For Christian Van Dwellers...

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I don't even identify as being a part of any major religious denomination, and I got shot down here just for mentioning the word "spiritual," which shocks me. I am shocked because usually people I talk to are open to fruitful discussions. I believe the mistake people make is trying to change other people. I learned the hard way a long time ago not to try to change people. There is a time and place for confrontation, but not necessarily here on this forum, and I wasn't confronting anyone. Nor did I feel the need to, but I got shot down anyway.

All I wanted to do was open up a conversation about various spiritual and/or religious reasons people would downsize and live with a lot less than what society would "expect," and I don't know if it was the way I proposed my idea for the discussion or what exactly...

But I didn"t expect for so many people to be offended.

I've long but been immersed in not only biblical but philosophical quests that people take that I believe can help them find the answers they seek.

I didn't expect for so many people on this forum to be against this.


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I see very little negativity.

Just say what you want to say, if the mods see anything "against the rules" they'll deal with it.

Stating what you find helpful should be fine.

Putting down anyone's beliefs, or trying to "convert" people to your own personal POV, is not.

John61CT said:
Putting down anyone's beliefs, or trying to "convert" people to your own personal POV, is not.


I know for a fact I did not do this. I was the one who got ripped to shreds for merely proposing a discussion -- just asking permission to have this kind of discussion before even expressing any opinions at all, and it was countered with at least a few hateful replies that I felt were highly unnecessary.

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I will also add that just because I brought up "spirituality" or even "religion" for that matter means that I have "arrived" or something. It was simply supposed to be a conversation meant to keep my mind off every unfavorable circumstance I am facing right now. Is that really too much to ask?

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I would be happy to discuss the Bible and Biblical Christianity by PM.  Maranatha
JuliaAnne2018 said:
I know for a fact I did not do this. I was the one who got ripped to shreds for merely proposing a discussion -- just asking permission to have this kind of discussion before even expressing any opinions at all, and it was countered with at least a few hateful replies that I felt were highly unnecessary.

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Umm ... I saw every post, AFAIK.  

You started a discussion and got feedback.  That's precisely what's supposed to happen.  

There was no thunder and lightning, very little drama.  

Sometimes people aren't going to agree, but that's what makes it open discussion.  And that's specifically what a forum is for.

Hate is a very, very big word.  It needs to be used sparingly.
I haven't gone 'nomad' yet but while traveling I have visited a variety of churches. People have been welcoming and they have been good experiences.
Saying that you enjoy visiting different churches is nothing more than discussing a activity. Adding in that you feel mocked, persecuted for not being allowed to discuss your religion or calling the mods non believers simply because they enforce the rules of the forum takes it to a different level and is disruptive. It is the reason many forums do not wish religion and politics to be discussions. A moderator might be deeply religious but that doesn't mean they can change the rules.
jimindenver said:
Saying that you enjoy visiting different churches is nothing more than discussing a activity. Adding in that you feel mocked, persecuted for not being allowed to discuss your religion or calling the mods non believers simply because they enforce the rules of the forum takes it to a different level and is disruptive. It is the reason many forums do not wish religion and politics to be discussions.  A moderator might be deeply religious but that doesn't mean they can change the rules.

Amen.  :angel:
I didn't want to say this publicly but some people don't get private messages....

I will say that I hope to continue to be a part of these forums for the practical educational value of it and maybe for the few nice people I met on here.

However, to me, it was hurtful and embarrassing most of all to be told right in front of everyone on here that discussions about religion/spirituality "bring out the worst in people" -- which I don't believe is true if discussed respectfully -- and I didn't even get into any religious topics on here.

All I did was make a suggestion that had nothing to do with any denomination or religion and I just couldn't believe the negative reactions I got.

I never in my lifetime got met with such opposition for merely making a suggestion.

But part of it is that although I have met some nice people on here, I also was barely even a member on this forum but 24 hours and got slammed by someone who has no idea who I am at all.

I was shocked, appalled and disappointed because Bob seems to be so nice, encouraging, and helpful in his videos but that is not the feeling I got from some of you.

