Funds Before Vandwelling, or Vandwelling Before Funds [split]

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Every time I hear tribe on this site I think pack!

Walk away Joni...just walk away...
LOVE the idea of a tribe, of having "my people" out there on the road. It's not for everyone and that's cool, some people want to walk away from the staus quo and others want to engage in it fully. I think the ones who fully engage in the consumer culture in this country are missing out; I imagine many of them think vandwelling is a ****** way to live.

Thankfully we live in a society where we can make a choice, we can disengage if we want to (even though the powers that be keep making it harder and harder). Bob's forum provides an incredibly valuable road map for those who want to make the leap, I'm ever thankful to have found it as I plug away at making my own leap.
No, AngryVanMan. They're not related. We're supposedto be discussing the subject at the beginning of the thread.

"RE: Funds Before Vandwelling, or Vandwelling Before Funds [split] "

labor Unions has nothing to do with that topic
Thanks Cyndi...

On that topic, I'd have to say funds while vandwelling just to be contrarian! But if we have to make a binary choice, I'd say option one in my best Forrest Gump voice, followed by "ahund thayuts awl eyes gawt tuh sah-yuh aboud dat!"
akrvbob said:
This was my response to gcal about her post number 1 in this thread. I said it in post number 3 above. I think it was reasonable and fair. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe it makes me an  awful person.

I'm willing to extend to you the courtesy of living any way you choose without criticism, but i'm not willing to  have you respond by telling me how wrong I am and only your way is right. My Sheep comment was in response to a post by another person I found very insulting. I do believe what I said, but I do regret having said it that way. I could have made my point in a less insulting manor. I'm ashamed to admit I intended to insult, something there is never an excuse for.  I sincerely apologize for that.

I am a person who gets riled up quickly and sometimes regrets my immediate response whether it's verbal or otherwise.  For me it depends on the situation.

Thank for you for this apology.  Sometimes we can't or are unwilling to say "I made a mistake".  In such a public forum I think it would be a very hard thing to say.  

 Personally when I know I've screwed up I sing a few lines of "Baby Did A Bad Bad Thing"

AngryVanMan said:
Are those last two posts (Cyndi & Bob's) related, or separate?  Are we not supposed to talk about only union jobs, or any jobs if they could be construed as career/american dream related in some way?  Sorry for the confusion, but I'd like to be on the same page of whatever playbook we're using here.

You can talk about anything you want--as long as you are polite. And it's on topic of the thread you're in.

I think Bob is right in his replies. He's even apologized for one of the ways his response came out and has let this thread to continue to move forward and everyone say their 2 cents in the process.

Whether the system has or hasn't worked for us, we're all here for a similar reason.........there's something about the "system" we do not like and we are looking to escape it. I worked hard in the system and the system treated me well, yet I still no longer wish to remain a part of it. I know there's a better way, probably more than one better way, but the mobile way seems best for me.

I also think this thread has gone off topic from the original debate. Which was you were either for someone taking off with out having the funds in place or you thought they should wait to take off until the funds are in place. If i'm not mistaken.........nobody thought someone should never take off but somehow that's where this thread evolved......where we are arguing which way of life is the better way of life. That of course is a personal decision.

How do we prevent certain treads from derailing......that I do not know.
akrvbob said:
I disagree, I think there are several people here who are saying "Be chained to the American Dream and anything else is a mistake." They are saying do whatever it takes to make it come true and if it hasn't then you just haven't tried hard enough. You're a slacker.

That is the exact opposite message of this website. 

The underlying message of this website is "The American Dream is giant lie and scam that is unbelievably destructive to everyone on it and to the planet as a whole." Abandon it like the sewer it is as soon as you possibly can--which is much sooner than you think. 

You will be better off, everyone else will be better off and the planet won't have to crush us like the toxic cancer we are.  

Notice, they get to say it over and over again--no matter how much I hate it. But every time you say it I'm going to tell you that you are wrong. I went through the birthing pains of creating this thing--I GET TO DETERMINE WHAT IT'S MESSAGE IS--NOT YOU!!

I still can't comprehend the incredible rudeness of going to someones website with the specific purpose of proving them wrong and yourself right. And then fighting with them at every opportunity and screaming "Censorship" even though you get to make your point every time (as long as you are polite about it). 

