Good morning

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yup, send the crap on its way to anyone else who wants crap....all are treasures til that one day ya wake up and see it as junk to clutter your life :) well it went that way for me
I do try to sell the items that have enough monetary value. It does ad up. I brought in $500.00 this last week selling some rugs I have had sitting in my friends garage since I sold my last house nearly 10 years ago. I would have a yard sale if I was in a better location for one because you can move lots of stuff even if it is priced lower than might seem worth bothering with.
maki2 said:
I do try to sell the items that have enough monetary value. It does ad up. I brought in $500.00 this last week selling some rugs I have had sitting in my friends garage since I sold my last house nearly 10 years ago. I would have a yard sale if I was in a better location for one because you can move lots of stuff even if it is priced lower than might seem worth bothering with.

Timing can be important too though. For instance I have some heaters to sell but I will wait on that until a few weeks before I leave this fall. If I wanted to sell the small portable AC and some fans, this week would be prime time for it. But I still need them so I will miss out on prime time.
yard sales. I would slit my own throat before I had another yard sale in my life :) :) did one, never again!

just me. omg they are so much work for people haggling for ya to cut the price from $1 to .25. LOL
around me, in booney land, people ain't got much bucks so anything 'treasury' and with a price tag on it ain't selling. Anything over the $5 mark at a yard sale around here sits and never gets sold. And the work to put it out, pack it back up....omg ain't ever going down that road again.

good morning dwellers
do mostly nothing day except SOS
Good morning. Garage sales, ugh. Nothing happening today. Sounds like I might get a small outing tomorrow though.
I'm with you on yard sales - I used to try that to raise money and what a waste of time it all was. Never again. I like giving my stuff away. Before I left on my maiden voyage I gave away all the living room furniture and my bed. I'm back now... sitting at a card table... oh well... sleeping in my van where I have a nice bed. Spent the night last night at Cabelas and at Walmart the night before. Tonight will probably go to the rest area. Alternate, alternate, alternate until I am done emptying out this apartment in a month or two. The sooner the better.
yea me too. give away is easiest and ya help someone and you don't have to work too darn hard giving junk away :)

TA I feel for ya being stuck a bit, but your freedom is coming soon now. hold strong. I love sleeping in rest areas. I don't know why but when we travel we always stop and spend time amongst the truckers. For some reason I actually enjoy it. Others say, no way, the truck noise and such, me, I don't hear a thing, lol

good morning

SOS day here
rain into some sun but more rain around. whatever! :)
quiet day
Howdy. Got out for a 55+ Starter at Denny's and couldn't eat it all but somehow my weight is slowly creeping back up. Breakfast, 1 egg fried, 1 bacon slice, two slices of toast and hash browns. Left a slice of toast and half the hash browns. Arg, I can remember when I could eat whatever and however much I wanted without gaining. I guess it is this very sedentary lifestyle I am stuck in. My strength is waning too. It sucks getting old. It was nice to get out for a bit though, even if it is hot.
see if your local PBS station has the program "sit and be fit" on its schedule.

This is even handy for van dwellers who are limited in space to exercise and/or can't do a lot of hiking due to mobility or balance issues

if not here are some episodes of it from the Sit and Be Fit youtube channel
mostly sunny here
Is a good morning tho and hope ya'll have a great one also

work on rv time, clean, pack some crap
leave Thurs for 9 day trip at the beach

B and C...I hear ya on getting out. Change of scenery rules me. I must see something different than the 4 walls or I go batty. Glad ya got out!
Good morning. Had a feast last night and waay overate. Grilled steak, corn on the cob, scallops, jalapeno poppers wrapped in bacon. I was still stuffed at 11 when we went to bed. I am not going to lose weight doing this.

Hot, partly cloudy with a chance of rain this afternoon. I need to get out and start the generator for its' monthly exercise. I don't want to have to go through dropping it again to get it running.

Have a great day!
drop that nasty sugar filled corn and your body would feel a lot lighter for sure :)

steak, scallops and poppers in bacon...omg the perfect meal. add that corn in and you retain water from the sugars in it. carbs make us bloaty. minus that corn you would feel a lot better than ya do now but DAMN I AM jealous on that meal report....YUM

do what ya gotta do, the monthly exercise moves your body also HA