Govt tells woman off grid, you're living unsafely

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Well-known member
Nov 29, 2012
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Arco Idaho
This story made me laugh, and sad at our government but considering my own lifestyle and those of a lot of people on this site I thought it was worth mentioning.

I put in power at my home base (honeys park) but basically have no problem living exactly like this woman does, and have ran into the same type of attitude around here. I have a 14x70 mobile home I bought for storage on my property, and my RV. I technically live in my RV for exactly this reason: Because they can't tell me not to on my own property, while they can tell me to leave the unhooked mobile home alone. I am admittedly libertarian and believe for the most part people should be allowed to do what they want with their own property, as long as they aren't hurting anyone else.
My wife and I have disagreed for years about property ownership: her nesting instincts vs my wanderlust. I've always held that one never really owns property even if it's paid for. You rent it from the municipality. Stop paying taxes on it and see what happens. In most parts of the country, incorporated townships and cities, they also get to review and tell you what you can or cannot do on the property. You often even have to pay them for permission to do something on your property, something they get to say is okay or not.

Unless one gets so far back in the boonies, in some unincorporated area, and even then the state or county probably would probably be poking their nose in your business.
AltTransBikes said:
I've always held that one never really owns property even if it's paid for. You rent it from the municipality. Stop paying taxes on it and see what happens. In most parts of the country, incorporated townships and cities, they also get to review and tell you what you can or cannot do on the property. You often even have to pay them for permission to do something on your property, something they get to say is okay or not.

Unless one gets so far back in the boonies, in some unincorporated area, and even then the state or county probably would probably be poking their nose in your business.

This was terrible. AltTransBikes Wrote:
I've always held that one never really owns property even if it's paid for.
It couldn't be more true.

What else was really wrong, the media managed to find out her criminal history, like that mattered, in reference to what they reported on.

Altrans, I meant to put the 'this is terrible' after your quote, I'm in agreement with your quote.
Sad think about 'owning' property is, unless grandfathered in, you only 'own' the TOPSOIL and not the ground underneath. What a deal, eh? ..Willy.
You are absolutely correct, pay for your property in full, then skip the property taxes and within 3-4 years the property will be claimed by the state or county in Idaho. My property taxes amount to $140 a year on my 8 acres, but if I didn't pay up....
Did you notice the second paragraph of the article:
"Robin Speronis told WFTX-TV that she was given an eviction notice after the station aired a story about how she chooses to live in a home without modern amenities, such as running water and electricity."

Did she never hear of "keep a low profile"? It was her own stupidity which caused her the problem.

Actually I only think you have these kinds of problems in richer areas. I don't think poor, rural counties have the money to hire code enforcement inspectors...--and poor, rural counties only intervene when the owner is causing problems.
I would argue with it being her fault for the problem, you should be able to do what you want and live how you want without having to hide it. I just think saying that goes a little too far for me.
On another thread, unchained, a mod here, asked what my post about government had to do with cracking a window. If this doesn't open your eyes to the fact that everything is about us and the government and the intrusion into your daily life nothing will. Go along to get along has brought us to the point that even someone directly involved with a forum dedicated to independent lifestyle and choice doesn't understand the role government plays in our lives. Your freedom to choose an alternative lifestyle is being threatened as I write this. You are the enemy of conformity, you dare to step outside the lines of society. You think the laws about where you can park, where you can sleep are going to be relaxed? Maybe I'm a fool, but I care about folks like us and I think it is important to realize that everything in your life is directly influenced by government. Sorry, I'll step off the soapbox now, your turn.
There has been a similar story brewing one town over from me. A couple, now in their 70's, have wanted to downsize their lifestyle and live a more simple (and less expensive) life. Leaving their personal motivations aside, because it's nobodies business anyway, they have been wrangling with town and state officials for 5 years! They had a write up in the local rag's weekend edition.

quoting the article:
the state housing code requires all houses within 600 feet of electric service to hook up to the grid and requires central plumbing, a backup heating source and an approved septic system or sewer hookup.

Now I can see the bit about septic/sewer but........requiring one to hook up to the grid? Or a back-up heating system? Pure BS in my estimation.

link to article, it's the cover story "Couple finds path to building simple living space isn’t simple"
owl- I understand it perfectly, thanks, and often agree. That said, dragging the subject of gov't into every thread on the board is unnecessary.
This thread, obviously, has everything to do with the gov't overstepping its bounds, so go nuts.
I respect what you are saying unch, but I think if you look at my posts that is not what I do. Sometimes what builds every day leaks out. I think it is important that people understand that politics affects every part of their life. That being said, I also understand your point and will try to control myself. Although that has never happened in my life, I have always been out of control.
Most areas in the USA have some sort of zoning, does and don't s. IT pays to look out for them when you buy and keep abreast of changes.
But this has little to do with zoning, no one is saying she was trying to live in a commercial area or such. Their entire argument boils down to her being off-grid. Too many lil dictators on planning and zoning committees, city councils, etc all over the U.S. are pushing too many laws for no reason most of the time. This has led to overcriminalization in the U.S., basically meaning that at any given time some cop could charge you with something.
Quite frankly I hide my lifestyle from the county I live in as many wouldn't understand, and more would disprove if you aren't even interested in having the house with the white picket fence.
I mostly thought that since most on this forum are living alternate styles or are considering them that they should know of this type of thing.

Ideas like this make my blood pressure go out the roof!!!

kin we please change the subject to something more insurance companies?? :p
Amazing. Unbelievable. Although the government is wrong in my opinion, that just goes to show it's better to be anonymous and not tell the whole world who you are and what you're doing. Haters will keep on hating and do everything to deter you.
They shouldn't do this to her and its disgusting how the media is putting her on trial again for an offense she has already paid her dues on.

One part of the code that makes them take this action pertains to lighting. The code will state that you must have a switch within a certain distance of entry points into that room. Thats why a switch is near the entrance that either turns on a central light or it turns on a plug on the wall that has a lamp plugged into it so you don't have to cross a dark room. There is much more to it but this is just one area. Shes poking the monster in the eye!!!!!
I'll bet she was thinking (at least part of her was)...

"HA!, I kin live off the grid right here in the city, and I'll rub thier noses in it too....that'll show 'em!!!!"

yeah...she show'ed 'em all right!! :p
That may well have been part of her thinking, but my point is: in what way does that make the story any less tragic or tyrannical from the government? I'll show them and do something perfectly legal, ha, arrest me. Yeah, thats a bad person. Truth is I'm a little saddened at seeing support for the governments take on this from some people on the forums here. So do some of you think we should live in fear and hiding even when we are following the laws?
Why should she have to hide? She is sanitary and has all the power she wants. If she wanted to come out of the closet for this, then she should be allowed to. People here putting her down for honesty and thinking she had the rights to live as she wishes? I'm surprised.
I don't know her motives but maybe she just wanted to show that self sufficiency may be had in the suburbs. I have lived in places like that so I understand bucking the system and wouldn't do so myself but I applaud her. I'm still irritated the tv station looked to see if she had a criminal record, found some dirt and published it.

Scar said:
That may well have been part of her thinking, but my point is: in what way does that make the story any less tragic or tyrannical from the government? I'll show them and do something perfectly legal, ha, arrest me. Yeah, thats a bad person. Truth is I'm a little saddened at seeing support for the governments take on this from some people on the forums here. So do some of you think we should live in fear and hiding even when we are following the laws?

Well put Scar. I'm saddened also