I can't figure out why you're here? There are two reasons that I can see 

1) You're a troll just wanting to fight and cause harm. But I don't believe that. I'm confident you sincerely believe what you are saying and honestly think you are doing everyone a good thing by warning them about my wrong message. That's the only reason I haven't banned you. I like you, you're good people and your motives are honorable. 
2) This is the best website you can find on the topic of living mobile. This I do believe. I'm continually stunned by how wonderful most of the people here are!!! Giving, caring, generous to the core of their being--it's truly amazing.

Do you ever wonder how a website built on such a (what you see as) a bad message can be so full of great people? Shouldn't the poison of a evil message only draw evil and bad people? 

Just the opposite a great message, has drawn great people! The message you are working so hard against has great fruit. Most RV sites are based on the evil message of the American Dream and so the fruit is generally bad. 

But, your missing the most important part of my message. It's not just that the American Dream is ****, it's that there is a better way and that better way is a life based on Tribal Mobile Living

The Tribal part of that is critically important and is the opposite of the American Dream. You guys want to be part of a tribe because that's what humans evolved to be. The American Dream hates a tribe and works to kill it

What you don't realize is that when you work for the American Dream, you work to kill the Tribe, the thing that draws and keeps you here no matter how wrong and abrasive I am.

I really hoxpe you will choose to embrace the tribe and at least stop fighting so hard for the thing that wants to kill it. 

Bob, you have screwed up. Your audience has expanded, against your meaning it to, and your site has become popular with people who do not entirely share your philosophy or attitudes towards society as it is.  It seems to be causing you stress. But we are still really good for ad revenue. Since your formula has been a success with this group, perhaps you might consider breaking the site into 2 sections and asking your users to register for either one group or the other. You could ensure the safe space for the people who you feel need that, and a separate section for other whose views are more economically conservative, and get the ad revenue off both sections.
ERLH wrote, "How do we prevent certain treads from derailing......that I do not know". impossible, I am good for a couple derails a day. lol. highdesertranger
akrvbob said:
I disagree, I think there are several people here who are saying "Be chained to the American Dream and anything else is a mistake." They are saying do whatever it takes to make it come true and if it hasn't then you just haven't tried hard enough. You're a slacker.

That is the exact opposite message of this website. 

The underlying message of this website is "The American Dream is giant lie and scam that is unbelievably destructive to everyone on it and to the planet as a whole." Abandon it like the sewer it is as soon as you possibly can--which is much sooner than you think. 

You will be better off, everyone else will be better off and the planet won't have to crush us like the toxic cancer we are.  

Notice, they get to say it over and over again--no matter how much I hate it. But every time you say it I'm going to tell you that you are wrong. I went through the birthing pains of creating this thing--I GET TO DETERMINE WHAT IT'S MESSAGE IS--NOT YOU!!

I still can't comprehend the incredible rudeness of going to someones website with the specific purpose of proving them wrong and yourself right. And then fighting with them at every opportunity and screaming "Censorship" even though you get to make your point every time (as long as you are polite about it). 

I can't figure out why you're here? There are two reasons that I can see 

1) You're a troll just wanting to fight and cause harm. But I don't believe that. I'm confident you sincerely believe what you are saying and honestly think you are doing everyone a good thing by warning them about my wrong message. That's the only reason I haven't banned you. I like you, you're good people and your motives are honorable. 
2) This is the best website you can find on the topic of living mobile. This I do believe. I'm continually stunned by how wonderful most of the people here are!!! Giving, caring, generous to the core of their being--it's truly amazing.

Do you ever wonder how a website built on such a (what you see as) a bad message can be so full of great people? Shouldn't the poison of a evil message only draw evil and bad people? 

Just the opposite a great message, has drawn great people! The message you are working so hard against has great fruit. Most RV sites are based on the evil message of the American Dream and so the fruit is generally bad. 

But, your missing the most important part of my message. It's not just that the American Dream is ****, it's that there is a better way and that better way is a life based on Tribal Mobile Living

The Tribal part of that is critically important and is the opposite of the American Dream. You guys want to be part of a tribe because that's what humans evolved to be. The American Dream hates a tribe and works to kill it

What you don't realize is that when you work for the American Dream, you work to kill the Tribe, the thing that draws and keeps you here no matter how wrong and abrasive I am.

