white vans.
If this vans a rockin she's been a bad girl.

A little publication I'm working on...

nobodyG17 said:
Sign me up for your newsletter.

Now we need more van dwelling titles.
50 shades of white vans.
If this vans a rockin she's been a bad girl.

LOL good ones!

More titles for books and bumper stickers:

Bad Girls Don't Get Candy In This Van
The Stealthy Submissive
Bondage For Boondockers
Leather: It's Not Just For Seats
Road Kink For Dummies

I have you as my very first newsletter subscriber nobodyG17. Of course, I believe Bitty is more of an expert than she is admitting. I will have to get her to help write some articles.  :D
TMG51 said:
A little publication I'm working on...


I should have thought of this one TMG!! Kama Sutra is awesome! Vanasutra could be done stealthy for sure lol.
SaltySeaWitch said:
LOL good ones!

More titles for books and bumper stickers:

Bad Girls Don't Get Candy In This Van
The Stealthy Submissive
Bondage For Boondockers
Leather: It's Not Just For Seats
Road Kink For Dummies

I have you as my very first newsletter subscriber nobodyG17. Of course, I believe Bitty is more of an expert than she is admitting. I will have to get her to help write some articles.  :D

Good ones.
I guess all the bad girls will have to come to my van for candy then.  -grins-
This is the only old dated thread I read every post in.  That thing about a seminar at RTR.  may give a new meaning to the first word. 

Now two true stories (no kidding)

3 middle aged  couples are at the campfire.  My wife and I included.  We all notice a camper rocking near by and all smile knowingly until one man says to his wife "where is our daughter?" and another says to his wife "where is our son?"

A very conservative Mennonite Church sponsored a young married retreat at a campground.    One young couple dropped the kids at the grandparents house and borrowed their pop up camper.  It was the first time they used a popup and they did not know to set up the legs to support the pull out beds.  Talking about your love for each other at an event like this can kindle some flames.  Of course they were parked near the campfire where the entire group was making "smoores"  They went into the rig to have their own kind of "smoore".  Of course the popup tipped over and the velcro seam opened and there they were naked as jaybirds in front of everyone.  They rushed to the camper door only to discover that they locked it for privacy.  Kind folks ran to get them a couple of blankets and one of the men enter the sleeping area and unlocked the door for them.  A neat part of this story is that everyone at the retreat realized that p this story was to good to keep it from circulating through the community but they all promised to never reveal which couple it happened to and to this day their identity is a mystery.  But many have active imaginations.
That’s funny!

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I've never had the first problem with this issue.  Of course my ladies and I observed the adage: 

"Night time's the right time".   I always parked off to myself and dated women who were practical 
about what we were doing when we were camping so not to get ourselves into any trouble.  And still
we always enjoyed ourselves.

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