For those planning to join this lifestyle....

Van Living Forum

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user 29855

Well-known member
Nov 19, 2020
Reaction score
Would anyone be interested in a forum for those who are planning to join our lifestyle(s)? For example, an individual or couple who have reached the decision to "do this" and could use some direction during the transition period. How do plan finances, purchases (Don't buy that set of delicate wine glasses, they probably won't last long in your van.)

Would anyone be interested in a forum for those who are planning to join our lifestyle(s)? For example, an individual or couple who have reached the decision to "do this" and could use some direction during the transition period. How do plan finances, purchases (Don't buy that set of delicate wine glasses, they probably won't last long in your van.)

All of that and more is right here... let alone the scores of YT videos...
Would anyone be interested in a forum for those who are planning to join our lifestyle(s)? For example, an individual or couple who have reached the decision to "do this" and could use some direction during the transition period. How do plan finances, purchases (Don't buy that set of delicate wine glasses, they probably won't last long in your van.)

What's wrong with posting on cheaprvliving? You're already here, after all...
its here and on other forums, a new one won't be better unless ya got that giant Advert and more attraction and all to overtake all the forms that ARE established. just my thoughts, seems like alot of work for no traffic to find ya unless one goes ALL IN with massive hit appeal so.....wouldn't be my path cause again, there are alot of forums that do just this and are attractive and have visability right now. Unless ya offer something SO diff. and unique I think it all 'been done' on the net darn near.

red cups work better than wine glasses all the time. on the road or for alot of us in real life too HAHA
Preaching to the choir is a phrase that comes to mind. You will find many thousands of postings on this forum from many years that already address everything you asked about. You may use the search function to verify that the information you are suggesting is already here right at all the forum members fingertips ready to access at will.

This forum was started by Bob Wells to spread the word of how to haveva different way of living to give people needing advice for an alternative way of life that was affordable even on a small income. Although he has sold this forum to another group the spirit of his teaching others how to do that still lives on in this forum's members. There has always been a good sized number of members here who are not yet living in vans, RVs, cars etc who come here to ask for such advise. There are a good sized number of members who have transitioned and are sticking around to offer their experience on what has worked or not worked for them.

Of course if you want to start a new forum this is also a good place to do background research as to what will be the most asked questions.
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...a forum for those...planning to join our lifestyle(s)...use some direction during the transition... plan finances, purchases...

I predict ten thousand tire-kickers and lookee-loos for each follow-through.
You asked.
Instead, I suggest:
* walking a RecreateVehicle park or resort, chatting with owners of rigs they are considering
* join a caravan of experienced travelers.
And my preference:
* acquire a likely candidate
* toss in some car-camping gear
* go have fun.
Take up harmonica, quit them tuba lessons.
Perhaps the struggle is the in between space. If you have so little that van life is just another pick up n go adventure, heck, why not. If you have so much that you can straddle the fence and live two lives, not such a risk either. But when you've got just enough to have everything to lose ...
There is even a forum for those that don’t like this forum. ( or some of the rules)

Ask away as the moderators will make sure that the advance you receive is safe.

Just remember. You asked. Nobody made you do anything.