Too much negativity at a time in life when I just don't need it.

I won't and haven't been saying as much lately for fear of being shot down or criticized every time I open my mouth.


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Oh and I should add the initial slamming was just in reference to a topic about air conditioning. Not religion. So I don't think it matters what the topic is. Communicating in a way that is less hurtful is what brings out the best not the worst in people nothing to do with the topic being discussed.

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I think you are free to post whatever you like, you now have good guidelines, but those that don't like to see any spiritual stuff may well comment.

Just like those that hate / love guns, or women's issues, or climate change.

That reaction is way too sensitive, such comments are certainly not "ripping you to shreds", just normal back and forth, do not expect all people to be so polite, certainly not supportive if they disagree.
Sometimes things get mashed up way too easily, especially when we let emotions get involved. Disagreeing is not being unsupportive, and neither one is being impolite.

And of course it works the other way too -- agreeing with someone is not necessarily being supportive. Certainly nobody ever got useful or interesting feedback from "yes men" or other enablers. If anything, those kind of people will fly you right into the ground. Your friends are often the ones who stand up to you.

This is the internet. Honest reactions will be forthcoming.
I'm certain that the Church at Witch Well would welcome visitors as well. They are non-denominational and hold services on Saturday's at 4 pm.
This is in Witch Well Arizona South of I-40 at the Sanders Exit off 191 at mile marker 345.
Jack said:
Do you ever attend services at a local church in the area you happen to be in?

Yes and in some State Parks or Campgrounds there has also been the Chapel In The Woods.

John61CT said:
Can we park overnight there, if just a couple weeknights per week?
rm.w/aview said:
What do you drive/live in?

If I may be so forward, my curiosity remains.
max+sophia said:
I notice that this forum, which states "no religion and no politics" now has two forums
"changing church attendance locations on the road" and
this one "For Christian Van Dwellers"

Here's an idea, if a Christian is camping where other Christians may be found, try a Sunday Study.  The Bible has no religion, and can be studied endlessly. Maranatha.
Religion isn't being discussed though.  It's being kept in context with van life on the road and how Christians fulfill this part of their lives. Finding a church to attend is in the same context as finding a place to park or camp. It's still a part of van life for those who want to attend churches.
John61CT said:
I think you are free to post whatever you like, you now have good guidelines, but those that don't like to see any spiritual stuff may well comment.

Just like those that hate / love guns, or women's issues, or climate change.

That reaction is way too sensitive, such comments are certainly not "ripping you to shreds", just normal back and forth, do not expect all people to be so polite, certainly not supportive if they disagree.
While that's true that people who don't like the subject can certainly reply, I don't see why they'd want to.  Just because they "don't like to see any spiritual stuff" doesn't mean they have the right to restrict others from their right to talk about it.  

General etiquette still says that if you don't like something, don't read it.  No one is forced to read it or respond.  I hate sports so, as a rule, I don't read sports threads or even respond to them when they pop up randomly.  I wouldn't expect others to not like, talk about, or enjoy sports just because I don't.  When people who don't like religion pop into religious threads to say so, who is the one causing problems and stirring things up?  

If you think my reaction was over-sensitivity, just remember:  You don't know me.  You don't know my experiences.  You can think whatever you like and that's fine.  But it doesn't mean that you're right.  I apologized and explained my reaction according to my experiences while respecting your input and admitted to wrongly assuming your intentions. Please don't assume things about me either.  When we assume things, we're usually wrong.  Best wishes and no hard feelings, John!
Jack said:
Religion isn't being discussed though.
Yes, and a group of Christians forming a study group is pretty much the same thing as finding a church, is it not? "Where 2 or 3 are gathered together"
Jack said:
Religion isn't being discussed though.  It's being kept in context with van life on the road and how Christians fulfill this part of their lives. Finding a church to attend is in the same context as finding a place to park or camp. It's still a part of van life for those who want to attend churches.

Agree and this is how I viewed your first post, within the context you just described.

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