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I have to watch what I eat because of foods that cause inflammation (mainly "white" foods). About 3 years ago I totally removed sugar. (I only use naturally processed stevia found in one product only: Sweet Leaf. So far. ) I also stopped taking in gluten.... including oatmeal which had been a mainstay easy go-to meal even for nighttime. :(

I am sooooo glad I made these changes!

I also added in minerals and vitamins. If I miss my zinc one day by the next afternoon I am craving salt and sweet! Take the zinc, no cravings. And selenium is a must along with my Vitamin C (up to 10 gms a day) and sea kelp. (I can't take iodine in other forms, especially synthetic) If I miss the kelp, the nodes under my chin swell...

The hardest thing I have to fix about being on the road will be accessible drinking water. I had tons of it with me for RTR yet Sherlocke got sick because we drank Tucson water! It has to be easier for me to get to... I love water and need lots of it to avoid inflammation and increased pain.

I'm down 3 sizes since eliminating sugars and gluten.
DrJean, how much zinc do you take? I usually take 25 mg daily; I've read that you shouldn't take more than 40 mg.

I just bought some SweetLeaf packets to try -- not really impressed, or need to take more.

Do you have a water filter, maybe even just a charcoal one? I don't know of any other way to make it smell or taste 'generic'.
I and my dog drink filtered water. I have one of those kitchen ones with 7 layers good for "30" years.

Sweet leaf comes in a loose leaf (hahaha) bottle that is much less expensive. It could be that your sweet tooth is used to gobs of sugar? Sweet Leaf is very sweet... I lost my sense of taste but can sense the sweetness (and my assistant agrees to it's sweetness...) Perhaps going off sugar altogether for 3 days and then trying it again? IDK.

I take 40- 50 mg of zinc a day.

I don't trust the FDA etc they are bogus. I don't trust my own MD as she wants me to only take less than 500 mg Vit C... stupid and ignorant or ???? a plot to keep people sick imo!

Read the book Dead Doctors Don't Lie by Joel Wallach and see what he documents. The book has been in the Smithsonian for it's findings and cures, regardless the current pharmaceutical companies and medical doctors won't follow it because they thrive on our illnesses! Just like Vitamin C cures cancer, he's proven it. But you have to sign a waiver that you won't take any vitamin C while taking standard cancer treatment. Go figure. Ok off soap box...
When I married my husband I had lost a bunch of weight, kept it off for 2 years, and turned 50 in the best shape of my life. But he harassed me about eating weirdly (Pamela Peeke's program, basically the same as Andrew Weil's anti-inflammation diet) until I gradually let it all go. Gained the weight back and started having health problems. Now I'm divorcing him and hoping I can undo some of the damage.
My wife is the opposite, she is super health conscious and is constantly urging me to eat better.

Just now finished my annual physical, doc is on me to exercise more and get my blood pressure back down to normal (it's never been high before today).
DrJean, trust the FDA??? hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

I was off sugar for 3 days before I bought the SweetLeaf. However, I did use one packet of the SL in my tea this morning, along with a measured 1/4 tsp of sugar, and the combination seemed more palatable.

Most MDs have a grand total of about 27 hours of nutritional health education, out of the approx. 14 years of education that they get. PATHETIC!

I used to work with a woman who showed up with kidney stones. Her doctor blamed it on the 1000mg of Vit C that she took routinely. Seemed odd.

I'll try to get hold of that book you mentioned..... HEY! My library system has it! Thanks!
Does anyone know how long prednisone keeps messing with your body after you're done with it? I've been off is a week and my weight is still creeping up, even though I'm eating less and exercising, very frustrating.
Call your doctor and ask. Also ask if any food group should be eliminated to deal with the weight gain. I'm not sure doctors know everything about corticosteroids. There is fact, theory and opinion, and they're not the same.
I asked when I was there for my physical, I got patted on the hand and told "it will be over soon".  She's a nice young doctor, but seems to want to talk to me like I'm stupid.  I'll check with Dr. Google.
Prednisolone and such can affect your system about 6 weeks or more.

Remember, the medicine doesn't make you fat... it makes you think you're hungry and you eat mindlessly. Stay mindful and drink water (water not only helps drop water weight (go figure) but also the stomach doesn't know the difference between hunger and thirst (or we learned to interpret it all as hunger)...often it is water we need, not food.)
You might also get in touch with a Naturopathic Physician, and/or a nutritionist.

DrJean, I am reading the Dead Doctors Don't Lie book -- VERY interesting! And, like he says, doctors don't cure diseases, which is true. I'm certain that nutrition is the foundation for good health. Dr. Wallach seems to have a lot of distributors, but I can't seem to find out where they're located. Odd.
Seeing a Naturopath since December 2015. Been quite the journey. Meditation, massage, whole foods, oils (olive/cod liver/flax are helpful for the skin and brain). Tons of fruit/vegetables (lowers cholesterol)...nearly no red meat; mostly fish/chicken. Variety of nuts. Green tea. Watch package labels. When I first got into this 10 years ago, the FDA allowed (at that time) 1200 "junk" items in food plus more approved not to label. Check out food babe online. My passion is nutrition. A huge help is magnesium, Vitamin C, D3, B12.

Look up leaky gut.
