Good morning

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Won't give up corn on the cob until I don't have the teeth to eat it. Gawd, does it taste great, I could make a meal out of just that. I am going to die of something and I might as well be happy getting there. Did someone say "ice cream"? I am 70 and in pretty good health, no meds. I have eaten "bad" most of my life. Did someone mention fried seafood?
HOT DAMN B and C!!! I hear ya on that!!!!!

but then ya got no right to complain about the scale for ya you know....heehee

if you accept something in total, you can't whine about the other HAHA

oh hell yeah, did that my whole life. Whine also here for many things and will keep whining like you LOL
you had me laughing on that post!
I am only whining because I can't get out and about for my exercise. I have been curbing my intake to help lose weight but the menu here usually sucks. The DIL doesn't like to cook (or clean house, laundry, etc) and the only time we get a more than one course meal is when the son cooks. The DIL has a full gym I could use but never cared for artificial exercise and the room can't be cold enough. Too darn boring too. Now I get my exercise from flying off the handle and jumping to conclusions. I really miss doing things I like. I'll quite bitchin' and moanin' now.
Good Morning! Mind if I join in?
Sun just now peeking out from from being fog locked here at El Vado State Park, NM.
Having a late monsoon season this year as we have had afternoon cloudbursts 5 out of the last 6 days.
Glad to see the sun shining as I need the road to dry out some. I am out of caffeine!


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LOL B and C...too darn funny

good morning
dog to groomer early
back home to pack rv for beach trip
finally! a change of scenery
back to school dulldrums to kick in, yea DULL drums, not doldrums :) adds a bit of extra meaning to me that way LOL
come and bushhog the goat pasture for me B and C.....need a farm hand, getting too damned tired to do it ourselves anymore LOL
I'll trade with you Roamer. You can come and take care of the wife while I get out and mow. I love driving tractors. Used to pull a hay rake for my FIL.
hubby loves driving tractors also. I could barely get him to sell a few of them when we shut down the farm. He kept 2, now I am trying to get him to sell the backhoe but I have 1 goat left out there in retirement and have to bury her in a while since she is like way over the Boer goat age now...nearing 15 so once that backhoe has dug its last hole that we need, away she goes :) break hubbys heart but I only have about 4 yrs left to unload all this crap before we hit the road and sell it all!

If we were close I would take ya up on that offer. Trade some home care time for work time.
moving is the key to life keep on trucking but don't you overdo :) be smart about it all :) do what is best for ya at any time!

good morning
last pack crap into rv
away we go tomorrow. 8 or 9 days at the beach. boy do I need it! last hooray before first yr high school starts for kiddo.
4 yrs and counting....freedom.
Good morning. Get your exercise Dean, so the Dr. will let you go camping. October is not that far away.

Had a rootbeer float to honor national root beer float day last night :p
Good morning
leave on a beach trip, finally my day to leave is here!
see ya'll later :)
Good morning. We will be waiting for tales of your outing Roamer.

Dean, it seems all we can do is hang in there. Have a great day.
Not morning, but want to catch up on this thread today. Mornings I'm usually in the van and for some reason the Chrome app on my phone is no longer working... so I can't check in on this forum until I can get to my apartment and use the computer.

Well - I joined a fitness club and have been there a lot in the mornings this week, just exercising to get used to what's available there. I haven't tried taking any showers there yet and really, I'm still here with my apartment and am able to take showers in the shower I'm used to so why switch now? I'll do that later when I'm on the road and necessity dictates my actions.

What else? Well, I stealth parked for the night for the first time - in the parking lot of the apartments I live in. Got tired of Walmart/Cabelas/RestArea . . . decided to stay a little closer to home. I think nobody is aware that I'm out there. I gave away the bed from my apartment so the only bed I have is in the van.

Walmart... someone parked a big old decrepit trailer and Walmart had to haul it away. The manager said that happens about once a year, at this Walmart. New 24-hour RV parking signs were installed the morning before they hauled it away. Too bad they had to pay for disposing of it when they're just trying to help travelers.