For Those folks who don't celebrate Christmas

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The sacrifices and bacchanals were successful! The sun is moving up into the sky again.
yes,happy winter solstice,the forces of light have defeated dark once again,for 3 days the sun laid dead in the sky and now has risen again

hmm.where have i heard that before?
Tallahassee, Florida's capitol building replaced their usual satanic display for the Christmas Holiday (sorry, atheists, this IS it's holiday name!) with the gay festivus pole (their name for it, don't blame me!).
Sometimes I am convinced Earth has become Bizarro World.
LeeRevell said:
Tallahassee, Florida's capitol building replaced their usual satanic display for the Christmas Holiday (sorry, atheists, this IS it's holiday name!)

Not if you worship Mithras. Jesus was a copy cat.
I understand you all are having some fun with the festivus thing (Seinfeld did).

On the other hand, there are Hanukkah and Kwanzaa celebrations this time of year that have real and varied traditions (some longer than Christianity).

So just a reminder that there is a reason that "happy holidays" has become popular -- it is inclusive of others and does not "assume" everyone you greet is Christian. Yes, I definitely acknowledge Christmas Day which is appropriately called Christmas. LOL :)
Hell,they were all made up by someone at sometime.That's fine by me.I'm all in favor of anything that brings joy to people.
All holidays are made up. They all evolve over time, too. Celebrate whatever you wish and try not to get offended when someone else makes a different choice.

I just know this time of year as the one where my solar panel can't keep up with my video games and the roads are full of stressed out shoppers.
Someone has to be #1 on the naughty list !!!! :rolleyes:
dhawktx said:
I celebrate anything that's fun. I skip Lent.

I know a few religious events that might qualify as fun, but the officials outlawed these activities in certain historical societies because it promoted behaviors they saw as indecent. :dodgy:
Eat, drink, and keep track of your blood sugar.  :angel:

Last year I watched a dog for my ex inlaws.  I ate KFC Chicken pot pie, and had a nice quiet day.  

This year I am with a couple of my kids.  The tree is a Rosemary bush, and we will have a ham, turkey, and lasagna.  (One a day for the next 3 days. )  Next week on the road!
Since my elderly Mom is ailing we are having a very low-key holiday.  Sister and BIL come today (Christmas Eve) for a dinner of Lasagna and Green Bean Cassarole.  They don't like turkey or ham.  A little gift-giving.  Simple and low stress.

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