Greetings & salutations from Washington state!!!

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Sep 16, 2019
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Hi. We are Shay and “the Hubz” (Hubz is technologically challenged... lol! So it’s always Shay.)

And as our user name suggests we are both disabled. 

I am 48+ legally blind, having been born with congenital open angle glaucoma not discovered until I was 6.  My folks were told I would be completely blind by my mid 20’s... I also suffer with Lupus, Crohn’s,  degenerative disc disease and fibromyalgia. My main “dis”ability is/was my vision throughout my life. This is my “normal”. 

My husband is 50, insulin dependent diabetic and in 2016 he had what was called a “widow maker” heart attack. The good thing was he listened to his body, and we lived 4 minutes from the hospital... and they were able to do their job saving his life. In 2017 he had what was deemed a “mild” stroke... before he retired in 2013 to move back to Washington state; were originally from New Orleans; he worked on the Mississippi River on tugboats and was very fit and muscular. Since the stroke he’s lost over 100lbs and has no muscle tone. He has chronic nerve pain in his right leg (stroke side). 

Neither of us WANTS to be disabled. It just is. 

I have two sons from my first marriage of 9.5 years. Hubz had never been married nor does he have children but he stepped up and became the Dad my boys needed. My oldest is 27 and is on the autism spectrum (Asperger syndrome) and my youngest will be 23 this October. Both are married oldest has a stepson and youngest has a son and a daughter (2 & 1). 

Once my oldest was married and they moved out... we gave up a HUGE home to moved into our 1972 5th wheel with our 6 dogs... several are retired service dogs (I was emotionally. Mentally and  logically  Abused by a mentally ill parent and then by my first husband and still suffer with PTSD night terrors and anxiety/panic attacks). The Hubz and I have been married 20 years this past June. 

Our goal is to purchase a small pull behind camper or a small motor home so we can do more traveling. This past spring Hubz and I drove from Washington state to Mt. Rushmore then across  Minnesota, down into Illinois, Nashville, Huntsville Alabama, Columbus Mississippi, Atlanta Georgia.  We did this in our 2002 PT Cruiser... good thing we’re both short and the back seats pulled our and only one dog. With the Hubz being the only driver it took a bit, which was fine with us. With a pull behind or small motor home stopping would be better. 

Our pack includes; 2 mini pins, one is my first retired service dog... the other was severely abused by a child who is now in prison for attempted murder of his mother and sister. child who is now in prison for attempted murder of his mother and sister. Then there our chiwiene+ my 2lb chihuahua (who travels with me)- 4lb chihuahua and 80lb chocolate lab who was supposed to be trained for guide and mobility but she was too puppy-ish. 

Welp, I hope this introduction gave you a glimpse into who we are. 

Shay & Hubz
Welcome to the CRVL forums Shay and Hubz! When I read 6 dogs I wondered how you all fit in a fifth wheel. I was thinking all big dogs not 2 and 4 pound ones! :-D Keep us updated on your plans and your search for the perfect RV!

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.
I hope with 6 dogs, you are planning on keeping the 5th wheel as a home base, that may be rather tight in a small pull behind, or RV. I wish you luck in your travels.

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