French trailer redefines slide-outs

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I watched a show and a guy built something similar, I am betting this came from the same concept.. I don't remember the name of the show at all

But that is pretty darn cool
Like most slideouts the air and weather seals would be the problems although I seem to remember one used 90 degree flush mount seals both when in and extended out.
Pretty cool. I’m a gadget person though.
It must be a pretty intense work-out to set the slide-outs up after you open it.
Since everything fits in the closed mode, then when it is closed it is unusable.
The video unfortunately does not show any of it. :-/
Just saying...
You would have to be extremely careful not to place anything in the areas that slide in...including bedding, or any items in closets. There would be a learning curve on how to prepare the camper to accept the slideouts coming back in after a long camping trip so nothing was in the way.

Really cool concept, but not real world practical !
I think it would work if I was going to sit in one place for a week or two.
Packing up and moving every few days would get old fast.

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