Good morning

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Is the the good morning chat or good morning, this is what I am doing today?

I never knew we threw the good morning chat off the rails. Isn't that how morning chats go? It goes wherever it goes. I thought this was kinda like sitting around the morning campfire drinking coffee.
B and C said:
I thought this was kinda like sitting around the morning campfire drinking coffee.
It "used" to be when it was Dean and Buster's Good Morning thread, but then Dean got pissed because everyone was ignoring Buster. Oh well.
Dean got pissed because his thread got taken over by everyone and they weren't talking to him and just talking amongst themselve ignoring him.
desert_sailing said:
....I disagree that it doesn't take being tough. There is a mental toughness that Is required to do this successfully. The weak need not apply.  I am certain there are many folks that need the "spirit" just to be able to get out of their van beds at times. Folks dealing with physical limitations have to be tough.. there is not the same degree of comfort....

I agree. My motivation for the first month dwelling in the pickup was that living in S&B was making me soft. Other reasons too, like wanting to live in nature and wanting to be targeted for crime less. 

It was several years later that I found the forum and realized that I could live in an RV in nature all the time.
Qxxx said:
... Pooping in a bucket in a van that you cannot stand up in is possibly the low point of human civilization in america in the past 50 years....
Too funny, but that is not my low point. I am always happy to get the business taken care of, in my own bucket-bathroom. And I found that the low ceiling of the pickup cab helped me heal my back injury. Every night I climbed over the seats to pop into my bunk. After a month of that I could do those flip-over tests of mobility at the doctor office. Better than 6 months of physical therapy for me. 
I think the low point for me was getting used to being out in the rainey downpours in the PNW. Before dwelling, I thought of extreme weather in a negative way: "bad" weather. Now it's just part of the natural world.
crofter said:
After a month of that I could do those flip-over tests of mobility at the doctor office.
Never heard of a flip-over test at the doctor's office. A part of PT?

I can't personally say that living in the PNW is the low point in western civilization, crifter, but if you say say so, I believe you. I think I would rather live in eastern WA or OR state, than over near the coast. Since 1984, I've only lived in places in the west that get 300 days of sun a year. That's why they call me HDQ, high desert Q.
Qxxx said:
Never heard of a flip-over test at the doctor's office. 
Yes it's a Physical Therapy test. They test your back by having you lay spread eagle on your back, then flip over without using your arms or legs. You have to be able to flip both right and left. If you can, you pass. If not, back to the pain grind.
I sent Dean a PM. If he comes to the forun, maybe he will say hi to us.
Y'all went on some strange intellectual journeys since I last posted here. I always felt we might need to have a thread for miscellaneous chatting that isn't tied to a time of day.
Sofisintown said:
If there is NO ONE around to smell you, do you still STINK? 
A: Yes. You will need to exfoliate your all of skin so your pores do not become clogged. Easiest way is jumping in some water & towelling off.

If you are getting a cold shower in the shower tent, did you forget to heat the water, or forget to put up the rain fly?
Qxxx said: do have to carry that potty around for a week or more, and then find a convenient place to dump it, and where it is actually legal....
My max is 3 days, before I get grossed out, even though I can not smell it.

My question: if we can have charging stations for electric cars all across the land, why can't we have sewage dusposal stations for dwellers all across the land??

I'm sorry. I hope no one gagged on this subject matter in the coffee thread.
Qxxx said:
.... For winter time use, get some little eskimo boots.
So that's what those are for. I thought it was a good luck charm to hang from the rearview mirror.
travelaround said:
 I always felt we might need to have a thread for miscellaneous chatting that isn't tied to a time of day.
And maybe Dean will come back. And BTW, "new" threads are very easy to start.
crofter said:
So that's what those are for. I thought it was a good luck charm to hang from the rearview mirror.
Well crifter, people were talking about a lot of very strange solutions that work in limited conditions. If "I" were trying to take a shower in a floorless popup tent in the middle of January in Quartzsite, I would darn sure wear eskimo boots to keep the little puddies from freezing. 

And if 3 days worth of poop in a porta-poopy seems bad, imagine continually adding installments to a composting toilet where it takes 30 days minimum for each installment to decompose. Eeeewwww. Not to mention those separate 3-gal bottles of yellow liquid. Eeeewwww. If I ever had a composting toilet, I would put it in a trailer to pull behind the van. Out of sight, out of nose range. And "that" may be the low point of western civilization.
"you do have to carry that potty around for a week or more, and then find a convenient place to dump it, and where it is actually legal to do so,"

I use the camping potty in a hybrid bucket way: I put a squat empty coffee jug in the potty bowl. The jug is lined with a disposable bag which is secured with an elastic band outside the jug so the jug lid still snaps in place. The potty lid closes shut over the jug. I dispose of a bag every morning at whichever restroom I use first (truck stop, Walmart, etc.) I don't boondock for weeks at a time, so nothing is kept aboard for more than a few hours. The jug is for liquids. I use public restrooms for solids.

Boondockers have to be more inventive :)

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