freedom's just an other word for nothing left to lose

Van Living Forum

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Aug 30, 2019
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New York
Hi.... my name is Dianne, I am a semi-retired Architect from the northeast. 
I recently pushed myself out of that stuck place that Bob talks about every so often, where you go around in circles trying to decide on a vehicle and end up going nowhere. So I just put a down payment on a Class B and I can't wait to get her on the road! I have great memories of exploring the US in an old Ford van when I was young. 
Sure, the engineer in me would love to finish a cargo van to my needs, but honestly I spent so much of my life working on construction sites and fixing up houses and apartments in my free time, my van represents freeing myself from that world. 
I am not very social and usually travel solo, but I am drawn to this community because of how you all help each other out. Looking forward to meeting some of you this winter!
me 5 pointz.jpg


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    me 5 pointz.jpg
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Welcome Dianne to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.
Wow what a cool photo Dianne!!! Hope you have lots of fun on your journeys. This forum is an amazing resource if you have any questions or need help with all things nomad! I'm not even a nomad, I just live in a van because I'm poor, and WISH I was a nomad. But I have two jobs that are stationary and no savings or retirement yet, so I have to stay in mostly the same place all the time. But still, this forum was the biggest help to me in my build, I got an old cargo van with no windows and I'm still working on building it out, but so many great tips and advice and support from this forum.
Simply getting out there is one of the better ways to know what makes you happy and what you need. In normal times just having a place to sleep comfortably in urban settings would be fine for many. Boondocking in remote areas requires some skills and specialized equipment that bicyclists and backpackers already have in most cases. The more you put yourself out there the easier it will be in most cases. Practice makes it better and easier. Good luck and welcome.
Vanilla - me too!
Bandaid - I admit that I am in a position of security now because I was part of the rat race for so long, but damn looking back at those years they do not feel like time well spent! Like me you are surviving without being dependent on anyone which is the difficult path to take but you will make it, just set set some goals for yourself and stay in the driver's seat of your life!!
Awesome, sounds like you're all set to make it happen.
Welcome to the CRVL Forum   :)

There are several of us here who are with artistic/creative backgrounds.  Surprised?
Mine was Industrial Design and I've worked in many other types of commercial art
endeavors too.   I think burn out comes to all of us in time and we have to withdraw
and refocus.  

I once read a piece by Mark Twain who lamented the plight of working men (early 1900's)
stating that with the advent of the Industrial revolution that they would not have a chance
to get away from their work and gain a new perspective.  Much of that owing to Fredrick Taylor
and the seniority system of Scientific Management.

Sometimes you have to just do something for yourself.   Look at all the different things Twain did in his lifetime.  Then look at some of these people who got a job in industry as soon as they left high school and retired at 65.  If they don't have something to do in retirement the insurance companies have statistics stating that they will likely die within 24 months.  So you have a chance now to fill some voids and get that new perspective.

Since you are getting ready to head out let me invite you to view the two links below. The bottom link may be of more use for you.  It is a portal of handy information that can help make your travels safer, more comfortable, and convenient.

If you travel into the south west there is an Architect who developed what he calls an Earthship house.  Don't know if you've heard of them, but if not it may be interesting to you.  His name is Michael Reynolds.

Good luck in your travels.

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