Getting Cozy

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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2014
Reaction score
Tacoma, Wa
Yesterday I installed the bed in my van. I created underbed storage for 4 totes and overbed storage for one small dog plus me!
It has rained and rained here for two days!
My van's needs and options for filling those needs rain down on me so fast I feel a bit overwhelmed. It is clear that I will need heat soon to dry out the interior of the van just to counter what I bring in on my shoes.

And I will need a cabinet along the driver's side wall to store more things such as the kitchen items and clothing.
Then window covering, then more propane, then more battery power....and the list grows.. while the rain falls.

I am excited about my new van home and Angus loves the freedom he has out here.

Tomorrow I will borrow a heater from my hosts so I can dry out my space while I move more stuff into my home. One thing at a time.
Sounds like you are off to a great start! Sorry about the rain but it sounds like you are coping really well with it!
don't panic...these are the first rains of the fall season. There's still a good Indian summer coming up that you can capitalize on.

but when it's here, ya better make hay while the sun shines!!!
I moved more stuff in today. Turns out, I have too much stuff! I bet you never heard that before. hahaha
I also cooked for the first time in my Van. Soup and a grilled cheese. Learning to sleep diagonally across the bed is harder for the dog than it is for me, but we are working through it. Tomorrow I will work on window covering and a privacy curtain and more organizing. I like a challenge and I like to stay busy. It's all good.
Sounds like you are a natural-born vandweller Alla! I think you are just about to enter the BEST time of your life!

For behind the drivers seat you might want to consider going to a thrift store and finding a good used dresser or even better a good used desk. I have a friend who found a very nice old roll top that went behind her drivers seat and she loves it! Lots of drawers and she cooks on the top. She put a cheap plastic lawn edging around the top and it became a very nice storage area.

Another cheap and easy choice is Sterlilite makes a very sturdy 4 drawer plastic drawer unit both my girlfriend and I have one. They are made for your garage so they are very strong. Walmart sells them for $60 but they are back in the hardware section not the housewares--they really are tough enough for a garage.
Bob, Thanks for the advice. I plan to go to Wal-Mart and get at least one of the Sterilite units for behind the driver's seat. And while I'm there I'll pick up an extreme cooler. Need to build in a dedicated kitchen unit very soon. I am not so excited about moving my stove all over the place to access food/equipment.
The rain has been relentless but tomorrow and the next day are supposed to be clear and warm! Woot! I am grateful for my cozy bed and the outrageously lovely land I am camped on right now. I am grateful the neighbors help with small projects and shore power for my computer while I continue to outfit the rig.
I am prioritizing RTR at QAZ in January! I will do everything I can to make it possible to be there but only if I can safely travel and prudently afford the trip. If you pray or an equivalent thereof~Please do so in my direction!
Having to move items isn't a major problem once you establish a routine. Everything in its place, take it out to use it, pack it back up and put it away right away. It will will take you a while to get things just as want them, as you experiment. No problem, just be patient.
Yup, took me 3 years. Now everything is *just right*

Keep it in mind, these are fun times; planning, building, organizing, etc.
Congrats on your new bed! Took me a couple years to get to the point where it's now cozy for me too. If I had to do it all over again, I would have done many things differently. My problem was buying way too much stuff all at once, and then trying to figure out how to fit a bunch of stuff into such a small space. Duh!! My other problem was buying redundant items and having to figure out which ones I didn't like to get rid of. If I had to start fresh, I would have slowed down and only get stuff that I really want instead of constant trial and error which gets costly. Oh well, it's all water under the bridge as the saying goes. Main thing is that I'm no longer paying rent...hah! :)
I am lucky I have flexible storage space so i can trade items if I need to. And I have loving places to park while I outfit my rig. therefore the trial and error is as it is, but I am able to manage it a little better because I have some "external scaffolding" helping me build my Dream Van!
I read the forums every day and I glean information from all of you. Thank you for posting and responding.

i bought a cheap desk at has 2 shelves and a small drawer. it makes for good storage and extra counter (im thinking of ripping out my actual counter i built). also makes a nice computer desk occasionally :p

ps: securing and reenforcement with l brackets recommended...
The more I read the forum and Bob's blog, the more convinced I am that I need a desk! Off to the thrift stores!
I am stumped on how to best cover my windows. I have a passenger van and I love the view when out in nature, but need stealth while in the city. I don't have the resources to try out a ton of ideas. My van still has the interior molding. I like being able to open the side and rear windows for ventilation. I am thinking about cling on dark tint and then adding black out curtains. Here's my question~Does reflectix show through tinted windows? My windows are fairly dark now, but I believe that visible Reflectix would make my van 'obvious".
Thanks for any advice.
Here's what I've done on my car conversion.


Black duvatyne held in place by magnets. Granted, duvatyne is not the best choice of fabric due to a lack of UV resistance, but if you have steel to attach the magnets, this concept could work for you if you find the right fabric.
stephson~ Thank you so much for the pic! It really helps! I have so many options to consider and ponder. and I have the kind of mind that likes to think about every possibility it can before implementing a real life strategy! And then I make several strategies!!!

Your PIC helps me so much!

Every one else please send pics and advice to save me $$ and time. I am new. I am willing to learn from your effort and guidance.

Thank you for forging a lovely path.

I use large size folding/collapsible shades for my front windshield for privacy. I also use a bunch of medium size folding/collapsible shades for my side bay windows, and I can still easily open the bay windows for air ventilation. The shades help block out the sun and provide privacy, but the van interior still gets very warm inside if it's warm and sunny outside.
WildTrappist said:
I am stumped on how to best cover my windows. I have a passenger van and I love the view when out in nature, but need stealth while in the city. I don't have the resources to try out a ton of ideas. My van still has the interior molding. I like being able to open the side and rear windows for ventilation. I am thinking about cling on dark tint and then adding black out curtains. Here's my question~Does reflectix show through tinted windows? My windows are fairly dark now, but I believe that visible Reflectix would make my van 'obvious".
Thanks for any advice.

Reflectix will show through tinted windows depending on light conditions. I have 5% tint with Reflectix on the inside, cut the shape of the window and depending on time of day or even at night if a car shines his lights the right way. Overall it's not too bad.
Thanks for the feedback. I think I will go with a cling on tint from Wal Mart and then add black out curtains. That seems best for my van and circumstances.

Mostly I have to look at a lot of options and think about it for a looooooong time before I act. Seeing what others have done really helps me and guides me! So grateful for all of the forums!

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