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max+sophia said:
Yes, and a group of Christians forming a study group is pretty much the same thing as finding a church, is it not? "Where 2 or 3 are gathered together"
That's definitely a great suggestion for sure.  I was referring to your comment about this forum's policy to not discuss religion or politics being in question, because it's not being discussed in a religious context.  The subject, as I presented it is allowed and is evidenced in the other thread that John linked to where mods had to delete posts that mocked van lifers who attend church.  

I started this thread with the simple intention of asking other Christians how they fulfill this need in their life while they're on the road.  I'd like it to stay on topic please.  Thanks.  If people don't like the topic, it would cause less problems if they simply refrained from it.
Jack said:
I started this thread with the simple intention of asking other Christians how they fulfill this need in their life while they're on the road.  I'd like it to stay on topic please.  Thanks.  If people don't like the topic, it would cause less problems if they simply refrained from it.

Sorry Jack, I guess my thoughts were out of line.  I'll unsubscribe. :)
Happy to report that we've begun page 5 without the need for a moderator's gavel, very nice. Well I'm off, someplace to go :)
Jack said:
Religion isn't being discussed though.  It's being kept in context with van life on the road and how Christians fulfill this part of their lives.  Finding a church to attend is in the same context as finding a place to park or camp.  It's still a part of van life for those who want to attend churches.
Hey Jack, my personal feeling is that "everyone has a Right to make their own choices ... about Everything".

And belief is one of these issues. However, what you need to realize is that some statements are seen as **extremely** divisive by many people, and therefore may elicit bad reactions - even if YOU do not see them as being divisive. We're all adults here, and have had very different experiences in life. I could start a thread about "Wanting to Meet Other Devil Worshippers on the Road", even if I'm not one, but such a thread would be totally inappropriate for this forum. 

See how divisive works. 

For reference, I have studied religion all of my life, but don't wish it to discuss it on this forum. This forum is about the hows of "cheaprvliving", see the URL.

That being said, let me suggest where I think you may have elicited some anti-feelings. In your initial post, I would say that the following part of your first paragraph posted was probably ok, but the rest of your initial post got way way too "personal". Go back and read what you wrote. Talking about the mechanics of attending services is one thing, talking about your personal religious feelings is something else. I hope you will NOT respond to this post, but rather think about what I am saying (Matthew 6). 
Do you ever attend services at a local church in the area you happen to be in?  Personally, this is something I'm really excited to do each week!  Sitting at home for 15+ years as a hermit, listening to sermons on YouTube from pastors around the country (as well as the world) has me very eager to visit the churches I've been "attending" online for years!
Responding to the original post about the activity of attending church on the road...

I grew up in a family of preachers; my dad, both of my grandfathers, a great-grandfather, and three uncles were ministers in the Methodist faith. And growing up in the 50s and 60s, my family took long, 3-4 week car-camping vacation trips all over the country. Some years 2 or 3 or even 4 of our families; aunts, uncles, and cousins, would travel together or meet up to all camp together. Lots of fun with families with lots of kids.

On Sundays on those vacation trips everyone got cleaned up and dressed in their best/cleanest vacation clothes and headed to church at a local Methodist church that my dad and uncles had researched. Some of the churches were small and rural so I’m sure we made quite a spectacle. And to have a number of visiting clergy in the congregation was an event in itself. My dad and uncles were the only ones in church who would sing out the hymns and recite the litanies from memory, and one of my uncles loved to sing loud, he would belt out the hymns at a powerful volume! 

Many years later at family reunions we reminisce with fond memories of those trips and our vacation Sunday church visits.
People are interesting! Without Posts like this, life would be a bore (not a boar) ...That would be exciting! Cheers  ;)
Jack said:
Please don't assume things about me either.  When we assume things, we're usually wrong.  Best wishes and no hard feelings, John!
Same here, I believe you are wrongly assuming I was writing about you. But I may be wrong.

I completely agree it's best to simply ignore postings that irritate or bore you.

But fact is many don't, and even here a thick skin holds many rewards.
QinReno said:
I could start a thread about "Wanting to Meet Other Devil Worshippers on the Road", even if I'm not one, but such a thread would be totally inappropriate for this forum. 

Why would you think that?

I would hope not!

Just don't participate if you think so.
John61CT said:
Just don't participate if you think so.
There are dozens of different religions, dozens of different gods, and several 1000 differing forms of christianity, all with somewhat different belief systems. History shows that the two single most divisive issues in 5000 years of recorded history are religion and various political/state entities. 

What if everybody from every different sect started posting about how they want to meetup with others who "believe likewise" as they do? This forum would devolve into chaos. It should be obvious.
It certainly would start dividing people into "in groups" and "out groups," something that can start small but quickly turn people against each other, and in a really deep, serious, and lasting way.

That's such a commonplace tendency of human nature that it doesn't take much to get it started. That one bad apple that spoils the barrel is not a rare one. If the forum were to bet against something, it wouldn't be wise for it to bet against human nature.
I think it's clear what the guidelines are above to allow such discussions.

Let's not talk **about** them any more.

Anyone can start a new thread, Wiccan or Quaker, Mormon, Hindu, Baptist or Scientologist, Catholic, Muslim or Unitarian.

If you have friendly constructive contributions, post a response.

If not, stay out of it, and all is well.
I get so used to fresh air! I would love an outdoor sermon! One time I got all ready for church and got there, opened the door and almost retched right there at the threshold! It smelled so bad like a lot of halitosis exhalation and I just stood there staring at the door for awhile then put my tail between my legs turned around and went away..???????
Speaking on "I would love...", I'd love to find a local service that included this form of celebration... No sitting still here now
Jack said:
Do you ever attend services at a local church in the area you happen to be in? 
(snip) And to fellowship with like-minded brothers and sisters in Christ will be outstanding!

This is another huge aspect of van life that I crave and look forward to big time - seeking to know God more intimately.  
Sure, I could (and do) do that now, but it's harder with so many demands on your time and attention;
in all the noise of life.  What a blessing to be able to get away from most of that to just be with Him and grow in Him!
Since age 4 I started becoming aquainted with 'God' iow some time of 'being with Him'.
Such a successful relationship is quite possible, & enjoyed...
no matter what external circumstances: on foot, tent-dwelling, in a vehicle, in a house, out in space, or what have you.
re "like-minded brothers & sisters in Christ" ? . as He says.. Too many are merely hearers of Truth, not doers.
Tho few & far between, doers can be found & friendships made & enjoyed as well, & in places you least assume possible.

I wish you the deepest & most profound :) joys...
rm.w/aview said:
 What are you basing this comment on?
Hundreds of visits, used to work with non-profits supported by interfaith groups, rotated through area churches / meetings / temples / mosques several times a week.
rm.w/aview said:
Thanks for replying to the 2nd of two of my questions :)
No worries. If the 1st was important to you feel free to PM me. If I ignore it, let it be.

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