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broken ed

Well-known member
Jan 5, 2018
Reaction score
I have less in the last five years then I've had in the last five decades, much less. This due to circumstances beyond my control. But I've been comfortable, happy and grateful everyday,,, not just today. When it rains, I am dry, when I go to sleep, I am warm and when I wake the coffee is hot. Much more then many, many people have in the world.

 So today it seems appropriate to wish you all well, especially those that have disagreed with me.
Happy you are happy and doing well. Grateful for what you have :)
I am also happy and doing well. Very grateful for what I have :)
Good thoughts broken ed. I wish you well, too, and to all those that are grateful or trying to be grateful.

Being grateful is a funny thing. I find the simpler my life becomes, the more grateful I am. I once had a "good" job, and the stress of it was killing me. Waking up in the middle of the night with my heart racing, not being able to turn off the thoughts of the day to come was not uncommon. Life was a drudge. The bone crushing stress, in return for a "good" paycheck.

It's now been 8 months since I quit that prison and day by day, week by week, I am learning to enjoy the simple things that I found hard to notice before, and I'm now satisfied. No job, unknown future, but none of that matters. I'm grateful to be able to live.
Hi Ed. I also wish you (and everyone) well. When I am able, I help other people in need. I have been a volunteer at a church, helping distribute food to people in need. I have helped family and friends (and strangers) in need but I can only do so much (and essentially nothing right now). To me, nothing is more important than one's attitude; as long as you do not allow yourself to be defeated, you cannot be defeated. Ed's attitude is more important than his circumstances. Anybody can go from "riches to rags" and many did in the GFC. Props to you Ed.
Hi Ed. I know what you mean. I have less income now than I had when I was starting out in my late teens/early 20s and the cost of living is so much higher now. I got a late career start because I was a mom; who unexpectedly ended up going it alone. I built a good career then became disabled and pretty much lost everything. Thankfully I have two wonderful children (adults now with their own kids) who help me out when I really need it but it makes me feel bad because it shouldn't be this way. I think all our elected representatives should be required to live on $1000 month to understand how far that doesn't go... But I am grateful for finding this community and learning about so many others who've found joy in this simpler lifestyle.
Plant said:
It's now been 8 months since I quit that prison and day by day, week by week, I am learning to enjoy the simple things that I found hard to notice before, and I'm now satisfied. No job, unknown future, but none of that matters.  I'm grateful to be able to live.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^I totally agree.. that has been my experience as well^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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