Fraternal Order of RV, Truck and Van Dwellers?

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2012
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I don't join organizations and I'm not about to join this one, but if one existed I think I'd be willing to scrape together $100 per year to contribute to it as a non-member.&nbsp; And that $100 for me would come with more difficulty than $1000 would for a lot of posters on this site, I suspect.<br /><br />My thought is, special interest groups and professions of all sorts have organizations, even unions looking out for their interests and intervening on behalf of them in some cases, when things happen to individuals that could spill over and happen to the rest of the people in the profession or group.<br /><br />Firearms enthusiasts have the National Rifle Association to keep track of attempts to regulate firearm ownership.&nbsp; Cops have their unions and organizations to insulate them from scrutiny and consequences in their jobs, firemen have their unions to protect and enhance their salaries and working conditions, AOPA originally was there to protect the interests of retirees and senior citizens, attorneys have theirs, physicians have the AMA union, engineers of every sort have their specialized groups, even ranchers have livestock growers associations to lobby to keep open range benefits and stronger punishments for cow theft.&nbsp; Teachers unions and strong organizations overseeing how teachers are treated in the workplaces.&nbsp; In Texas, even hunters have their groups.<br /><br />There are a lot of possible functions a strong arm of RV owners and Van Dwellers might be a help in, similarly to the way the AOPA used to work, getting special rates for members in travel, lobbying for SS protection, various insurance matters.<br /><br />But an RV Van Dweller organization contacting town mayors about local police abuses or harassment of&nbsp;people living in vehicles would be a voice with more volume than single, scattered cries from individuals.&nbsp; State and local laws in the making involving the status of vehicles-as-homes might be influenced.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /><br />A legal defense fund, and in some cases, just&nbsp;an emergency source of funds to get stranded people back on the road or help find them a place to park might be a function.<br /><br />Money for this type of activity is raised by raffles by a lot of those groups, and a blind eye is turned to questions of legality by enforcement authorities.&nbsp; It's not unusual to see and hear of all manner of items being raffled off regularly by groups.&nbsp; Around here it's hunting rifles, ATVs by the volunteer fire department, vehicles, camping equipment.&nbsp; I recall several raffles of new vehicles by a particular church in Albuquerque, and a&nbsp;donated vehicle being raffled by a Catholic&nbsp;church during festival at Jemez Springs.<br /><br />A lot of posters here might not have my particular aversion about joining organizations, some might even be organizers.&nbsp; Maybe this forum would be a place to plant the seeds.&nbsp; <br /><br /><br />
<p>I admit it's a somewhat long post and probably difficult to understand without reading it.</p>
ok u got me, I did feel I read the whole post but somehow missed the sentence with "if one did exist..."you had me going.....<br /><br /><br />I was like must be gypsys or something with a title of "FRATERNAL ORDER"&nbsp;
I suppose Gypsies, Tramps an Thieves was a possibility for a name, but people might think it was attorneys, cops, politicians, all manner of folks who don't live in vehicles.&nbsp; But I'm not married to the name I used to offer up the concept.
OK u gave me my chuckle for the day.... hihohiho, although it's rainy and damp I must rise and start my day!..... work starts at 10 on Sundays! giddyup!
An energetic younger person such as yourself might be just the one to organize, draft a constitution and by-laws, go through all the necessary legal maneuvering to get the thing started.
Jack....get up a little earlier and use google more to check your factoids....if you are going to offer up ideas for others to need to realize that AOPA is the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Assoc. and never really had much to do with any retired people other than some old mossback plane jockeys....<img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/rolleyes.gif" class="bbc_img" /><br /><br />Mwahahahaha......damn you are a frisky old pharte....<img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/comp.gif" class="bbc_img" /><br />bri
Sheeze Bri.&nbsp; Yeah, Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, and the Experimental Aircraft Association were a couple of the last organizations I dropped out of before I dropped out of the AARP, the National Floodplain Managers Association, American Association of Agricultural Engineers, etc.<br /><br />Sorry about that.
Startup money to kick the thing off could probably be raised right there at Q next month, seems to me.&nbsp; Find a van or an RV for the right price and raffle it off before the end of the RV show.&nbsp; I'd contribute a double sawbuck toward the purchase of the vehicle to be raffled off, my ownself.<br /><br />Heck, I'd even buy a ticket provided I didn't have to be present to win, didn't have to join, nor have anything else to do with the organization.
Haha, I am just kidding Jack.....not a bad idea at all, but it will have to do without this ol' idjit.....I might throw a couple of bucks toward a van raffle tho....just for kicks....<br />Bri
It's my personal opinion that the majority of van dwellers/fulltimers are not "joiners." And not to reinvent the wheel, there is AAA which does a lot of lobbying in the politcal ring. Other clubs like Escapees, LOWs, WINs and even those who follow/write blogs take care of their own in various ways. Also, Good Sam's and some of the other camping clubs offer some of the things you mention.