I really hope you will choose to embrace the tribe and at least stop fighting so hard for the thing that wants to kill it. 

This is one of the points where I disagree with Bob to a point.  It is probably his definition of the American Dream.  I see what he is describing as the Rat Race. 

I have used this website for information, and support it in any way I can, because the knowledge here is needed in this society.  People need a way to survive when they cant keep up with the high pressures of the rat race. 

This is how I see things.  The American dream definition is different for almost everyone. 

(2 cars, 2 kids, 3 br house good job) 

The way it is similar is that people want to have control of their destiny.  

My version is having a home base where I can do what I want, a small underground house, someone to watch it, and a vehicle that gets great mileage.

Either way, people need a way to provide the basics for survival.
gcal said:
Bob, you have screwed up. Your audience has expanded, against your meaning it to, and your site has become popular with people who do not entirely share your philosophy or attitudes towards society as it is.  It seems to be causing you stress. But we are still really good for ad revenue. Since your formula has been a success with this group, perhaps you might consider breaking the site into 2 sections and asking your users to register for either one group or the other. You could ensure the safe space for the people who you feel need that, and a separate section for other whose views are more economically conservative, and get the ad revenue off both sections.

The hubris in this post is simply astounding.
Queen said:
The hubris in this post is simply astounding.

Maybe. There are some of us whose life experiences and attitudes towards work, business, corporate life, and society are very different than Bob's. Frankly, I think Bob is uncomfortable with these people. I don't think he meant to attract these people to his forum. I don't think he knows what to do with these people. But views are revenue. This forum and his books are a business, a successful one. He has more than a little bit of open contempt for this group, even while he is becoming one of them. That's ......insulting.
gcal said:
Maybe. There are some of us whose life experiences and attitudes towards work, business, corporate life, and society are very different than Bob's. Frankly, I think Bob is uncomfortable with these people. I don't think he meant to attract these people to his forum. I don't think he knows what to do with these people. But views are revenue. This forum and his books are a business, a successful one. He has more than a little bit of contempt for this group, even while he is becoming one of them.

I think your view of Bob, and the rest of the people on this forum who agree with him, is dismissive and fully indicative of many of the issues in the culture this site eschews.

But, as Bob says, if you can be polite about your views, you are free to post here.
I think advice on how to live on a limited income is a good thing. I think Bob and staff have done a good job at this. For one reason or another many find themselves in this position. Having a goal of having a limited income, is not so good. Nobody is going to look after your future welfare as much as you. If you also ignore your future, don't expect stellar results.

The young have the advantage of time, the old have the advantage of experience. I think everyone should be looking at where do I want to be in 5 years, and how do I get there. Even if your goal is a newer van, start building a plan to get there, and start following that plan. A low education and responsibility job usually means lower pay. If you want to drop out from society and achieve your goal with low pay, good luck.
To quote highdesertranger:
"let's talk insulation".

akrvbob said:
I think there are several people here who are saying "Be chained to the American Dream and anything else is a mistake."

I don't see that. Frankly I don't anyone IRL who thinks that, it's become a cynical cliche. Seems like reading into it too much or embellishing to make your point.

You will be better off, everyone else will be better off and the planet won't have to crush us like the toxic cancer we are.  

Wow, just wow. And I thought that was the kind of judgement reserved only for the gods. Or messiahs.

Notice, they get to say it over and over again--no matter how much I hate it. But every time you say it I'm going to tell you that you are wrong. I went through the birthing pains of creating this thing--I GET TO DETERMINE WHAT IT'S MESSAGE IS--NOT YOU!!

Okay then, it's your site. You seem really stressed. I didn't think everyone had to agree with all your positions to feel welcome. 
ya know i dont read every post or see the deleted post but from what i know TMG51 has always been respectful and not one to cause issues,i think Bob must of got him confused with someone else,like me

why am i here? because i want to be

why do i challenge what some say? well,i'm not a sheeple,i am not going to do what interweb people say without investigating it myself
i will take what Bob Wells says into consideration but will not follow blindly

bringing out the ban hammer when you dont agree with someone is no better then the system you rant about

now back to insulation
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