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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2014
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Lots of pot lucks and new local restaurants and opportunities to munch, no more job or big house and yard to maintain. Put on a LOT of weight in the last 3 years. Doctor pointed out cholesterol levels and started making threats.

Got an app called Lose It and log every bite. I am down nearly 20 pounds in 2 months. Slow, but sure. Since DH pretty much eats what and when I do, he is losing weight, too. He's off blood pressure meds, now, which means that the little blue pills are working, again. (???)

What do you do about the change in food and exercise from stationary life?
I put this here because there did not seem to be any general health topic threads. Did I just missed it?
No, there's nothing like that here.

I've been using (off and on), the book + CD I Can Make You Thin by Paul McKenna.  The book is a fast read, and just tells you how it works, and gives a few tips.  The CD is the meat & potatoes of the concept.  You just lie down and turn it on for 25 minutes.  I listened to it daily for 3 months while I was working a stressful job, and didn't lose an ounce.  After I quit, I wasn't doing it, but it must have planted a bug in my brain, because 35 lbs just melted off.  The main problem with most diets is that many foods are forbidden, and that seems to trigger my 'need' for them.  McKenna's program has no Don'ts.  He just kind of reprograms your mind.  I think he's sold 9 million copies, the last time I looked.  I'm assuming that many of those are from referrals.  I need to get back on it, but my stresses from Real Life seem to get in the way.
The Lose It app lets me wat whatever I want as long as I log the calories. I can, and have, eaten tsiramisu cake for lunch. I do take a vitamin with it. Lose It seems to have a huge list of restaurant items and brand names that I like. It also has adjustable lists of common physical activities. It would be a lot easier if we were back in the house and I could go to the health club, but we aren't and I can't.
Gcal, there's always just plain walking. I need to remember that. I need to remember that. I need to remember that...
gcal said:
What do you do about the change in food and exercise from stationary life?

My food habits haven't changed much except now that I live in 'summer' weather year round, I don't crave those heavy 'winter' meals anymore - I eat more salads and can willingly skip the stews and casseroles.

BUT - I get way more exercise out here than I ever could in a S&B situation. Last winter I started walking for an hour each morning and got my butt in to much skinnier jeans inside of 6 weeks. Last summer I didn't put any of it back on but not walking every day hurt me in terms of stamina and fitness.

I'm back to walking an hour every day - do about 2.5 miles - I'm down another jean size again! Only a few more sizes to go.... :rolleyes:

Now if my friends would quit with the cookies and the treats... :angel:  (Don't y'all dare, those are my last bad habit... :p )
I've found getting a bacterial lung infection and bronchitis is an effective weight loss tool. I've been sick for three weeks and am down ten pounds!

But seriously, since my knee replacement I can't walk long distances anymore, so I got my bike outfitted with a cool pedal/crank thing that lets me ride more, so I do that, seems to help.

We're probably heading back to FL in the next few months, so like AT I tend to avoid heavy food in that hot climate. And we are outdoors constantly there as well.
What kind of pedal crank thing? I need both my knees replaced. I get it on the bronchitis. I don't think it's ever going away

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It's called an OrthoPedal, it allows you to pedal but not have to have the flexion to get all the way around.  After my surgery I only have 100 degrees of flexion, you need about 110-117 to ride a bike.
That's a neat trick!

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It really is!! Lets me ride just like a normal person.
Can I skip the infection and just ride my bike more?
Topic has nothing to do with gender, does it?

Not really, but there was no health or diet or exercise topic to put it on. Maybe the mods can create something like that.
I will be relying on the physical, outdoor work to keep me in shape. Just more physicality in my life, hauling water, gathering firewood, going hiking. That and farmer's markets, I can't wait to be in a climate where there are longer growing seasons and more farmer's markets!
Being here in the rain and the cold and the gloom makes me go into a state of hibernation. I know I have to get out soon, my body is starting to crave exercise.
Waldenbound: "Being here in the rain and the cold and the gloom makes me go into a state of hibernation."

Here in WA, I hear you!
This has been the most awful winter in years hasn't it? Constant threat of snow. Cold air coming in, not even a hint of spring temperatures. Incessant rain. I know a real Washingtonian is supposed to get outside whether it's raining or not, but I just can't do it.

Ugh, I need to take the van out and play today, with the heat turned up!
We have had a very mild winter here by Tampa, but we are in a bad park for any kind of physical activity. It is small, so there isn't much protected space to walk or bike. It is on a busy highway with lots of construction going on in a commercial, semi-industrial area where there is nothing to walk or bike to. There's small pool, but that does not appeal for a number of reasons. Mostly, I miss the peace of the desert and I am just bored.
I am beginning to think I have get less motivated, not more. The weight is coming off too fast. After only 25 pounds, my skin is getting a bit crepe-y. I know that at 70, I have lost a lot of elasticity, but there should still be some. I have to slow down and let the skin have a chance to catch up.