Someone suggested forming such a group about a year or so ago. Just about everyone felt and thought the same thing about it. No one here really wants to be a part of something like that, and that there aren't enough people doing this. At the very least there aren't enough people who like the idea enough to reach the boiling point of creating one.<br /><br />
Steve and Cyndi:&nbsp; Whatever.&nbsp; I'd imagine&nbsp;lots of reasons not to do it can be found.&nbsp; I've got no interest in doing it or joining it, as I've indicated.&nbsp; I just happen to think it's needed, is all, though I couldn't care less whether someone does it.&nbsp; And would be willing to throw in a few bucks to see it happen.<br /><br />Bri:&nbsp; Yep, this old idjit too.<br /><br />Wonder how the NRA ever got started with all the reasons not to have an organization doing what it does.&nbsp; That and the AARP, too.
josephusminimus said:
Wonder how the NRA ever got started with all the reasons not to have an organization doing what it does.&nbsp; That and the AARP, too.
<br /><br />I'd say "google it", and read between the lines in whatever you find. Somewhere in there is the truth.<br /><br />
Some people might consider this a very good reason<br /><br /><div><table style="font-family: 'Times New Roman';" width="600" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" align="center"><tbody><tr><td class="text2" style="font-size: x-small; line-height: 15px; list-style-position: outside; list-style-type: square; color: #474747; text-align: left;" bgcolor="#cc0000" width="242"><strong><span style="color: #000000;">Name &amp; Title</span></strong></td><td class="text2" style="font-size: x-small; line-height: 15px; list-style-position: outside; list-style-type: square; color: #474747; text-align: left;" bgcolor="#cc0000" width="242"><strong><span style="color: #000000;">Organization</span></strong></td><td class="text2" style="font-size: x-small; line-height: 15px; list-style-position: outside; list-style-type: square; color: #474747; text-align: left;" bgcolor="#cc0000" width="92"><div align="right"><strong><span style="color: #000000;">Top Salary*</span></strong></div></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="text2" style="font-size: x-small; line-height: 15px; list-style-position: outside; list-style-type: square; color: #474747;" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" height="41"><strong><span style="color: #000000;">&nbsp;</span></strong></td><td class="text2" style="font-size: x-small; line-height: 15px; list-style-position: outside; list-style-type: square; color: #474747;" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" height="41"><strong><span style="color: #000000;">&nbsp;</span></strong></td><td class="text2" style="font-size: x-small; line-height: 15px; list-style-position: outside; list-style-type: square; color: #474747;" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" height="41"><strong><span style="color: #000000;">&nbsp;</span></strong></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="text2" style="font-size: x-small; line-height: 15px; list-style-position: outside; list-style-type: square; color: #474747;" height="40"><strong><span style="color: #000000;">Wayne LaPierre, Executive VP/Ex-Officio</span></strong></td><td class="text2" style="font-size: x-small; line-height: 15px; list-style-position: outside; list-style-type: square; color: #474747;" height="40"><strong><span style="color: #000000;">National Rifle Association &amp; Foundation, respectively</span></strong></td><td class="text2" style="font-size: x-small; line-height: 15px; list-style-position: outside; list-style-type: square; color: #474747;" height="40"><div align="right"><strong><span style="color: #000000;">$970,300</span></strong></div></td></tr></tbody></table></div><br /><strong><span style="color: #000000;"></span></strong>
#17<br /><br />Others might just look inside their closets, feel under their pillows read their own bumper stickers and think nothing's fair in life, but there's still something in the closet, under the pillow, still a bumper sticker that refers to something real in their lives.
I am going to attempt to draw an analogy here.&nbsp; Bear with me.&nbsp; Most mountain climbers climb as a team.&nbsp; This ensures greater access to survival tools, manpower and assistance when you get into trouble.&nbsp; The downside is that you are dependent on [and responsible for] others as well as for yourself and you must accept the decisions of the team leader.&nbsp; A few climb solo.&nbsp; Their survival rate is lower but they are responsible only for their own success and survival.&nbsp; <br /><br />Most of us, it would seem, like the benefits but not the commitment required of groups and organizations.&nbsp; Our government, for good or for ill,&nbsp; is run by organizers.&nbsp; Because most of us are not directly involved with the governing of our towns, cities, counties states or nation, we allow the organizers a free hand.&nbsp; When I did political action organizing back in the 60's, I learned early on that most people are unwilling to commit to the hard work involved.<br /><br />My point:&nbsp; Most of us here are probably introverts who prefer solitude to group activity.&nbsp; But what rights we enjoy in our town, city, county, state and nation cannot be taken for granted.&nbsp; While we may not want to form an organization, <em>per se</em>, we should make the effort to be aware of legislation, ordinances, etc. that will affect our chosen lifestyle and make our views known to our elected representatives.&nbsp; Remember:&nbsp; The rights we enjoy today are a result of someone else's commitment and effort.